What I don't quite get in this is what in the hell we are supposed to see and who in the hell are we supposed to tell?
I mean didn't the Fort Hood Soldiers see a Muslim terrorist murdering mayhem and Obama didn't want to hear about and didn't want to see it as the Army made a Soldier delete his video of the massacre.
Then there was the Condom Bomber last Christmas who passengers saw an Indian agent controlling and reported it, proved it, and nobody at Homeland wanted to hear about it or anyone to see it.
How about that Eric Holder having Black Panther thugs assaulting people at the polls, in it was reported and didn't want anything to do with it.
So is it just Christians who need to be reported and set up like at the BATF Hutatree smear or what is it that Naps Napolitano wants Obama's Bible thumping gun hugging Walmart shoppers to spy on and report.......but to who?
Are we supposed to go to the Walmart Greeter, that 90 year old guy who can barely walk and is he supposed to take on a battalion of terrorists in Aisle 7 amid the toilet paper and tupperware from China?
None of this makes any sense, unless this is what it is in a conditioning of Americans to spy on Americans like the Soviet Union had, in children reporting on parents, employees on employers and neighbors on neighbors in a police state. This is exactly what this is is an Obama Police State.
There would not be any need for Walmart gun hugging Bible thumping shoppers to spy on Americans if Obama had secured the borders. Obama never did it, because this is all planned to terrorize the idiotry into this phase of the Obama Soviet state of denial.
If one observes where Naps Napolitano is focusing this spy campaign, it is in New Jersey and Minnesota. The two states who have for liberal decades been importing these 3rd world illiterate Muslim thugs who then go off in 9 11 attacks and Faisal Fizzlers.
Why in the hell is America importing people who can't be anything but welfare thugs from Somalia and Pakistan? Yet the problem is deliberately created and the solution is now Americans are to spy on other Americans with the caveat of please ignore the turban heads with bombs shoved up their asses at line three.
Janet Napolitano, Eric Holder, John Kerry and B. Hussein Obama deliberately initiated all of this for this holiday purpose. Naps was terrorizing people in 2009 by wiping snot on her arm from Obama flu hysteria, and now in 2010 she is terrorizing people in airports by sex searches and now at Walmart whose new title is KGBmart.
This Obama regime needs to be reported to FBI Director Mueller and the FBI needs to arrest this dictatorship of change as everyone sees it, the majority is saying something about it, and yet no one in the real United States Government is apprehending the real threats to America, the B. Hussein Obama regime causing this terror mess.
Check that ass out