Let me be frank here in homosexuals who are now demanding Obama and his NeoProgs on both sides of the aisle to dump them into the Village People for political payback, that if they gave a damn about serving these United States, they would have shut the hell up about being defined about where their sexual choices took them, and put the Uniform of these United States first as that is what the military is.
The military is designed not for making blacks equal to whites, not about making girls think they are men and not about a place where out of place gays can join to validate perversion.
The military has one purpose and that is to slaughter people in mass numbers while destroying property of another people i order so your side will be alive and have a plough to breed a new generation and feed them from that plough.
I have some advice for all service men and women concerning this open gay policy and that is for them to all to immediately resign from the military under conscientious objection status. Every real Soldier should stand down and refuse the policy from combat to those guard units spending more time gang banging than being moral.
Let Obama fight his wars and the Pentagon in these sham "polls" carry out the Obama mission with everyone but those few Obamites and gays.
Unless the American Soldier stop this from the ground up, this is going to get everyone of you killed, period.
Only this blog has covered the historical consequences of what having blacks shoved into the military in mass. For the facts in Korea, the blacks would hang back and leave the white Soldiers to be shot. In Vietnam, we saw the Colin Powell idiocy or the numerous frag dope heads murdering the command structure.
I know for a fact a neighbor girl spent the majority of her time in Iraq on her back, servicing around 40 men in her sector. I know of the adultery of black non coms on white wives in the Air Force in England and I know of the fornication in the Ohio guard units.
So in World War II, when the military command was warning American Soldiers TO NOT F*CK FRENCH WOMEN AS THEY HAD BLACK GENETICS IN THEIR BACKGROUND to keep Soldiers on warfare and not on French whores, the military functions when it has one purpose of fighting a war to win that war.
Each time the United States military has incorporated some social order, American Soldiers ended up dead in huge numbers.
No one wants to remember the numerous female soldiers who ended up pregnant right before Gulf War I, and those babies were not from their husbands, but from service studs finding a hole to fill so women could get out their duty.
Bastards, murder by cowardice and now Obama with Wes Clarke in political engineering wants to put perverted overt sex as the defining characteristic of a United States Soldier. That is a recipe for the American military being absolutely defeated in Eurasian wars, and each of you reading this waking up to an invasion in the Gulf Coast or Alaska coming soon.
Now this might dawn on you on the coasts as Chinese and Russians raping you and your dog might not seem that great of a deal followed by their ramming their bayonet into you, and for the fact it is not.
You though of the interior have not quite figured out that all those New York and California liberal trash in the millions are going to come fleeing into your states for a million times larger repeat of the Bush evacuation of New Orleans.
Oh you remember that in Denver in having rapists, murderers and drug dealers showing up in your community to destroy it?
It all starts hitting home and this outrage should be something which Americans should comprehend.
As I stated, if these sodomites and soddenites cared about America, they would shut their mouths and serve as Soldiers, but this is about social engineering and when that happens just as dumping blacks in mass and women who do not want to be in the military, extremely bad things happen in your best American boys come home in flag draped caskets.
Do not fall of the fallacy this is about gays wanting to serve America. This is about gays in the alienation of their sexual choice desiring to be a part of something and having that military validate them. Their first priority is sex and if it were not they would be defining themselves as Soldiers and not as homosexuals.
You can not choose being born a race. You can choose who you crawl into bed with.
No one ever wants to examine the reality of how many fine Americans were deprived of their lives by this social trash dumped into the military, because if one does not examine the reality of dead Americans, then all of this putting minorities who didn't want to be there, putting baby makers into positions they found on their back was easier to serve than their duty and this gay sex partner groups in units destroying the US military at it's core or corp.
For that, every Soldier should stand down on moral issues, as that is what thee military code is based on Officers and Gentlemen.
Let Obama fight his wars, let Wes Clarke cuddle with Colin Powell...........let the social engineers die for their country, so American can get back their God given Nation.
You children either end this now or it will end you which means the end of America.
nuff said.
Come on people now
Smile on your brother
Everybody get together
Try and love one another now
What a load of bullsh*t you folk artists dumped on America in it is past time you take the blame for all the Americans you got murdered in Vietnam.