I believe I have found a scientific explanation for the reason Bill Maher and Spike Lee are calling B. Hussein Obama a white man, in not being black enough..........and that Barack Obama is actually turning white.
Yes, I know that Mr. Obama has more white genetics in him than black b y almost 10 to 1, but in doing a study of this, I have found that John Boehner who is white, is actually blacker than all the powerful black leaders in the Democratic party.
This is not something which should not be expected in powerful black people turning white literally, as I have observed this in coons. No I'm not Forest Gump talkin' bout black folks, but raccoons like Mama used to sweep off the porch with a broom.
In trapping them on my lines in years ago, I noted that the best raccoon pelts constantly came from farmland and the worst from pasture settings. The farm coons would always be a deep rich black color while the pasture coons would take on a fawn color light brown.
This was not genetics, but it was due to the environment conditions, such as married couples starting to look like each other in time, but in this case just as deer go through color phases like a chameleon to hide their presence from red to grey, coons literally would take on the color of the acreage they were inhabiting.
All those white buildings from the White House to the Capitol to Al Franken's abode, all are turning black liberals in white liberals, and yet they are still being sent to the back of the Pelosi and Reid bus.
The Obama's now are the palest of types and no one would call them black if not for the illusion that racists require it to have voted for Obama. If skin color were the definition of a negroid type, then John Boehner certainly out does the entire black leadership in America on the left.
It appears that sleeping in white sheets, wearing white underwear, living in white houses is even overcoming the effects of the sun in tanning black people, as after a beautiful summer, these black people are Sarah Palin white. Not that anything is wrong with being white, but when Sarah Palin is actually more tanned than the Obamas after a summer the questions start arising in why are white people still becoming darker when these white Obama's, Sharptons and Waters are becoming even more pale.
Is it that these white people are not paying attention to surroundings and allowing nature to naturally tan them to protect their skin from the effects of the sun and that black people so full of a psychological unction to be white, that no black pride is in their being to become normally black after a nice summer.
Barack and Michelle Obama should be in rich dark tones, and yet consistently they are not the colour they were as children in passing as black, but are in the realm of Michael Jackson pale face strangeness.
Perhaps Bill Maher and Spike Lee could approach black leaders with black sheets, black clothing, black paint for their homes and maybe Steve Wonder singing a nice medley of inspirational songs like.........
Born on the Black of July.
I'm dreaming of a Black Christmas.
Black Hymn of the Republic.
Colour me Black
There just must be something to save blackness in America from Obama whiteness as when Maxine Waters, that ebony beauty is turning white, what hope can there be when millions of black children look up to role models in this Age of Obama and see only white people.

It must be confusing to those black children to be told be proud of the black man in Washington and when they say, "John Boeher!", their teachers say, "No Barack Hussein Obama".
Mr. Obama is going to have enough asterix by his name in history as, Undocumented*, that America does not need one reading BLACK*.
I do suppose though when John Boehner is Speaker, that when Mr. Obama according to the Pelosi certification files is proven undocumented, that America would in the succession of power actually have John Boehner being President...........and then for the first time there would be someone darker in the White House than the Obama's.
Reggie Love seems to be black yet. Perhaps the Obama's could be like the gal with the Three Bears, in seeing what Reggie sleeps in................well that would be Barack, but I mean, the Obama's could see how Reggie remains a black man in a white Obama world not having Obama rub off on him.......and just on him.
I do hope for someday a real black Conservative to be in the White House as President, because black Republicans seem to stay black like Walt Williams and JC Watts.
I guess it really is as the French say, confortable dans votre propre peau.
These black liberals apparently haven't been comfortable in being black since Paul McCartney was a................
Yeah what is Paul McCartney as he hasn't been English for so long.
Oh yeah now I, will tell you something
I think you'll understand
Oh yeah now I, will tell you something
I want to be a black man
I want to be a black man