I should not be stunned this easily any longer, but there are things Obama pulls which are so criminal crooked that this regime should just change it's name to Sidewinder 101.
You might have heard that Naps Napolitano has been playing with the Bush coloring book on terror alerts which no one could figure out, including terrorists. That is probably one of the good things about Mike Cherthoff and that bunch is they made things so complicated for themselves that they left Americans alone.
Obama though has apparently found a way to help terrorists who are invested in the Stock Market deal with Geithner playing the market for his cartel cronies. Naps new system is one which she will now intimately name exact American conomberates yes I mean conBOMBerates as this is terrorism, which are under threat of attack.
Let us play this Naps Napolitano logic out in Obama teleprompter sexy charts.
OK, the airlines, or New York banking or some California defense contractor is threatened according to the word of one of Obama's Taliban or al Qaeda moles. Immediately Naps issues an alert stating said New York bank is under threat in the new Obama alerts.
Take a meander and a gander what that information will do to said conglomerate on the Stock Market?
Don't think it might go down would it?
Let us take this a Geithener step further in you don't expect all those crooks in the Obama regime with waiting jobs in Obama industry, might not just mention to their future bosses that said bank is about to be hit, before Naps issues her direct alert now do you?
Don't suppose this Obama crony then would tell his broker to buy a million shares to be sold short when that bank's stocks fall do you?
Don't suppose that just like on 9 11, the same Rothschilds and bin Laden investors might just sell short on airlines and reap a fortune do you?
Don't suppose that Sheik bin Laden as he is known to do, might just in stealth investment send out some bogus information that "said airline" was to be hit, when nothing of the sort was the case, sell short, reap of fortune and simply break the camel's back of American finance in legal stock trading?
Sounds a bit like the death by a thousand strokes that Yemeni al Qaeada was bragging about in the UPS bombs which Obama was flying into America now doesn't it?
Isn't it just peachy or pineapple as this is Obama of Hawaiian no birth certificate origins, that Barack Hussein Obama will have Naps Napolitano literally plummeting and spiking stock prices on key companies based upon what Naps deems a threat, which will set absolute chaos into the American corporate structure.
Gee do you think maybe this is why Bush 43 never explained in detail which targets were on the terrorist roster as it just does not panic people, but Rothschild types rape companies and run away with George Soros profits, while those nations and companies are left bankrupt.
Just an idea in perhaps some adult with a radio show or one of those cross the aisle types in Congress might want to tell Obama that his terror investor stock tips is not just a bad idea for Americans, but it is criminal and will be used by criminals to make a fortune in stealing American retirement funds.
Just a thought exclusive here......