Sunday, December 5, 2010

Julian Assange unplugged

I have a penchant for raspberry blush nail polish. It is always a surprise the first time a friend paints their nails for you and announces, "I painted my nails raspberry blush just for you".

There is something about deep red colors in burgundies which are so attractive in wine goblets, whorehouse pillows and silk sheets.

I digress........

Oh you will like this as it is not about raspberry blush, but about that Wikileaker, Julian of Oz, as I have waited around, bestowed the medal of honor on that little beret head who lifted the information, and no one has gotten what this is about as they have been watching the girl.

Rule number one, as I make the rules states that the world is plus minus. Who benefits in the Wikileaks and who loses? That is the way one profiles the game as knowing the rules makes playing the game so much easier.

OK, I have heard, "Boy that Julian better not piss of the Russians or they will terminate him".

Silly, silly, silly, as Jules is running a site set up by Chinese leakers.

Wow the best computer hacking saboteurs in the world in the Chicoms and they can't shut down Wikileaks in Europe.

That is really believable isn't Hillary Clinton having that lipstick lesbian working for her and the lesbian is there for the sex.

Have you noticed in this that the Jewish state is not in the least humiliated in these Wikileaks? I guess that is a coincidence too.

If you remember in this little game, that the original leaks involved the names of Afghanistan operatives, about the only ones who were not working for al Qaeda, were leaked.

Alrighty, now let us return to Obama 101 in his Twitter Revolution which was nothing but exposing as payback to the Persian communists, all the names of the Iranian Patriot movement on Twitter, which got them murdered, arrested, murdered, beat, murdered and executed and murdered.

Gee you don't think that Obama allowed the Afghanistan operatives names to be leaked now do you in order to payback his "good" terrorists in rooting them out, just like Obama and these MI6 communist operatives who were running a coup on Karzai and you do remember that Taliban fraud MI6 dumped in the CIA's lap which cost America a fortune before he disappeared.

So twice now Muslims friendly to America, have been exposed by associating with Obama, and Obama never lifted finger protecting them, and they are in some form of hell.

The question now is why would Russian FSB, Chicom PLA or anyone else in Eurasia Obamaland ever desire any harm to come to Jules when he is working so well for them.

Do you really think that the little beret head who stole all of this information was not known to the NSA from the first little bragging email he sent to this mesh of hackers and Wikileaks?

Therefore Janet Napolitano, Leon Panetta, Eric Holder and Barack Hussein Obama have known from day one what this information was, and if someone in the House Intelligence Oversight Committed cared to subpoena the records, it is a given that some tracks of this were left concerning exactly what this information was, how it could be used in spin and someone in the Obama group figured out not long ago to call in a card from the Obama central European cartel to focus on documents which would paint Hillary Clinton as the Stalinist thug she has always been in spying on everyone and blackmailing everyone.

Do not forget children the Rothschilds punished Hillary in making the throw the election to Obama for Bill selling that Asian uranium out from under them. They know very well that the Clintons are in a coup to bring down Obama, as much as Obama has figured it out, as he read it here first.
It is not that the Rothschilds have any allegiance to their joke Obama or can get anything more from him, but it is a matter of Obama owing the cartel more in this, and the cartel benefits in America in Rush Limbaugh gridlock in this inter Democrat blood sport.
That is as this blog stated from day one is what this has always been about, in tying America up in this infighting and dealing with Obama, so being occupied the central Europeans and their Chicom hordes of slaves and Russian might would be able to divide the pie without America's cherry in it.

Do you know begin to see what Wikileaks is about? This is high stakes and the Jewish geniuses who created Stuxnet in using it to hump the Iranian nuclear programs are using Wikileaks to screw with Obama for screwing with them for 2 years.
There are so many layers in this in all are using the same operational code in these international socialists in each are sticking the knife into their adversary.

Julian Assange could not be more safe as he is in his mother European socialist arms.

In need of some more points?

How about who is after Jules? Eric Holder pretends to want him, but it is Interpol, the same Interpol which has been accusing Jules of sex crimes, which Obama signed America over to their monitoring authority.
They have been hunting little Julian for a year, and just can't seem to find him, even in London which has a camera even under the Queen's skirt.........but Julian is still roaming about.

Seems like a great deal of the girl protesting too much does it not and Jules keeps sticking the stiffy to the folks he was designed to tweak.

That probably is enough information to digest in this little operation which has so many players, and sub players, playing each other both ends against the middle.

I do like raspberry blush on a woman's nails. I though do not get caught looking at the girl alone as with women you just know something is always going on in them and all their suitors around them, do not like you looking.

Oh if Julian is a good boy, he will get a Valerie Plame big retirement deal.......of course she got stuck with Joe Wilson..........

Some deal huh.
