I ask such as my paternal Great Grandfather who was an immigrant had a daughter who married a rather needy Montanan, who seemed to always be in need of money, and asking Grandpa for that money.
Now my Grandpa worked in a European brick factory for 1 dollar a day, 16 hours a day for 3 years, just for the money to come to America and homestead the great west.
He could not speak one word of English, but in time turned prairie into productive farmland, build a very nice house, a huge barn and outbuildings, raised seven productive children in fulfilling the American dream.
So he knew the value of a dollar, based on sweat equity. Grain he hauled was not by train, but by a barge and cream he sold was by hand milking numerous cows.
In that background, my Grandfather exclaimed as his son in law non stop kept asking for money, "Vhat does he theenk I can do, sheet money!"
The reason for bringing this up is who do you think sh*ts out the money that Rush Limbaugh gets for donations to sodomites, Oprah gets for donations to Obamites or Howard Stern gets 400 million dollars to horde?
Where does all that money come from in Obama million dollar book deals? Where does Valerie Plame get her payoff?
How does Warren Buffett or George Soros pirate all that money they do and not end up like Bernie Madoff?
How does so much money end up in so few hands and so many hands are wrung in worry by the poor?
I will not go into the entire history of all that is America, but America was once a capitalist society. It thrived at such in Yankee Traders in their merchant ships plied the globe 'waiting for their ship to come in".
The British in Empire accumulated vast wealth in sugar and other raw commodities to build grand lives. My family of Anglo Saxons in the Wedgwoods of England became world powers due to that influx of trade, but saw fit to cut my Grandmum out of the will as she married beneath her station.
With family like mine at times, I wonder who the hell needs Obama rapine.
After the 1929 staged collapse of American wealth, a centralized hording took place which was overlorded by the Rotshchilds and shepherded by J.P Morgan and John D. Rockefeller.
The rapine of Germany was but the wolves grazing the populace for a bigger haul. American victory in World War II, was known by the patricians as "share the wealth" as they did not want a repeat of WWW I Veterans marching on Washington DC, as if the Veterans of WW II were not bribed, a real Andrew Jackson revolution would have swept all the cartels from power by the hangman's noose.
So Americans have been deluded in the bribes to thinking they lived in a Republican form of Capitalism, when instead it has been national socialism moving toward FDR communism since.
Dwight Eisenhower knew of this and that is what he was about. B. Hussein Obama is but the last Marxist in this before despots arise as is intended as America rips itself apart.
Commerce since the Rockefeller Kissinger Rothschilds monetary system of the late 1960's when the gold standard was abolished. (Gold had to be removed as there was not enough gold to back the inflationary fractal lending of the Rothschilds based on Dutch Banking.) So the result was this impoverishing Americans to make them not contenders and equal them out to Mexicans, Chinese and Muslim slaves worldwide.
What happened in that 1970 period was nothing more than a Ponzie Scheme of legal robbery. What was to take place was the removal of American wealth to destroy her, transfer it to Muslim oil accounts, whose accounts would then be managed by the Rothschild Europeans.
America though was too resiliently blessed in productive people and into this manufacturing was moved offshore under the guise of "make the enemies and allies dependent upon American technology and then no wars will occur".
That really worked out well did it not?
So you know for certain all of this was a massive scheme to steal American wealth, make Americans a dependent slave class on community organization and transfer all of that money to the central European cartels.
Barack Hussein Obama was installed for that express purpose of making America into a full Nazi state of government control of all, for the next Obama phase of government ownership of all, for that is what communism is.
Obama has been completely successful in transferring from America trillions of dollars to offshore cartel accounts and turning over GM to union thugs. All of this has been planned and it has been completed.
Obama, Bernanke and Geithner have not been printing money to fix things, but to break America.
Even though they can not sh*t money, for they need to get the base for that currency from scraping thee American's bones.
All money comes from one central source and that source is the European cartel now in governorship, for the Europeans never use the money they have stolen. That is why Obama was ordered to bail out European collapsed states for Rothschild takeover with American funds.
So you can talk of Rupert Murdoch FOX voting for Obama or speak of GE getting bailed out with massive TARP funds backing Obama, but the fact is every nation on both political sides has the purchased commerce and political lemmings who like England, keeps churning out socialism as it is the "civil servant" class who perpetually perpetuate this system written of by Karl Marx and created by the Mayers who became Rothschilds in Germany to fleece the masses and control governments.
Now children in an exclusive only here, recall how it was exposed that the 'government' was funding all those independent MSM sources for years using them as CIA or other fronts for the cartel interests.
Remember now how they all went bankrupt? The money in the last Bush and first Obama years was cut off.
Now where was that money flowing? Well it of course was not going to media which few folks watch and could be influenced in the broadcast media or print, so it therefore had to go to other generating sources of keeping the sheep herded.
As I have been exposing, much to the chagrin of the patricians, the Rush Limbaugh sodomites have been getting that cartel money flowing to them. That is why Howard Stern gets 400 million dollars. The money which was going to CBS is now being distributed to sources who have proven their worth in swaying masses.
I was not going to expose this as Limbaugh has his purpose if he behaves. The express purpose is to provide the conduit of funds flowing to real Americans of worth in Mark Levin who busted his butt for the Tea Party.
The point is, it does not matter in the sponsors of these programs, the reality is there is a committee who just like in the old days dispensed money to Walter Cronkite for CBS bureaus in Tokyo, Moscow, Peking or London to monitor events, the same cash committee flows funds to those chosen elite few who audition to the populace well.
I desire no one to ever forget that Rush Limbaugh advocated GRIDLOCK. The only way you get GRIDLOCK is when closeted Karl Rove for the Bush patricians sabotages all the work Mark Levin did for Sharron Angle to Christine O'Donnell.
