I seem to becoming more and more confused as this Age of Obama sets in, with unattractive women prevailing in media, these mansexual males dripping all over the place, and Mitch McConnell calling Julian Assange a high tech terrorist.
This OZ man in Assange doesn't seem to be terrorizing anyone but Hillary Clinton in response to trillion dollar bailout bribes from B. Hussein Obama to the European cartels to promote Assange.
As I have noted previously, and exclusively, Wikileaks was a Chinese original, and yet these Chicom hackers couldn't shut down this site...............but seem to be hammering Dame Hamrod Clinton with glee for their Obama too.........all such a wicked Obama age we exist in.
What I desire to touch upon here, fondle, caress, stroke and tease is why is Julian Assange deemed evil, when he is blackmailing the Clinton wing of the Obama regime with encrypted files that he will release on Gitmo and Obama tarballing the GOP Gulf if he is arrested?
Yes extortion, hush documents and blackmail are criminal, providing Julian is inside America, an American and conducted his blackmail in America proper. The problem is this London Lurker from Australia is in Britain.
Gee you don't suppose someone at MI6 is running this tarballing operation against Americans now do you as payback?
That makes no difference here, as I return to Mitch McConnell in his terming Assange a terrorist.
Now let us see in someone taking Government documents, threatening people with them, blackmailing them for their own results is defined by Mitch McConnell as high tech terrorism.
Ok, not to argue with Mitch Mac on this, I would just point out the following.
Barack Hussein Obama, David Axelrod, David Plouffe and Val-erie Jarrett took information on John Edwards, put it into the Enquirer to keep them off of Obama's sodomite adventures, and are to this day still destroying John Edwards with this same Julian information now in criminal courts to promote Obama.
That little historical matter of Hillary Clinton stealing FBI files on everyone and blackmailing everyone to protect Bill.
Then there is currently that cunning Nancy Pelosi, who Obama wanted booted out of Democratic leadership blackmailed Obama with his certification file to keep her job, and probably parle that into a Sec. of State position soon.
How about Paytrick and I mean Paytrick Fitzgerald in Plamegate and Blogogate making that into head of the US Attorneys in using information for his benefit while terrorizing Americans?
How about Karl Rove, Steve Schmidt, Nicole Wallace and Max Sandlin, using insider secret information to terrorize every Conservative from George Allen to Sarah Palin?
This confuses me as to why Julian Assange is a high tech terrorist and all of these Bushites and Obamites are simply paid millions of dollars, given cushy government jobs and not in prison on rape charges filed in Sweden..............as it is all the exact same thing, except Julian Assange has never once politically raped any American women as Barack Hussein Obama and Karl Rove have continuously done.
All Julian Assange has done is publish how corrupt Obama is.
I guess that is all I desired to say on the subject in arrest Blagojevich, so arrest Obama. Assange the terrorist, Obama the terrorist.
Same crimes, same criminals, different patrician standards.