Friday, January 14, 2011

Obama's Twats

I'm beginning to conclude that you, my children, could take a 2 year nap, awake then, and the things which this blog alerts you to, will be coming to pass, and the rest of the world will be caught up in what you already know.
Where Rush Limbaugh claims to be the cutting edge, Mark Levin is the wright who scribes the line, by God's Grace the words found in this blog are the surveyor marking out territory in the wilderness of thought.
We are so far ahead here by God that even small things come to pass that you had no idea what on earth I was being shown...........and that thing is the term coined here TWATZIKAS.

Now for some that term is a bit coarse, but what do you make of B. Hussein going into Arizona, spouting illuminati terms in "order out of chaos", this blog first in stating this was Obama's 2012 campaign kick off, and here comes Matt Drudge a day later in revealing that Obama was handing out t shirts and talking points in his new TOGETHER WE THRIVE presidential usurpation campaign.

Look at that close children and you will see that the midnight ride of Lame Cherry was alerting you by God's Inspiration to Obama's Twats.
Together We Thrive in military BOHICA is TWT and would be pronounced TWAT. Barack Hussein Obama the wife beater NeoProg joining Karl Rove in assaulting American Ladies and women of the left, just came up with a campaign for his TWATS.

They are banning "n*gger" in Huck Finn, and there pictured in Arizona are American Indians, Obama's new criminal slave class for all that is going on reservations being run by Stephanie Herseth, Al Franken and Brendan Johnson of South Dakota, wearing TWAT t shirts.
I have reported previously that Indians termed their women "squaws", because that was verbiage which meant a woman's reproductive parts as in cunt. That is what squaw means in Indian tongue, without it being derogitory.
The problem is Barack Hussein Obama and Democrats just created an entire 2012 campaign theme, launched on the brain scrambling of a woman in Gabrielle Giffords and the 9 11 little girl, with hooting, cheering and hallering at a MEMORIAL SERVICE, and Obama has the audacity in racist bigotry to hand out clothes like some chuck wagon to beggars Indians, and dress female Indians in TWAT SHIRTS.
That is akin to dressing Jews in Hitler shirts or dressing the Soldiers at Fort Hood in Nidal Hassan t shirts.

There is no way in this world that Obama and his regime did not know TWT would define as TWAT and there is no accident that Obama ONLY dressed women in these t shirts defining them all as TWATS.

Now that seems a bit boot on their throat, bring a gun to a knife fight and shut up and ride in the back of the bus, but folks, that is psychologically what Barack Hussein Obama is in his third world view of all women, he has been beating on for years from torturing his cancer stricken mum to savaging Elizabeth Edwards as she fought cancer...........Obama is literally calling American women his TWAT SQUAD and in degrading them, it is all Obama thinks women are good for.

For those liberals who think this is some kind of good thing as a validation of Muchelle Obama's massive twat which showed up in photos, there is no way this can be spun. You can not spin Naked Aggression Zero Intolerance in Obama's reach out to Jews in 2012 as NAZI and say no one bothered to check the Charlie Foxtrot code.

Yes by God's Grace in full credit to Him, we have another exclusive for the rest of media to catch up. I'm waiting day as I write this to publish, but when this blog defined Obama's female cast from Ann Coulter to Janet Napolitano as TWATZIKAS in the TSA feel me / don't touch me assaults, we now know where this was where that exclusive was building to............

Obama's Twats............his fainting followers must be so Peggy Noonan pleased to have halo head that sexy black god saying, "Let there be Twats"........and they were twats.

You thought Bill Clinton with Monica was bad didn't you. How do you explain this to the kiddies?
