Saturday, December 25, 2010

It's an Obama Obamass Miracle!!!

I have exclusive news here in Barack Obama created one job in the past two years. It is a job which I warned you children of in these Democrats are not going away that your threw out of office, because now in exclusive here, America is discovering that Obama has created a network of jobs for his cronies to fall into, on the taxpayer dole, to further his Marxist agenda in "commissions" to fund Democrats.

This is what was first exposed exclusively here in these "doo gooder" complexes like Dwight Eisenhower's Military Industrial Complex he warned America of.
Bill Clinton was tapped by the globalists to head the primo enslaver and controller of populations in subverting Congressional governance, with these philatrophist cartels meant to transform societies the way Halburton did third world states.

This is beyond the Rockefellers simply indoctrinating populations as has been the course in America for a generation, as what is taking place now are a quasi civil servant state of these Obamalings who are earning high wages, and their one purpose is to shackle Americans.

I have exclusively been tracking the money flow into tribes by crooked Democrats like Al Franken and Stephanie Herseth Sandlin in exchange for stuffing ballot boxes for Democrats.

What has taken place now is in early 2010, Obama in stealth with Pelosi passed a Tribal Law and Order Act, which basically grants reservations diplomatic status and Indians to be foreign agents. To progress this, Obama has set the stage not only for wholesale money laundering of billions to the Democratic party but Chicoms setting up bases on Indian Reservations.

And fittingly, the political whore chosen for this treachery and criminal enterprise is Stephanie Sandlin who "accepted" after being booted out of office to serve on a commission which was created by this Tribal Law and Order Act.

If you didn't catch this, these Democrats in knowing the shellacking they were going to take from Obama, set aside a host of cushy jobs doing nothing, but in cover progressing their Marxist takeover of America.
Do you really think "crime" has to be studied on Indian Reservations? Is not rape, robbery and murder the same damn thing it was in 1900?

Do you think this Sandlin Obama commission is going to find one meth lab operating on a a Res giving kickbacks to the feds? How about one Mexican illegal breeding away the native population to be better workers for the regime?

Of course not, what has been done is the theft of American taxpayer money so Democrats across the board could have their own "billion dollar foundation" to wallow in like Warren Buffett did for his worthless children. It is all a scam and it is all cover for a bigger agenda.

Remember fully that Herseth Sandlin was telling Jews they were not a minority and she would not employ them before she was booted out of office. Remember as was exclusively reported here that Sandlin was finding high paying jobs for all her staff. Remember exclusively here that Sandlin hinted weeks ago she was "going to serve" in a future job.

Well that future job she damn well knew about as she and Obama set this up. This whore has the Congressional welfare package, Karl Rove is employing her husband to destroy Conservatives and now we find out she is getting the perks of perks in a commission "job" provided by Obama like he has to all Democrats, so they can rise again from the dead.

These crooks are not going away. They are going to steal your money in Obama jobs set up for them as you get jobless benefits to starve on, and they are going to be working their Marxist magic creating an even more nefarious ACORN syndicate for 2012 and beyond.

It is beyond necessary for the new Tea Party Republicans in the House and Jim DeMint in the Senate to not only cut funding for this criminal syndicate, but to haul Stephanie Sandlin before Congress for investigation of this quid pro Obama job.

Real Americans can't get a job, but Sandlin and Democrats have them rewarded to them in this Kremlin bourgeoisie state of Obama.

Who in the hell wouldn't want a job like Sandlin's? Maybe the thousands of real Indians who know what reservation crime really is?

Oh yeah, who though gets the job? Not an Indian. No it goes to an Obama crook who is going to screw Indians over even more than she did before.

Who is going to figure this issue out? It took Hannah Giles to expose ACORN and then Limbaugh knew all about it.

Well who?

agtG 323

Obama's Bad Penny