Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Obama hands America over to the Chicoms
In thee latest, most disgusting and impeachable offenses carried out by Barack Hussein Obama, I had to look several times to see if this photo featured on Drudge was real, as Barack Hussein Obama just planted the Chinese communist flag as conquering America, with the American Flag bowing to it.
There are protocols, as in the Olympics during the Reagan years which the Olympic Flag Bearer for these United States was ordered to NEVER dip the Flag to any other flag as other nations do in salute, as thee American Flag NEVER is lowered or dipped to any other nation.
That is standing doctrine in America, and it is well known, so for the B. Hussein regime not only to be bowing to Chicoms and then to plant their flag about Olde Glory, put that Chicom monstrosity in the center and to bow two American Flags to the Chicom symbol IS deliberate and it is a breach of the Oath of Office of the President of these United States.
Doing so tells the world that America is now subject to the communist Chinese.
America has been defeated, conquered and occupied.
This is most serious and the GOP House if there are American still in it, should be raising hell, with full intent of impeachment hearings initiating immediately.
This is most dangerous as the Obama regime has just announced to the entire world that America is a Vichy state.
The Soviet's were wrong in America would sell them the rope for America's hanging. No America installed an alien Marxist in secular Obama and Obama simply planted the enemy's flag on the White House while waving Olde Glory in surrender.
"I can not stand the degradation of my American Nation"
~General George S. Patton.