Friday, January 14, 2011

The ICU'fold of the Month

I was thinking about Terri Schiavo today in when she was being starved and dehydrated to death that liberals were were getting all horny over her in saying "she looked so lovely".

Certainly in that liberal fetish, Democrat Gabrielle Giffords in ICU, with fluids draining from her, must be someone Hugh Hefner is trying to photograph under the sheets as the next ICU'fold of the month, as she must be a real turn on to NeoProgs as they have such a fixation with rationed death, political rape and aborticide.
She probably would be the top download if David Letterman could crawl in their and impregnate her the way he joked about Sarah Palin's little girls.

I'm always amazed still in how one carries out Obama thought processes to their logical conclusion in their illogical manifests in how Adolf Hilter disgusting it all is in comatose women in critical condition are sexy.
I guess Hillary Clinton called Jared the shooter an extremist. What do you call Democrats who use Gabrielle Gifford for gun control legislation?

Oh yes..........Sarah Brady in parading around her brain exploded husband and trading on his friendship with Ron and Nancy Reagan.

What I will to examine in this ICU'fold which will probably have Harry Reid masturbating in tandem as he has that hot New York senator getting his viagra up, is the responsibility for the Arizona shooting.

Sure everyone sees the easy scapegoat in Jared the intellectual liberal, but what about as this blog has stated in these government officials in not providing security in being armed at least after making themselves targets.

Let us not forget that Giffords Tweeted her location and was making this a big festive event, and she did not bother to do one thing to protect the public.
Safeway apparently thought it was a good sales draw, so they were in on this too for commerce in whoring the pretty Democrat. (Caveat here, in Giffords has chops on her like Stephanie Sandlin and is not pretty, but liberals call her pretty and her being in ICU turns liberals on, so we use the term "pretty" like Muchelle Obama is "pretty".)

What do you think would happen if Paul McCartney held a big ole Obama concert and shooting started and it was found out there was not any security?
Oh we would be talking criminal arrests for reckless homicide.

Why this is not Gabrielle Giffords held criminally responsible for staging an event and not providing any public protection?

In that, where were the Arizona police in this? Not one cop could have stopped by for a pizza and pop in crowd control?
Is not the city negligent in protecting the public from politicians on the prowl and make?

Walmart has "greeters" for their shoppers. Doesn't Safeway at least have someone at the door watching the parking lot for rapists or muggers? There must not have been even cell phones in this, because there was not even an infamous 911 call in this happening for the press to make headlines off of.

Arizonans apparently have no cell phones, baseball bats, knives, guns or even cars which start to run over murderers blasting away at the Democratic sheep, using public property of a parking lot, endangering the American public.

This is all relevant as we see the 9 11 little girl being prostituted in this story without any explanation why this kid was there?
Was she shopping at Safeway? Was she attending this brothel Democratic event? If that is the case, then why did not Giffords take precautions to ensure this child's safety?

........or was this an Obama regime's post birth abortion of a 9 year old girl?

I see this ripe for class action lawsuits for Safeway, the city, Gabrielle Giffords and whatever else was involved in this parking lot rampage.

Where are the permits for a public demonstration carried on by this Democrat, which entail necessary police oversight? Was this all waved because Giffords was a sexy hottie and Democrats are above the law?

See, this is a matter of criminal negligence by Democrats. Hell Al Franken wasn't even there to tackle anyone.
For those who think that is a lunatic Franken stretch, Al Franken seems to be in photos a great deal with Gabrielle Giffords. If you recall he was on tour with that big mouthed, puffy lipped Stephanie Sandlin a great deal too.
Once again, what the hell is that all about in Franken is in the Senate and these two pretty women are in the House, and Franken is always following around behind their skirts.

So while the British and American liberal blogs blame this on "right wing" nuts, just like they try to make Obama National Socialist Adolf Hitler in German right wing, when he is left, let not the ambulance chasers in John Edwards neglect this in all the Safeway shoppers, the wounded, the aborted little girl and anyone who thought they wanted to go to Safeway can file millions of dollars in lawsuits for what Gabrielle Giffords set up.

Ask yourself if a Christian went into Mecca and Tweeted, "Here I am come and get me", how long they would last in not being shot.
What about someone in the KKK going into the South Side of Chicago Tweeting the same thing. How long would they last?

And what about 20 motorcade Obama in knowing he needs security, even though he recklessly keeps exposing his little girls in public to dangers from the intellectual left", why if Obama can figure this out that he has brought a gun to a lipstick fight, do not Democrats know that they have so hyped up the Cindy Sheehan voting public on the left, that security is mandatory.

This is criminal liability by Gabrielle Giffords and all who staged this event. As I have stated if this woman had shown one photo in the press about being a gun toting Arizonan, no shooter would have shown up.
Instead Ms. Giffords announced to the world which she had just bullied for 2 years in backing the Obama regime, in a known area of border high crime, in the most outlaw state in the union, and she exposes children to murder.

You can not yell FIRE in a crowded movie theater and not be responsible. You can not be Gabrielle Giffords in lighting fires and not expect a wolf to be attracted to the flame.

Gabrielle Giffords created Jared Loughner in the NEA, open borders, dope culture, Pelosi politics of Cindy Sheehan anarchists and removing God from America and installing messiah Obama. If that is too much reality to face, then 1 billion Obama Muslims just saw how easy it is to murder Americans under regime policy, which now has Democrats further criminalizing Americans and not criminals.

None of it makes any more sense than calling Terri Schiavo beautiful as she was being murdered by liberals.

It is the Age of Obama.
