The earth is a constant hunger in consuming what it produces to generate more life from carbon to make oil to people it feeds to mold and worms to generate some new living product.
I dislike the environmental terrorists completely, because they were generated by the globalists to overthrow the west in freedom, to recreate the feudal system of Eurasia. It preys upon by handlers well too do children filled without God but hopelessness, and makes fortunes for the elite as they shut down oil production which raises prices and increases numbers of seals who eat fish humans need, and then die of disease and starvation when some Canadian is not clubbing a young seal to death.
What I fully intend to do here is explain one segment of society which has been so smeared in no one in the media has explained what a seal harvest is about and why. This is not going to be some scientific paper, but the reason of poor people who are in competition with nature, harvest from nature, so they can eat, have warm homes and pay for hospital care.
See the difference between the seal killer and the environmental terrorist is the seal killer never horded a fortune, where the terrorists parents did, so the terrorist had time to contemplate as a
"god" what was good and evil in the world according to their narrow wealthy standards, based upon hurts they never recovered from like Obama in grade school.
The reason I chose the title of this blog The Spring of the Greenland, is because in Labrador Canada, that is how people there who started the fur harvest of seals marked time. The Greenland was not that large island, but the Greenland was a seal ship which met a deadly end for her crew while they were out seal hunting.
It is difficult to explain what that world is in it's bitter cold, frigid seas, rank ships and deadly ice flows unless you have ever stepped foot upon that floating grave.
People focus on thousands of dead seal pups clubbed to death, but they never mention that at one time Labrador was the capital of the world in widows and orphans.
This area got that way from dead Americans.
Seals were harvested by two groups of people, the mainlanders and the ship crews hired out for 60 dollars a voyage. The main seal kill happened in the early spring when the ice stated to break up.
If a northeaster blew the ice to shore, then the people on the mainland had an opportunity to gain some very necessary fur seal pelts to pay their bills. With that though came the task that the pans, had between them shattered ice which had ice cold water of immense depths waiting to drown the people.
There were the seal air holes where they climbed onto the ice which people also would fall through and die.
The main problems though were people had to dress lightly for the heavy work, and when a big wind would press the ice to shore, it would shatter the blow holes, and the seals would have to go farther out on the sheets to crawl on the ice.
This was the problem, because the people would get so far out on the ice, the wind would shift and before they knew it, the ice mass was breaking up and carrying them out to sea again.
Some would attempt to make it to shore and be crushed or fall through the shattered ice. Some would stay on the pans and be carried 40 miles across the inlet. Some would jump in the water with a rope, swim to another ice sheet, and then by force the people would pull one block to another until reaching shore in a frozen state.
Some though in some years would not find rescue possible, and would for days burn their rope, clubs and eventually the oily seal carcases to try and survive, until a blizzard arrived and would wipe out the people there.
Rescue was just as dangerous work as trying to survive with ice sheets crashing into each other and when a big blow hit, no row boat was a match for Arctic seas.
The work on the ships was the same as blows would come as the men were trying to make the kill. The men would try to build ice block wind shelters, but eventually in those blizzard winds they would freeze, strip the dead of their clothes, fall through blow holes, wander off in insanity and perish, for their ship would have been blown out to the ocean and it would be days before it returned.
These seal killers were in poverty. They existed in horrid conditions on ship and every year a few hundred sealers would be dead, adding to the welfare state of Labrador which would spend 1/10th of it's budget just on orphans, asylums and widows in their care.
The case of James Reid in 1862 was but a life in the day of seal hunter. Mr. Reid was a 17 year old boy who had been hired to be the camp cook for a group of 15 men hired to hunt seals that coming spring after spending the previous winter holed up in the Arctic cold.
On February 17th the seals were sighted and the 15 men moved out onto the ice to make the kill. Fortune though did not prevail as when the men got out on the ice, the wind shifted and before they could make it to shore, a horrified James Reid sat helplessly watching his comrades ground up literally by crashing icebergs or giant waves in that gale sweeping them away.
One last survivor made it close to shore where Reid was watching, and Reid threw him a rope, but as the survivor jumped into the water, the undertow pulled him away, and there was Reid left alone in a state of horror.
For the next weeks Reid would climb the rock daily which had their flag on it, that he was flying a distress signal from. The seals arrived in force and their din filled the air around him. Blizzards and tempests raged, and Reid at night would cower in his hut alone.
