COLB: Conceptually Obama Limbaugh Bullsh*t
I knew a Russian family who were all heathens. I'm surprised to this day that God did not rain fire and brimstone upon them. Here is a joke one kid told me.
What's that?
Looks like dog shit.
That ain't dog shit.
It's dog shit.
Well look at it. I looks like dog shit.
Smell it. It smells like dog shit.
Taste it. It tastes like dog shit.
Holy shit! It is dog shit!
I still laugh at that joke being horridly unfunny, but the humor is that this heathen found it so amusing.
The immoral of this joke in the Age of Obama, is Rush Limbaugh has been crapping a pile of dog shit on America, and telling them it is not dog shit, even though it looks, smells and tastes like dog shit.
Limbaugh invested a great deal of time on Friday January 21st in laying out his reasoning in what is taking place with Obama and this birth certificate, and I have got to tell you folks that Limbaugh's mind crapped a pile of dog shit.
The logic of Limbaugh is that this is all Obama being clever in throwing a head fake, so that of course in the Limbaugh logic, it is all centered on Rush Limbaugh being the one who is supposed to take the fake and start leading the charge on Obama's COLB, which Limbaugh conspires that Obama then release it in two years for the 2012 elections, make Limbaugh look like a fool, and thereby easily sweep into the White House.
Now before the ditto in your head children nods that might be plausible. I have some God given Inspiration for you to consider to see if this is a pile of dog shit or what.
Are Americans a pretty fair minded sort of people, who like fair play, but appreciate a Bill Clinton dirty Monica, as long as no one is being cheated out of anything?
I will answer this for you in it being an affirmative.
So ask yourself in Limbaugh logic, in Literalville for the Leaners, what do you think would happen in 2012, if for 5 years Barack Hussein Obama had jerked around Conservatives, had jerked around Chris Matthews making him defend Obama, had stirred up America to the point that leftist intellectuals like Jared Loughner had made a lead deposit in Gabrielle Loughner's brain, spent over 2 million dollars hiding this, made Gov. Neil Abercrombie resort to exposing hisself............do you really think Americans being fair minded would view this as a grand Obama gotcha on Limbaugh and Hannity, or, with the people hurt, the resources wasted and the turmoil this caused would Americans view this as Obama saying F*CK YOU to American and Americans would be furious about being pissed on?
I submit the reality is Americans do not like being played the fool, and Obama in any way this turns out, in a COLB surfacing or a simple recording, Americans on the right and the left are going to be fuming over this, because this Birther issue is what gave the victory in 2012 as this is where this all started in Larry Sinclair and the Birthers.
Those Democrats who lost power, lost their power because of Obama screwing around with this COLB issue.
Now magnify this in Lt. Col. Terry Lakin and other military people who have been destroyed, their families ripped apart, because according to Limbaugh logic, this is Barack Obama giving a head fake as he wants Rush Limbaugh grabbing at his tan balls.
Do you really think Americans would have sympathy for Terry Lakin being destroyed in Obama playing games, or do you think Americans would think Obama was cool for destroying Soldiers?
I would add to this, that Terry Lakin, in the event a COLB is produced has a multi million dollar personal injury lawsuit against Mr. Obama, as Mr. Obama could have produced this COLB saving Mr. Lakin, and Mr. Obama in a Limbaugh game chose to destroy the Lt. Col.
On the opposite, when a "recording" is only found, Terry Lakin has a like person injury lawsuit against Mr. Obama, and against each judge and commander who railroaded him into Leavenworth.
Terry Lakin is going to be very rich no matter which way this turns out, as when he files this in HIS HOME TOWN, those people will be sympathetic and will find for Mr. Lakin in millions of dollars against Mr. Obama.
So in weighing this all according to Limbaugh logic and the reality of the Obama situation, what do you really judge this situation to be, in Limbaugh's mindset which would literally provoke a legal lynching of Mr. Obama by the entire nation for flipping them the bird, or Obama is so head fake smart that none of this matters to Americans who are suffering?
