As this blog has catalogued the abysmal decent of the personage known as Barack Hussein Obama in his continuing list of bad omens which have proven spot on, it is interesting as Mr. Obama started his 3rd year in office after a very lackluster State of the Union speech, that the weather has once again shown a sign of what this year will have in store for B. Hussein.
Obama spent the day in Wisconsin on his 2012 campaign which started in Arizona at the Giffords shout and clap fest. I believe Wisconsin was solar green plant Obama was hawking over, but when he attempt to return to Washington in the seat of power, events beyond his control overtook him.
What I see are two major recordings in Obama was stranded for over an hour by a storm, which Marine One was grounded, and Obama had to be driven back to the White House.
Telling in this is this quote:
Vehicles in the back of Obama's motorcade, including two vans carrying members of the press, became separated from the SUV carrying the president for a short time.
The interpretation of this is Mr. Obama is going to be separated from his propagandists as his tenure progresses, along with all the other support he has in the Oval Office.
Something which is troubling is the second quote:
Law enforcement officers often close off roads where the president may be traveling, but the roads were not cleared for his motorcade Wednesday. White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said Secret Service did not want to divert resources dealing with the storm in other parts of the Washington area.
Secret Service spokesman Ed Donovan said everyone in the president's party returned to the White House safely. Commuters on the road were likely less affected by Obama's motorcade than they would have been had officials closed his lengthy route to traffic, he said.
While this blog desires Mr. Obama's safety for the express reason of his trial and exile, it is troubling to see an omen in which the security apparatus is isolating Mr. Obama and putting full attention onto the American public. It is a strange sign as the security structure is always focused on the leadership, but the matrix has set apart an omen revealing the situation on priorities will change.
Instead, a motorcade met Obama at the base, and the line of vehicles spent an hour weaving through rush hour traffic already slowed by the storm.
This sign points to a precarious situation in which Mr. Obama is going to have to weave a hazardous route with those with him, in order to stay in power.
Fully note that in this it was shown his puppy press and support will be cut off from him.
All of this is fascinating to me in the study of this, as I have never beheld so many workings against anyone in omens. Obama has lightning trying to strike him, storms hit the White House uprooting trees from Europe, storms strike him in Illinois making him abandon plans and now another massive blizzard comes against Mr. Obama as he preaches his global warming fraud.
It also took Mr. Obama three times longer to travel his course. Three is a significant number in meaning of the forces initiating this sign.
Logic in discernment would dictate that the State of Obama in his speech reached his zenith on January 25th, and it is all a precarious slide from here.
It is so.
agtG 238
Julie Pace Yahoo News
WASHINGTON – Heavy snow and icy roads Wednesday night created hazardous condition for President Barack Obama as he returned to the White House from a trip to Wisconsin.
The wintry weather grounded Marine One, the helicopter that typically transports Obama to and from the military base where Air Force One lands. Instead, a motorcade met Obama at the base, and the line of vehicles spent an hour weaving through rush hour traffic already slowed by the storm.
It normally takes the president's motorcade about 20 minutes to travel between the base and the White House.
The president cut short his post-State of the Union trip to Manitowoc, Wis., to try to beat the snow. But by the time Air Force One landed in suburban Maryland shortly before 5 p.m., heavy snow was falling and driving conditions had deteriorated.
Vehicles in the back of Obama's motorcade, including two vans carrying members of the press, became separated from the SUV carrying the president for a short time, though the motorcade reconnected before Obama arrived at the White House.
Law enforcement officers often close off roads where the president may be traveling, but the roads were not cleared for his motorcade Wednesday. White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said Secret Service did not want to divert resources dealing with the storm in other parts of the Washington area.
Secret Service spokesman Ed Donovan said everyone in the president's party returned to the White House safely. Commuters on the road were likely less affected by Obama's motorcade than they would have been had officials closed his lengthy route to traffic, he said.