Yes Rush Limbaugh the Tea Party suppository as he crawls up there so often as their "leader" got Obama elected in sabotaging McCain with Rove and Schmidt, created GRIDLOCK to advance the cartel agenda, and are why the GOP has been signing onto these odd Obama lame duck deals keeping Obama off the canvas.
If you need your brain cleaned, then read that a few more times so it becomes lily white in thought, as you need to comprehend that there is no financial difference between Rush Limbaugh and B. Hussein Obama in they are both at source getting the same committee money to do their jobs on America.
I was listening to Charlie Rose over John Boehner becoming Speaker. All Rose had on were liberals lecturing Boehner on what "he should do". There is some old fossil from Boston who is the worst, but I found it interesting in he was talking about "this all depended on Glenn Beck" as what Beck gave support for is what Boehner would succeed or fail at in compromise.
I find that humorous as Glenn Beck just was cancelled in New York as no one listens to him in that major market. This is the Glenn Beck who was trying to destroy the right by creating a 3rd party and has been trying like Limbaugh to be their Peking girl for the cartel.
This is the same Glenn Beck which World Net Daily published the bizarre Mormon interview where Beck sounded more like David Axelrod than an American.
Yet Beck is the one the Rose group singled out as the spokesman leader of the implosion of the GOP under Boehner.
Ask yourself in did Charlie Rose and his accomplices hear this from their money source of the Rockefellers who fund Glenn Beck to promote him, or did they just pull his name out of thin air?
Beck is a fraud like Keith Olbermann in they both sold their souls for a price to rant about whatever to be the Pied Limbaugh Pipers of a segment of society who need that type of rant.
Everyone knows of Rationed Death, but this is Rationed Wages in the form of payouts to select folks who like Peggy Noonan vote for Obama, turn on the right at critical moments to usurp the White House and then go chameleon in once again being the leaders of the right.
Glenn Beck is not heard nor seen in most of the areas where the Tea Party is percolating and he is the "spokesman" for it?
I have stated that I got the attention of the cartels long ago in their surveillance. I got Jewish contractors from Obama shadowing me in 2008. I got Obama's crew lurking about, so I knew their methods.
What though puzzled me at first as I never had any trouble with the Bush crowd before I started outing Stephanie Sandlin and other patrician whores working for the Bush syndicate. When I started writing of Karl Rove new surveillance appeared and what did surprise me was when I started outing Limbaugh, things got interesting too.
Limbaugh is nothing without Beau Snerdly (Yeah I know it is Bo, think about it for an Obama few.) in that department on localized surveillance of callers. He does though take the madam's money and the cartels became interested when their protocols were being made public here for the first time in what the money pit was really all about.
Do not limit this to Limbaugh though, as he is Alex Jones, Jeff Rense or any number of odd Coast to Coast Obama medal winners who are "speaking for America". Some know the source of money, others think they just are lucky that sponsors show up underwriting programs, and some, like a Rachel Maddow actually think they got the job on leaving a couch sticky.
This grooming process is the same as the CIA conducts for agents and moles for future use. There are people in politics, to conglomerates, to media who have natural leanings wacko or American, get jobs to be groomed for future use, and they just plod along thinking it is all about them, when the cartels have some Van Jones noticed by a control like Val-erie Jarrett to be a dog soldier doing the dirty work for the advancement of the feudal state.
I really need something pretty right now, and pretty is Cynthia Bowers, the Chicago shill of the cartels for CBS.
I do not call her a lemming to be mean as she is an example of an America just going along doing things and thinking she is her own boss.

For those who do not know this hottie, in Gulf War II she was the lady stationed on a US Carrier in which missions were being flown off of to topple Saddam Hussein. Ms. Bowers did absolutely glowing reports about the Navy as any American would, as she was caught up in the 9 11 Patriotism in striking back against evil.
Her face simply beamed about America in her reports so powerfully supportive of the Navy.
That was a problem though a Cynthia really pissed off the cartels who wanted to keep cash cow Saddam in Iraq as he was dumping money to the world in off book bribes.
It was not two days that this gorgeous lady lasted and she was pulled. This is what happens to the people who are recruited for their liberal nature and become Americans. She was relegated to nothingness and back to Chicago.
If she just would have hinted that the Navy was doing this for Bush for Haliburton, she would have probably been CBS instead of Couric.
All of this is though is what generates the money flow and those you see and those put off into oblivion.
I would note in the closing here as this is enough exclusive to digest, that Sean Hannity certainly has his dogma down in watching what the GOP will or will not do.
Mr. Hannity in many ways you are flunking the test behind the scenes in just what you are about. In being outed here, you put on some great Americans as hosts in your vacation, but just had to put Mark Simone again on the radio who is the one who called Tea Party candidates crazy.
I certainly hope one morning that Mark Levin doesn't wake up and find out that Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity have been playing him with news of FOX announcing the FOR OBAMA X News voted for Obama entirely, and happily welcomes John Roberts the liberal to cover Obama.
American debt in plundered retirement savings, spent on inflated oil and Chicom imports, flows into the Rothschild banks, and is rationed in wages in printed debt to those corporations, stars, politicians and media who whore best for the world order.
Cynthia Bowers could be my Pretty Peking Girl anytime, but I will always be sad as if she has whored better she would have had those long legs wrapped all over American news for visual enjoyment.
I wonder how she is at massage, serving tea, hot rice wine and walking on your back?
Hey it beats the visual does it not of Rush Limbaugh or Barack Obama rubbing their slick hands all over your body now doesn't it?
"Attention Walmart Shoppers, ghetto green vomit event on aisle 12 in the massage sextion, and yes I mean sextion, next to the Obama and Limbaugh smoke ring display".
Well Walmart Shoppers can you sh*t money or just vomit ghetto green?
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