I fully intend to keep educating Americans about the Marxist garbage the American Indian reservation system is, how it is destroying Indians and how it is all Democratic voter fraud. I fully intend to push this to cow, humiliate and expose Indians who are these Obama communists to what they were and what they really are. I fully intend to press this so these Al Franken crooks end up in prison.
In that one of the no talent pretty people in Heidi Montag, who I have never seen do anything, but has an appendage name Spencer married to her, who is about as worthless as a ken doll telling Heidi she is always right instead of being a man, decided months ago to take Indian names of White Wolf and Running Bear.
Immediately the Rosebud Sioux, who have done nothing except take Daschle, Johnson and Sandlin bribes for stealing elections for Democrats came out with a statement:
"Continued stereotyping such as this by people ignorant of our traditional ways is very disrespectful and only hurts our efforts to curtail these stereotypes."
Well kiss my ass and call me Obama.........apparently calling yourself Tonto is now a stereotype and is disrespectful.
This Sioux nation of the west is just too Obama thin skinned. I mean Indians took names and were given names. There wsa nothing respectful or sacred about it for most. If your face got burned by gunpowder, you are Powder Face.......nothing special about that at all and nothing stereotype in the least...........just like calling the Obama's Hussein and Mrs. Ed.
Frankly, I would called Heidi Knife Woman, as she was getting filleted quite regular when she fell into that plastic surgery and I would call Spencer, Boy Squaw as he is such a puss he probably has a pussy where a male appendage should be.
At this point, I would share this about the traditional ways of the Sioux which are extolled in attacking Heidi Montag while championing a political whore like Stephanie Sandlin who hands out bribes.........(get it Heidi, if you want an Injun name you got to bribe the tribe, kiss their asses in telling them how great they are, how evil you are and how all the world would be better if white folks all just died.), as this is but one Sioux story in how these Pirates of the Prairies as noted by Lewis and Clarke defined them.
Learned folk will recognize the name, George Catlin, the American artist, who visited numbers of tribes and painted their portraits.
This was not as easy as it sounds as Indians were supersticious to the maximum, including insanity.
Catlin told a story where he was a hunted man for 4 months and would have been murdered, all because these Rosebud Sioux, now the judges of Heidi Montag and the vote whores for Democrats, decided painting pictures was too much medicine.
The story was simple in Catlin was on the Missouri River in South Dakota where 600 of these Lakota division were camped outside the fur traders fort. Catlin started painting portraits of Indians and gathering their garments in exchange for a museum he foresaw was necessary to preserve the life of these savages.
Well pretty soon, Catlin figured out that he was not going to be able to paint all the chiefs, sub chiefs, notables and medicine men. The pecking order had the Sioux in a feud brewing and it wasn't long before some rabble rousers not getting their pictures painted were yelling outside the studio that it was evil what Catlin was doing.
Here is the Catlin quote:
The medicine-men or high priests, who are esteemed by many the oracles of the nation, and the most important men in it -- becoming jealous, commenced their harangues, outside of the lodge, telling them that they were all fools -- that those who were painted would soon die in consequence; and that these pictures, which had life to a considerable degree in them, would live in the hands of white men after they were dead, and make them sleepless and endless trouble.
Quite the noble and proud tradition eh? A bunch of shallow, self centered jerks and even more idiots following them believing this nonsense.
Well Catlin was busy finishing up the portrait in profile of Little Bear, when in walked the most despised Indian of the Sioux in The Dog. The Dog sat down and frowned, then started out with that Little Bear was half a man, because Catlin was only painting half his face.
Little Bear was furious and cut The Dog down in oratory, to which the other chiefs started laughing at the drama and The Dog stormed out of the studio.
Well, Little Bear paid Catlin for the portrait which was a nice shirt and left. This was commerce in the villages with Catlin in the chiefs were terrified they were going to die, because their medicine men were stirring things up again, but they stoicly sat there afraid in order not to loose face.
So The Dog confronts Little Bear outside the lodge and angry words exchanged, both went to their tipis and knew a fight was coming.
Little Bear threw himself down by his rifle and prayed to the Great Spirit for help in the fight, meanwhile Little Bear's wife unloads the gun because she is afraid, at which point The Dog shows up, calls out Little Bear and a gun fight occurs.
Or more to the point Little Bear's gun goes click, The Dog's gun goes boom and blows off half of Little Bear's head.
All hell breaks loose as it always does with high strung Indians, and everyone is shooting rifles, pistols and bows at each other. The Dog escapes with his loyalists with a broken arm, and Catlin fortunately in offering gifts to the squaw and putting out a big funeral, tempers the Sioux for the day as he embarks on a steamer for the Yellowstone.
That does not end it though, as the Sioux go off and murder The Dog's brother, just for revenge. The Sioux are then furious over this murder of a good chief, and hold numerous pow wows on the subject for 4 months.
I do not make this up. These Sioux spend the next four months in a fury over this, as they can't catch The Dog to punish him, do not figure the squaw unloading the gun is what caused the problem, but fixate next on murdering Catlin, because his medicine is too great for them.
