No woman likes to be a cum dump.
Sorry that is graphic, but folks that is the facts of the Julian Assange and B. Hussein Obama matter when cum dumps ............er women you adore with all your being for those fleeting moments of time immemorial which ruins you for all other women.......and it being your failings in protecting her from you that you must retreat from their perfection and simply fade away into oblivion forever pining for you, you, you.........oh it is all about you!...........ok back to not Reggie Jackson bullpussy to white folks, when cum dumps become women scorned and turn on the shallow, selfish pigs too many males are.
Take Peggy Noonan, not literally PLEASE, as who would want a latex scented female going on her sixth Obama blow up doll and she has the other five deflated ones in glass cases in adornment around her bedroom Reggie Love nest, in she just keeps needling Obama, but she doesn't get it right as lust in blind and all she wants is Obama to just grab her ass and tell her she is the one he has always wanted to drop his naughty knickers with.
Take this Noonan opening salvo...........
We have not in our lifetimes seen a president in this position. He spent his first year losing the center, which elected him, and his second losing his base, which is supposed to provide his troops.
Pegs Noonan is an idiot, as Bill Clinton went exactly through this and Newt Gingrich saved him after OKC blew up the ratings of Obama.
That said, Pegs Noonan like Ed Koch still wants so much in scolding their wife beater husband Obama to just pay some attention to him, as they continue to make excuses for him, hoping he will just crawl back into bed with them.
You know it gets bad when Peggy Noonan brings up the Birthers to take a slap at her beau Obama........
Those crazy birthers are wrong, he's not from another country—he's from another galaxy! He doesn't do politics like any normal person!
Oh yes, Birthers are "crazy" for demanding the law be upheld in Obama producing a legal certificate of live birth, but Peggy Noonan isn't nuts as Ann Coulter in thinking proof is Obama's birth certificate printed on a bubble gum wrapper.
All Obama has had to do is like Bill Clinton did with Monica. Just invite Ann, Peggy and Chris Matthews to the Oval Office, drop his pants, tell them to lube up his cigarette for smoking later with Reggie, and then tell them to get on their knees to worship at the phallic of Obama.
That is all Peggy Noonan wants. She is an old, wasting away hag, who was too scared to be with a real man, so she took after Reagan from a distance, wrote some fake lines, took credit as a liberal, and sold herself as a whore to the Wall Street Journal.
Like Maureen Dowd, all her liberal consorts left her unattended as they became cum dumps, and they went home to their gay sex partners, each time promising them that Pegs had turned them to the straight and narrow.
That is what all those intellectual cunts were all about in this. They hated Sarah Palin because everyone wanted to put their genitals next to her's and they all knew Obama did too.
Why do you think Obama did the lipstick on the pig line..........that is how Obama woos women. He is an intellectual wife beater. He took Muchelle to that stupid community organizer event which she swooned over..............showing what a cheap ass, self absorbed and self stroking Obama this is about.
All these Cynthia McFaddens just are desperate for Obama to wave his dick at them, just give them a blondeberry message hinting he wants to make them his naughty poodle, and they would all be swooning and backing them, and hating on Muchelle, the way women hated on Hillary Clinton in their desire for Bill.
Criminey Obama is cheap to buy necklaces, you would think he could send out 10,000 exclusive SPAMS to all these hose bags, telling them to guard their intimacy and all would be well in Pegs Noonan columns dripping with drunken lust.
Pegs though makes the mistake in this thinking that Obama will be challenged from the left. Obama is so far Marxist that the Democrats would have to dig up Joe Stalin to challenge Obama.
Pegs does not comprehend that Obama bribed Nancy Pelosi to silence in exchange for power. Obama is going to bribe and pulls coups like he did on Hillary Clinton to keep that job. Noonan has no comprehension of how much this game has changed.
Obama is going to have to be come at by either John Edwards, who should be throwing down in spreading the spin that Obama tortures his dead wife, abused his children and broke up his marriage to ruin him as a contender.
Edwards can win on this, and at least save himself from political legal problems in the Holder courts.
Or it could be Mayor Michael Bloomberg not wasting his billions on fighting it out with Mitt Romney and the Rovians, as that is the spot Bloomberg must buy as he is not going to get one vote from the Sarah Palin majority.
I will explain Mike Bloomberg challenging Obama in how it would work in Bloomberg taking the Clinton whites, Jewicons and the uber leftists.
Tune in soon to this same bat channel.
Oh yeah again you liberal jerks, either be a polygamist and marry all these whores or buy them all jewelry when you dump them so they don't feel like whores, because these scorned whores don't like looking in the mirror and seeing a whore.
"You have got to allow a woman her delusions".
~George Kennedy
Pegs Noonan a female scorned.