I state that Elton Blonde in his logic is nothing but a pile of dog shit. The majority in America are wondering about Obama's COLB. If you think Chris Matthews is upset now in this birther issue, you just wait until a COLB does surface and Matthew's weighs like all liberals this little Obama game cost them.
That then brings us back to Rush Limbaugh in he is not this stupid in not knowing his story is a pile of dog shit. Why then is Limbaugh doing his own head fake while smearing the Tea Party Birthers as nuts?
Rush Hudson Limbaugh and Barack Hussein Obama are the same two sodom coin. You get the same Obama with each and you get the same Rovian gridlock with each. You get the same smearing of the Birthers with each. You get the same non support for the Tea Party from each and the same Karl Rove clever political rape of Sarah Palin from each.........lipstick on a pig from Obama and Bristol can't dance chants from Limbaugh.
World Net Daily can trumpet Limbaugh in his head fake as the second coming, but the fact is Limbaugh's half brain deposited a pile of dog shit into this which makes no logical sense FOR AMERICA, as this is about America, and not about Limbaugh's delusion of grandeur as Obama and he preen before their window looking at each other saying, "Obama Obama on the wall who is the grandest of them all, ME ME ME RUSH........ME ME ME BEARICK!"
Rush Limbaugh is a manipulative fraud and plagiarist who has smeared Birthers, with the full context of this lying there is a COLB and picking Obama off the ropes again for another day of gridlock for the Limbaugh patricians to eat cake in while American's starve.
For the record, Rush Limbaugh should just move into Robert Gibbs office as Obama spokesman, as both of these Obama dogs are sniffing each other's asses producing the same piles of logic.
No matter how this twists now, Barack Hussein Obama is between the dog's ass and the pile of dog shit. He is stuck with the stink of it and it will not come off as with a COLB he is the ass ripping America apart in political games and without a COLB he is a damned crook who stole the office.
Sniff that wiener dog Limbaugh, Arf Arf!!!
nuff said.
What's that?
Looks like dog shit.
That ain't dog shit.
It's dog shit.
Well look at it. I looks like dog shit.
Smell it. It smells like dog shit.
Taste it. It tastes like dog shit.
Holy shit! It is dog shit!
I still laugh at that joke being horridly unfunny, but the humor is that this heathen found it so amusing.
The immoral of this joke in the Age of Obama, is Rush Limbaugh has been crapping a pile of dog shit on America, and telling them it is not dog shit, even though it looks, smells and tastes like dog shit.
Limbaugh invested a great deal of time on Friday January 21st in laying out his reasoning in what is taking place with Obama and this birth certificate, and I have got to tell you folks that Limbaugh's mind crapped a pile of dog shit.
The logic of Limbaugh is that this is all Obama being clever in throwing a head fake, so that of course in the Limbaugh logic, it is all centered on Rush Limbaugh being the one who is supposed to take the fake and start leading the charge on Obama's COLB, which Limbaugh conspires that Obama then release it in two years for the 2012 elections, make Limbaugh look like a fool, and thereby easily sweep into the White House.
Now before the ditto in your head children nods that might be plausible. I have some God given Inspiration for you to consider to see if this is a pile of dog shit or what.
Are Americans a pretty fair minded sort of people, who like fair play, but appreciate a Bill Clinton dirty Monica, as long as no one is being cheated out of anything?
I will answer this for you in it being an affirmative.
So ask yourself in Limbaugh logic, in Literalville for the Leaners, what do you think would happen in 2012, if for 5 years Barack Hussein Obama had jerked around Conservatives, had jerked around Chris Matthews making him defend Obama, had stirred up America to the point that leftist intellectuals like Jared Loughner had made a lead deposit in Gabrielle Loughner's brain, spent over 2 million dollars hiding this, made Gov. Neil Abercrombie resort to exposing hisself............do you really think Americans being fair minded would view this as a grand Obama gotcha on Limbaugh and Hannity, or, with the people hurt, the resources wasted and the turmoil this caused would Americans view this as Obama saying F*CK YOU to American and Americans would be furious about being pissed on?
