Is there a difference between Neville Chamberlain signing over eastern Europe to Hitler and Barack Obama signing the same region over to Putin?
In their careers, Hitler had hardly done any more than Putin in a few bashing about of the folks, while being quite charming as Vladamir is, but my how time changes the vanishing point view from a fast forward of just what is the tipping point which spirals all into the vortex of no return.
Europe has been set up as the world has been staged by the central European dynasty whose money cartel in the Rothschilds have rewarded China and Russia while bankrupting the west, as the far west is the competitor to the central European feudal system.
The one question which the puppy press will never ask in America of Europe is the one which needs to be asked from California, to Ireland, to Spain, to Greece to Hungary.
That is the answer provided here long ago in pointing out that money just does not disappear.
What say I what eh?
America sends 1 trillion dollars to the Muslim oil mafia which puts it into central European banks for usury and their control, which leaves an immense debt for America, an immense asset for Islam and an immense leverage control for Europeans.............but the point is, that money looked upon as debt in the west, is really not gone, as it exists somewhere, just like all those trillions Obama looted from America, and all those trillions "spent" in Ireland, Greece, Spain and Hungary.
The point being, all of you debtor peoples who have been ripped off by this balance of trade high piracy commodity prices, your money is still out there in Europe, held by the cartels and in part rewarding China and Russia with paupers wages to play their key roles of horde slave labor and mob armies to control and protect the bank accounts of the Rothschilds.
What one has to factor in is just as Hitler was a minority controlling a majority, the same Rockefellers in America doing the Soros bidding for the Rocthschilds in their minority Obama subverting all American culture and law, that when a group is a feudal lordship of the few, they do not have the ability to invade to overthrow the masses, because of sheer numbers as the French Revolution proved.
What is required are staging events and that is what Europe is ripe for. With the assets of the outer limits competitors now all amassed inside the cartel banks after a generation looting and accelerated under B. Hussein Obama, money is not the factor of control, but poverty controls the outlying masses.
Chaos as in these staged student revolts in London are a mirror of the same Tavistock Beatles brainwashing of the grubby 1960's perverts of America overthrowing American culture in their protests.
Europe is a caste of people who respond effectively to iron fist tyrants. I will reveal something here which will put the "always experts" to an exposure of how ignorant they are.
Hitler, Mousellini and Stalin were not created by economic difficulties, but were gladly welcomed by the Europeans because in their genetics they adore pompous brutal thugs. It is why the slick of Bill Clinton and Barack Obama was embraced by the left in America, and why Putin is the charm of Russia, in the liberal mind is always wanting a savior to cut the corners to give a feeling of empowerment to their weak followers of the Letterman cocktail crowd.
What the Rothschild cartel needs is rather basic. They need something to terrify the masses, rally to a central charismatic, and some knock about wars of trivial pursuit to give those masses the ego boost that they are supermen.
Islam provides a ready ground for WMD terrorism for this realignment of Europe, an excuse to ignore the looting and hording of money, a cover to put suits on the ground with a "boots" on the ground follow up, so the crowds will cheer, as the iron curtain shut down gives the lash to the masses to march in goose step.
The leftist mind is lazy. They desire deeply to be dominated and told what to do. It is why they respond to, Hey Hey LBJ how many kids you kill today, rhetoric which their minds do not have to think but instead feel in venting internal hatred outward.
Germans for an example enjoy being ordered to work in national socialism, as it feeds their orderly mentality and strokes their need to be ordered around.
The French mob riots well in protest, but without guillotine it is quite harmless.
The European theater is simple. Create a problem which it has. Create a threat to react to in danger. Create a tyrant to rally behind and blame others, and while the others are bashed about, create absolute power corrupted absolutely, so the minority feudal lords make puppets out of the willing masses.
That is the problem with Obama in Americans enjoy fighting amongst themselves too much. America could never have one tyrant as Americans at heart are millions of little tyrants all going in their own directions.
Obama could attempt to consolidate power, but major eruptions occur all through society as Americans love fragmentation more than unity. Genetics can not be trained to respond to European protocols.
So the "event" for Europe should come to fruition, as what good is a Europe without some tyrant to march it along.
The takeover will be hostile to the world as all of this has been, but not hostile to the Europeans who welcome all of this tyranny.
It reminds me of the German Youth who was enlivened by the Nazi in the phrase, "Yeah you tell us not to march, we will march, we will show you how to march."
It is in the psyche of Europeans to accept an excuse by the cartels to raise Napoleon from the grave.
The excuse will come, then we can have the Great Eurasian World War, and America can be reminded of it's complete stupidity in putting undocumented Obama into office, out of control Pelosi into power, and those Rovians of the Bush family raping their political way through lustroms of Americans.
Nothing like a Balkan anarchist to set the world afire, as history has shown this is the choice of the cartels.
agtG 241Y