I see that Disney has hired a new goofy to run the Mickey Mouse news division of propaganda at ABC. As I would prefer looking at Joan Lunden's legs than a bald Ben Sherwood living in Literalville, which means he BOHICA's to the anal intellectuals, wins awards and Americans never watch his stuff.
There was a time when Kathleen Sullivan, Jane Pauli and Joanie Lunden used to have "who can hike their skirts up to their crotches on the morning programs" which was quite entertaining long ago, but when that Chetry woman had her Twatzika booted off of FOX for going over muff drive, the era of what makes news watchable ended.
I digress, but I don't.........
See I got the BBC news to put chics on their American broadcasts in showing standing profiles and them from the side. This worked sexy for their presenters like Karin and Martine, but for some gay reason they stopped and put on Mike who looks like a bad sodom lay.........these folks always have to go gay in the liberal media as the bosses apparently are sitting on the couch jacking off to the male anchors.
To help Ben out, as he needs help with that horrid ABC everything, he really needs to jam the old cob in the old cobs and fire the lot of them. Diane Sawyer is just bizarre in her orgasmic story gushing and it is a big turn off seeing dripping grannies.
Sure that is GMA, but the idea is there in there is too much Charlie Gibson in the Obama gay shower interviews going on and the females are so iceberg no one is going to be sitting there masturbating to Amanpour.
Do I really mean to say that television ratings are linked to who is jacking off to who? As Porky Pig would say, "That's all folks".
ABC has to get their anchors out from behind the desk so full body shots are there. ABC needs to get in some bodies in short skirts, clever little slits that when the chics move in reporting the promise of more to come is what keeps the little jackers watching, and telling other little jackers to tune in, instead of watching porn on the internet.
Meredith Vierra and Jane Wallace broke into the news at CBS with bush shots in Nicaragua and the Contras. They wore short little khaki bush outfits, and Jane was the cush in all the right spots of curves that made both stars.
Now I'm not talking about the English whore CBS had prowling around who never showed anything while breaking up marriages, but I'm talking about putting on a Fredricks of Hollywood visual show..........and that means putting the anchors into uniforms for vibrator appeal.
My brother used to run routes in delivering dairy for a company. He told me that women used to flock to him in asking if he was a police officer, because the company uniform looked to protect and serve.
Ben.............dude, it is spelled out for you, so get your Bill Maher alphabet to write it with your tongue on the netherworld of viewers for their pleasure.
You sex up your news by f*cking with the audience, and you keep your audience mildly interested by doing stories no one else in the Obama media is going to fondle.
I doubt you got a brain big enough to grasp this Ben Sherwood, but your place in history is waiting and it's first step is bringing down Barack Hussein Obama for the undocumented fraud he is.
Jake Tapper is so crawled up Obama's ass that he looks like a suppository, but hire some people who will do the job Ben...............
Jerome Corsi.
Michael Savage.
Mark Levin.
Aaron Klein.
Jack Cashill.
I know Ben, you are thinking, "Hey there is no skirt in that lot!"
Bright boy Ben, that is why you haul in Joseph Farah's little girl and Hannah Giles for the eye candy of thought as they make the boys in uniforms above have cross section appeal.
You out fox FOX by exposing them for what Obama supporters they are. You draw in that audience from cable, make it broadcast, and glaze it over with some Rita Flynn type liberals flashing their bodies, and ABC will blow FOX, NBC, MSNBC, CNN and CBS off the air.
Rita Flynn your news Ben, and don't go off screwy with local talent that looks bizarre on national focus and for your sake Ben, do not Les Moonves your flat chested, big mouthed, straight haired no body wife to clone the cast.
Find some bodies, even French bodies with pouty lip accents, and let them chatter on your old Stealth stories as no one cares, because that is about legs, rewarding viewers for watching and broiling Obama slowly over the next year in creating your own little Watergate for him as he handed it to you on a silver platter.
Now Ben Sherwood, I know you are in need of validation, and are busy like Rush Limbaugh googling your name, so you and your staff are reading this.........so be aware Ben that I have started a policy that when folks steal from me, I take it to God and He deals out the respect. Rush Limbaugh owes me 7 million dollars for his plagiarism and the interest is growing.
I will make a deal Ben with you for making you and ABC the talking point of the world. You put me on the payroll in stealth, provide me a staff of my choosing, Disney private jets at my beck and call, access to Disney lands in I can do anything on them I please, and a 7 year unbreakable contract with satellite, internet, computers and ABC pays the taxes.
As my personal addition, you will agree to feature internet bloggers as part of the news, uncensored and let loose to drive the news.
That Ben Sherwood if you have any brains you will do if you want a world audience and bringing news into the 21st century.
Oh and leave your Keith Olbermann and Rush Limbaugh snidety off in their monologues for hire. People on the right and left can get that Obama tone elsewhere........this is not about listening. This is about eye candy, glazing the news you want people to watch, and get the title of it before they start chanting what they are going to do to your naughty poodle of an anchor.
Put me on the payroll as I'm the only one pointing out your are a failure already.
That's about it.