Mike Obama Bloomberg
As promised, I will place here the scenario in which Mayor Michael Bloomberg would win the Democratic nomination for President in 2012.
Bloomberg is a socialist in the Bill Buckley big brother line, but not so much as the Adolf Hitler or Barack Insane Obama line.
What that means is Mike can do things which Hillary could not do, in being blackmailed by the Obama regime or running low on funds. Bloomberg can write his own checks.
Mike is bright enough to know he would never win the GOP nomination because the Bushites already have Mitt Romney staged for that position, and Bloomberg could not in the least get one vote from the Sarah Palin majority.
That leaves him as the spoiler role in creating that Glenn Beck 3rd party to jewify the US elections the way the Rothschilds broke Kadima away from the Conservatives under Sharon to keep the right from ruling the Israeli state.
This is all that John Andersen and Ross Perot garbage aimed at the Obama in charge, to either keep the Marxist in power or to install some patrician Rockefeller Bushite Republican.
I say though that Mike Bloomberg like John Edwards has their life calling them to the White House, even if I would never vote for either of them. The point is Obama has a minefield of political disasters which the voting public could really sink their teeth into in ousting Obama from the nomination in thee most epic type of defeat.
Thy name is woman in four parts in this strategy for Michael Bloomberg.
Set the public's memory in how Barack Obama and Karl Rove for the Bush family has been saving Sarah Palin for years, along with all other Conservatives.
It makes no difference if people hate or love Conservatives, as all that is necessary in the court of public opinion is to produce a fact all will agree to.
The next step is to invite Hillary Clinton to New York, preferably after Obama boots her down to Defense Secretary. Bloomberg can love on the New York adoptee and state, "Yes Hillary like Sarah has been bitch slapped around in wife beater abuse by the Obama regime. The entire Wikileaks 3rd edition was about a coup against Mrs. Clinton.
Hillary was browbeat by Obama election thugs in the 2008 primary, she was left by Obama in not having her campaign bills paid..........so here is my check to cover Hillary's costs and to state that the DNC can DO BETTER............
Step three is the new Sec. of State in Nancy Pelosi, (Yes I realize this all might not come to be as this blog's exclusives have short circuited all the best laid plans of mice and Obamas.) for Mike Bloomberg to state, we all know Obama has certification problems in being in the White House. Obama tried hammering another woman in Nancy Pelosi in the way he did Sarah and Hillary, but Nancy is my kind of tough old botox broad in she fought back and got her minority leadership role and moved up to the Sec. of State's office.
The last step is for Mike Bloomberg to go down to Carolina and with his good friend Snoop Dog and some hot looking women of all races, to appear with John Edwards at the grave of Elizabeth Edwards, where much tears and praise will be shed for the wonderful Elizabeth.
At this point, John Edwards as the press is kept back will be seen wrapping around Elizabeth's tombstone on which a banner "Run Johnny Run" is draped over it be heard wailing, "Why did Barack Obama torture you to death, abuse our children and ruin me just to keep his gay choices a secret.....oh why why why!"
At this point Mike will motion to the press and say, "Please let us give this man whose heart was assaulted by the political elite, like Sarah, like Hillary, like Nancy, like the beloved Elizabeth who wants John to run for President..........some space to mourn...................
NO I SAY....NO DAMN IT...........I just can not stand by any more. (Rushes to John Edwards) John, John.............John I say, John Edwards with your heart in such a plight, won't you guide my 2012 Democratic Presidential flight?"
To this the Snoop will start rapping something like:
White boy Obama from a white mama
Let the black man down from LA to Alabama
Don't get me no ho's no blow for my nose
Get me the brothers Mike and John pimpin' clothes
The girls will be heard saying, "Mike Bloomberg for President. I would vote for him with John Edwards as Vice President".
and if it is not heard, a YouTube video will be available as this was all somehow recorded.
Michael Bloomberg can't bust the election in being a third party candidate. The only person with that power would be Sarah Palin like Teddy Roosevelt. What Michael Bloomberg though can do is join with the Phil Berg Democrats who have had enough of Pelosi and Obama insanity, by packing in John Edwards to the ticket.
Only this blog noted that John Edwards is so filthy that filth runs off of him. There comes a time in Obama tar balling when no more harm can be accomplished in piling on. In that, the psychological stereotype comes into play in the David Letterman cocktail crowd in the scarey black man making victims out of all the white men and abusing the white women.