What medicine is this? Why the painting of people as the Indians are convinced Catlin by painting a profile knew that Little Bear was dead, as the half of his face not painted was blown off.
One old chief from Iowa even said that Catlin had painted the buffalo and they had now all disappered too.
So into this Catlin paddles down from Montana to the fort and finds out from the trader the Sioux are going to murder him to set things right. Catlin disregards it all, paddles downstream with his two French aids and the Sioux skip bullets across the Missouri River in front of their canoe to "invite" them to the village as that was their custom.
Once again, not making this up. The Sioux's custom was to shoot at people to invite them into the village................bullets richoet on water, so this is about the most stupid thing they could do and these wild Indians did loads of stupid ass things.
Catlin though was on the opposite shore and the Indians didn't figure out it was him, so he made it to St. Louis.
A month later a trader arrived in St. Louis and informed Catlin that the Sioux of Little Bear's band had caught The Dog by the Black Hills and executed him.
(Probably will not mention these are the sacred Paha Sapa of the Sioux..........or the other Indians the Sioux stole them from by murdering these other Indians in genocide like the Pawnee and Ree, but no matter as these are sacred hills, and the Sioux had no problem spilling blood in them for revenge, after they had murdered The Dog's innocent brother and been plotting to murder George Catlin for 4 months.)
No problem there though a the trader told Catlin it was all kosher now as the blood was spilled and Catlin probably could keep his.
Now does any of this sound like anything any people would be proud of? Does any of this sound like this is some noble savage which are being smeared in stereotype?
The Sioux should be pleased that Heidi Montag and her appendage would stoop to lowering themselves to taking names which would honor these rapists, pirates, murderers and genocidial maniacs of real history.
Furthermore, who in this made the Sioux spokeschiefs for all Indians? Who is not to say that Heidi had not chosen names from the Pawnee who the Sioux hated and were in the process were wiping out until white people showed up.
The fact is there never was a noble savage. There never was a tribe of Indians who eventually did not try to commit genocide on all the white Americans in their midst sooner than later.
This is not to state that Indians were "evil", but they were terrorists who protected their bin Laden Muslim own, and the rest could have their sinews cut out and be roasted to death.
Indians had no good or bad morals. There was only good things if there was not consequences for their murderous actions and "bad" was if there was.
That is from Col. Richard Dodge who spent his life among the wild Indians of America. Indians never "worshipped" the Great Spirit, but instead bribed the bad spirit to not vex them, as they thought a good God was not in any need of offerings as that God would do good anyway.
I could fill this blog up with historical and present factual stories of the American communist Indian in all their self serving idiocy which should be done to mock these people into joining America and their emancipation from Democratic crooks like Barack Obama, Stephanie Sandlin and Al Franken.
Johnny Cash and Ted Nugent have done the Indians no good in praising them as nobody cared when the Indians danced ever in Washington.
The reservation system was never meant to be permanent. It was meant to civilize savages and then incorporate them into the American culture where they belong. Instead, Democrats and the same money cartels kept Indians drunk and doped up on reservations, as the money from the BIA and the Indian vote would empower these same reprehensible Sandlin types to continuous power.
This is the Indian leadership sucking on the Tim and Brendan Johnson nipple to this day in the most detestable of impoverishment and servitude beneath American dignity. It is all a racket of Indian oligarchs ruling a pitiful people who find suicide is their only way out.
So for the Rosebud Sioux to attack Heidi Montag with all the homicidal policies they are exterminating their people to is the pipe calling the stone red. (IR pipestone). I could really care less about Heidi Montag as she just seems to have a purpose in some real man should be making babies with her as she has no talent and no abilities except a womb. It is the defining point though that peeper George W. Bush saw all of this, Karl Rove condoned all of this, and Democrats with the wait around the fort Indians got away with all of this.
Until the Indian is emancipated, and the damage B. Hussein Obama did in making the reservations little fiefdoms to exploit Indians, the American Indian is going to become Mexicanized.
I'm sorry to expose the fiction, but America really doesn't have any real full blood Indians. The civilized tribes of the east coast were Phoenicians by promotion, the north central tribes had Viking blood in them, and all of the other tribes got a heavy does of white European blood in them long ago, just like "blacks" in America are all half to seventy five percent white.
Tough reality, but Indians can handle it, because if Jews can survive outside their nation as a people of identity, Indians can certainly survive without a reservation dragging them to their own destruction of a communist welfare state inbred by Mexicans.
The problem is elite liberals need minorities to look down up to make themselves feel superior. It is the Obama feudal system.
Fix this system.
We now return you to Heidi Knife Woman Montag and her Boy Squaw Spencer. Next time Heidi just call yourself Lonely Stream as you are winding yourself through a life without anyone to tell you that it is all going to be ok and you are just fine in who you are...........going shaman isn't going to solve anything as you don't have the Franken bucks to bribe the Indians to dance to your tune.
Letter 55