I submit the reality is Americans do not like being played the fool, and Obama in any way this turns out, in a COLB surfacing or a simple recording, Americans on the right and the left are going to be fuming over this, because this Birther issue is what gave the victory in 2012 as this is where this all started in Larry Sinclair and the Birthers.
Those Democrats who lost power, lost their power because of Obama screwing around with this COLB issue.
Now magnify this in Lt. Col. Terry Lakin and other military people who have been destroyed, their families ripped apart, because according to Limbaugh logic, this is Barack Obama giving a head fake as he wants Rush Limbaugh grabbing at his tan balls.
Do you really think Americans would have sympathy for Terry Lakin being destroyed in Obama playing games, or do you think Americans would think Obama was cool for destroying Soldiers?
I would add to this, that Terry Lakin, in the event a COLB is produced has a multi million dollar personal injury lawsuit against Mr. Obama, as Mr. Obama could have produced this COLB saving Mr. Lakin, and Mr. Obama in a Limbaugh game chose to destroy the Lt. Col.
On the opposite, when a "recording" is only found, Terry Lakin has a like person injury lawsuit against Mr. Obama, and against each judge and commander who railroaded him into Leavenworth.
Terry Lakin is going to be very rich no matter which way this turns out, as when he files this in HIS HOME TOWN, those people will be sympathetic and will find for Mr. Lakin in millions of dollars against Mr. Obama.
So in weighing this all according to Limbaugh logic and the reality of the Obama situation, what do you really judge this situation to be, in Limbaugh's mindset which would literally provoke a legal lynching of Mr. Obama by the entire nation for flipping them the bird, or Obama is so head fake smart that none of this matters to Americans who are suffering?
I state that Elton Blonde in his logic is nothing but a pile of dog shit. The majority in America are wondering about Obama's COLB. If you think Chris Matthews is upset now in this birther issue, you just wait until a COLB does surface and Matthew's weighs like all liberals this little Obama game cost them.
That then brings us back to Rush Limbaugh in he is not this stupid in not knowing his story is a pile of dog shit. Why then is Limbaugh doing his own head fake while smearing the Tea Party Birthers as nuts?
Rush Hudson Limbaugh and Barack Hussein Obama are the same two sodom coin. You get the same Obama with each and you get the same Rovian gridlock with each. You get the same smearing of the Birthers with each. You get the same non support for the Tea Party from each and the same Karl Rove clever political rape of Sarah Palin from each.........lipstick on a pig from Obama and Bristol can't dance chants from Limbaugh.
World Net Daily can trumpet Limbaugh in his head fake as the second coming, but the fact is Limbaugh's half brain deposited a pile of dog shit into this which makes no logical sense FOR AMERICA, as this is about America, and not about Limbaugh's delusion of grandeur as Obama and he preen before their window looking at each other saying, "Obama Obama on the wall who is the grandest of them all, ME ME ME RUSH........ME ME ME BEARICK!"
Rush Limbaugh is a manipulative fraud and plagiarist who has smeared Birthers, with the full context of this lying there is a COLB and picking Obama off the ropes again for another day of gridlock for the Limbaugh patricians to eat cake in while American's starve.
For the record, Rush Limbaugh should just move into Robert Gibbs office as Obama spokesman, as both of these Obama dogs are sniffing each other's asses producing the same piles of logic.
No matter how this twists now, Barack Hussein Obama is between the dog's ass and the pile of dog shit. He is stuck with the stink of it and it will not come off as with a COLB he is the ass ripping America apart in political games and without a COLB he is a damned crook who stole the office.
Sniff that wiener dog Limbaugh, Arf Arf!!!
nuff said.