Bloomberg and Edwards can become the victims in this and the first word (Rahm Emanuel as Deep Tutu is whispering all of this.) Obama will become tar balled and a national pariah as the pattern of political rape is well known.
All this takes is not Peggy Noonan talking about Birthers which is what this bunch is all fixated on in they want this to come out to bring down Obama, but about Obama savaging women across America.
It was jungle fever which put Obama into power and it will be jungle fear which the public is looking for to brand B. Hussein with.
Bill Maher and Spike Lee all want Obama to be the gangsta as that is what they expect. All Michael Bloomberg has to do is say the word, have John Edwards hint that Elizabeth Edwards was tortured in cancer just like Stanley Ann Dunham was by Barack Obama, and this little New York rocket goes off.
Bloomberg is a true Democrat just like John Edwards. The problem is their lite version of Obama is what they are, and the country has seen what a disaster the heavy version is.
Bloomberg and Edwards though could unseat Obama by going to the soft Nazi middle of the Democratic party, as I have warned that Democrats in going left of Obama they would have to dig up Joe Stalin and he still is right of Obama.
This is not any Hubert Humphrey, Ed Muskey, Teddy Kennedy scenario in the political experts always think the threat comes from the hard left. This is the threat of a Michael Bloomberg uniting with John Edwards in saying what America wants to hear about Obama, so they can be rid of him.
In this, Bloomberg would most likely win against Mitt Romney as all Mitt is, is Mike in a Mormon toupee. Against Sarah Palin, he would go down to defeat providing Gov. Palin could bring in either a Marco Rubio or a George Allen for east coast voter appeal.
Mike Bloomberg and John Edwards are the most viable rich guys in the field to defeat B. Hussein Obama in his bribes and smears, one is too rich and the other to tainted to be affected by Obama tactics.
..........and frankly put, Mike Bloomberg knows enough about money to be Treasury Secretary for the Palin Administration, if he kindly takes the northeast from Obama and Sarah Palin goes to a landslide in the American South and West.
That is how the Obama bounces.
Imagine all the people
Living in an Obama coup
They may say Mike's a dreamer
But he's not the only one
Won't you liberals come and join us
And make Mike and John run as one...
Bloomberg is a socialist in the Bill Buckley big brother line, but not so much as the Adolf Hitler or Barack Insane Obama line.
What that means is Mike can do things which Hillary could not do, in being blackmailed by the Obama regime or running low on funds. Bloomberg can write his own checks.
Mike is bright enough to know he would never win the GOP nomination because the Bushites already have Mitt Romney staged for that position, and Bloomberg could not in the least get one vote from the Sarah Palin majority.
That leaves him as the spoiler role in creating that Glenn Beck 3rd party to jewify the US elections the way the Rothschilds broke Kadima away from the Conservatives under Sharon to keep the right from ruling the Israeli state.
This is all that John Andersen and Ross Perot garbage aimed at the Obama in charge, to either keep the Marxist in power or to install some patrician Rockefeller Bushite Republican.
I say though that Mike Bloomberg like John Edwards has their life calling them to the White House, even if I would never vote for either of them. The point is Obama has a minefield of political disasters which the voting public could really sink their teeth into in ousting Obama from the nomination in thee most epic type of defeat.
Thy name is woman in four parts in this strategy for Michael Bloomberg.
Set the public's memory in how Barack Obama and Karl Rove for the Bush family has been saving Sarah Palin for years, along with all other Conservatives.
It makes no difference if people hate or love Conservatives, as all that is necessary in the court of public opinion is to produce a fact all will agree to.
The next step is to invite Hillary Clinton to New York, preferably after Obama boots her down to Defense Secretary. Bloomberg can love on the New York adoptee and state, "Yes Hillary like Sarah has been bitch slapped around in wife beater abuse by the Obama regime. The entire Wikileaks 3rd edition was about a coup against Mrs. Clinton.
Hillary was browbeat by Obama election thugs in the 2008 primary, she was left by Obama in not having her campaign bills paid..........so here is my check to cover Hillary's costs and to state that the DNC can DO BETTER............