Weeks of this agony drove him mad, and when the rescue ship Coquette arrived, Reid thought the people were wraiths, the spirits of his dead companions come to haunt him, and he fled from them.
The crew had to surround him to capture him, and even at that had to tie a rope around him to try and pull Mr. Reid into the boat, whereby the rope slipped down and they had to drag Reid through the water by his feet to get him on the ship.
It would be months before this young man recovered from his insanity.
The harvesting of seals is not some sadistic game for the people involved. It is necessary for their survival a there just is not a green battery plant to work at in those areas. This is harsh and unforgiving land which kills people without mercy as much as animals.
The Canadian fur seal is not of the fine quality of the Alaskan fur seal. I really would like everyone to just experience what real Alaska fur seal feels like, as there is absolutely nothing like it on the planet for softness and warmth. It is a natural and renewable product and yet it feels like it is something which came out of a NASA lab.
Canadian fur has it's place though in markets for gloves and for some clothing, but in that if a boy is a rat is a bug in environmental judgment, then a seal is a cabbage is an environmentalist in all are part of the food chain.
I though am not here to argue mute points or what a sham Obama's green movement is as it has nothing to do with saving anything, but about feudal control of the masses.
I post this for the real people of this world in the seal hunters who risk life to survive because they have to. I desire people to remember them, to remember the Metis traders in the Plains of America, to remember the iron ore freighters of the Great Lakes like the Edmund Fitzgerald, the coal miners who die, the farmers wrapped up and shredded by a PTO and the ranchers killed by their bulls.
I have been fortunate in life to have been delivered out of many deadly incidents in my far reaching life. From being shot at to the more mundane of pets roughing me up a bit in my cowboy tales which I ponder that misery with wonderful fondness.
The real people of this world who work in forests and have trees smash them as lumberjacks to the people in chicken gutting plants who fall into machinery and are decapitated as recently made the news in Oz, are doing this so all the pompous asses can sit in luxury and judge the world according to standards which do not occur in the real world.
I dearly love my pets and have watched them eaten by predators, and I have killed predators and am currently have traps to thin out some more predators where I live. As I type this my puppy is still dying behind me. She can not walk, and turn her, doctor her bed sores, put food in her mouth and clean up her accidents. Most Terri Schiavo relatives would have killed my puppy weeks ago like the Humane Society kills thousands of pets the day they get them in.
I though choose to value life as I have the right to take it for food, but if my puppy is not suffering that much, I do not have the right for convenience to end her life just because things are not pretty any longer.
I love my horses, but they are animals. The same animals who have pawed my skull, and almost broke my neck like Christopher Reeve, twice I have had horses go down on me in one sliding15 feet on my leg and giving me a concussion when my head hit the ground and the other when on frozen ground my ankle was almost broken as he slipped and went down on me while herding cattle.
Real life is a measure of intense suffering. Weather, animals and most people couldn't give a damn about what needs done, but things have to be done for the survival of all.
The fur harvesters of the seal trade deserved for their traditions, their sacrifices and their deaths which built all the great North American cities a hell of a lot better deal than they have gotten. It is easy to sit in an east coast city not having to work and look at pictures of seals being clubbed in thinking it is horrid. Death seldom is pretty and that is why all the Obama folks like aborting babies and elderly people quickly, because then they don't have to face the murder they are about.
Seals dying of disease and starvation though is nothing pretty either, but that doesn't make the news as there is no profit or control of the masses in that, because no one connects poor Americans with these environmentalist robbing them of the opportunity of the American Dream based on harvesting a resource responsibly and getting money to build a life.
I would rather live in a world that had no death, until it dawned on me that Hitler, Stalin and Mao would still be alive murdering millions, and without death there is no decomposition so everything would be piled up............and all those eternal humans would be so bored by all as they are now by age 25 as they have lived it all already.
Some people have the luxury in their parents raped the world for them, so they can think the world is a clean place. Most people though just have to struggle each day at odds with nature and the government. They are born, they suffer and they die..........and no one gives a damn about them but a few people when they do pass.
The Spring of the Greenland sounds like such a pleasant season until you find out it was one of horrid death in people trying to make a living.
Allot of things like environmentalists sound pleasant until you find out what feudalism is behind the psychopathy in this Age of Obama crimes.