Step three is the new Sec. of State in Nancy Pelosi, (Yes I realize this all might not come to be as this blog's exclusives have short circuited all the best laid plans of mice and Obamas.) for Mike Bloomberg to state, we all know Obama has certification problems in being in the White House. Obama tried hammering another woman in Nancy Pelosi in the way he did Sarah and Hillary, but Nancy is my kind of tough old botox broad in she fought back and got her minority leadership role and moved up to the Sec. of State's office.
The last step is for Mike Bloomberg to go down to Carolina and with his good friend Snoop Dog and some hot looking women of all races, to appear with John Edwards at the grave of Elizabeth Edwards, where much tears and praise will be shed for the wonderful Elizabeth.
At this point, John Edwards as the press is kept back will be seen wrapping around Elizabeth's tombstone on which a banner "Run Johnny Run" is draped over it be heard wailing, "Why did Barack Obama torture you to death, abuse our children and ruin me just to keep his gay choices a secret.....oh why why why!"
At this point Mike will motion to the press and say, "Please let us give this man whose heart was assaulted by the political elite, like Sarah, like Hillary, like Nancy, like the beloved Elizabeth who wants John to run for President..........some space to mourn...................
NO I SAY....NO DAMN IT...........I just can not stand by any more. (Rushes to John Edwards) John, John.............John I say, John Edwards with your heart in such a plight, won't you guide my 2012 Democratic Presidential flight?"
To this the Snoop will start rapping something like:
White boy Obama from a white mama
Let the black man down from LA to Alabama
Don't get me no ho's no blow for my nose
Get me the brothers Mike and John pimpin' clothes
The girls will be heard saying, "Mike Bloomberg for President. I would vote for him with John Edwards as Vice President".
and if it is not heard, a YouTube video will be available as this was all somehow recorded.
Michael Bloomberg can't bust the election in being a third party candidate. The only person with that power would be Sarah Palin like Teddy Roosevelt. What Michael Bloomberg though can do is join with the Phil Berg Democrats who have had enough of Pelosi and Obama insanity, by packing in John Edwards to the ticket.
Only this blog noted that John Edwards is so filthy that filth runs off of him. There comes a time in Obama tar balling when no more harm can be accomplished in piling on. In that, the psychological stereotype comes into play in the David Letterman cocktail crowd in the scarey black man making victims out of all the white men and abusing the white women.
Bloomberg and Edwards can become the victims in this and the first word (Rahm Emanuel as Deep Tutu is whispering all of this.) Obama will become tar balled and a national pariah as the pattern of political rape is well known.
All this takes is not Peggy Noonan talking about Birthers which is what this bunch is all fixated on in they want this to come out to bring down Obama, but about Obama savaging women across America.
It was jungle fever which put Obama into power and it will be jungle fear which the public is looking for to brand B. Hussein with.
Bill Maher and Spike Lee all want Obama to be the gangsta as that is what they expect. All Michael Bloomberg has to do is say the word, have John Edwards hint that Elizabeth Edwards was tortured in cancer just like Stanley Ann Dunham was by Barack Obama, and this little New York rocket goes off.
Bloomberg is a true Democrat just like John Edwards. The problem is their lite version of Obama is what they are, and the country has seen what a disaster the heavy version is.
Bloomberg and Edwards though could unseat Obama by going to the soft Nazi middle of the Democratic party, as I have warned that Democrats in going left of Obama they would have to dig up Joe Stalin and he still is right of Obama.
This is not any Hubert Humphrey, Ed Muskey, Teddy Kennedy scenario in the political experts always think the threat comes from the hard left. This is the threat of a Michael Bloomberg uniting with John Edwards in saying what America wants to hear about Obama, so they can be rid of him.
In this, Bloomberg would most likely win against Mitt Romney as all Mitt is, is Mike in a Mormon toupee. Against Sarah Palin, he would go down to defeat providing Gov. Palin could bring in either a Marco Rubio or a George Allen for east coast voter appeal.
Mike Bloomberg and John Edwards are the most viable rich guys in the field to defeat B. Hussein Obama in his bribes and smears, one is too rich and the other to tainted to be affected by Obama tactics.
..........and frankly put, Mike Bloomberg knows enough about money to be Treasury Secretary for the Palin Administration, if he kindly takes the northeast from Obama and Sarah Palin goes to a landslide in the American South and West.
That is how the Obama bounces.
Imagine all the people
Living in an Obama coup
They may say Mike's a dreamer
But he's not the only one
Won't you liberals come and join us
And make Mike and John run as one...