Friday, January 21, 2011
Operation Deep Pineapple
One would conclude that people should start paying attention to this blog when the New York Times confirmed exactly what was revealed HERE ONE MONTH AGO as now their "exclusive" in the Stuxnet virus unleashed on Iran was a terror covert operation created in the Israeli state by Obama's contractors there, tried out and implemented from Germany, all at the unction of closed fist to the turban Obama against his Muslim tribal opponents in Iran.
Then there is the matter of Deep Tutu, the Rahm Emanuel source on Ulsterman's fine site which is driving liberals nuts for all Emanuel is exposing. This blog one month ago stated bribes had been engineered by Jarrett to Nancy Pelosi and a deal was worked out for Darrell Issa to nail some trophies to the wall if he left Obama alone, in the same Axelrod proxy of handing John Edwards over to the press if the press would cover up Obama's butt sex orgies.
Everything posted here is now being followed up a month later by proven sources. It must be nice for all of you to be living years in the future eh.
The exclusive we will wade through here to those offshore Hawaiian feces festooned beaches which Barry loves to play on is going to be called here Operation Deep Pineapple.
This naming is in honor of that crook Rahm Emanuel, the undocumented foreign candidate of Chicago. Now this blog has an admiration for this crooked bastard in Emanuel, and would not bother disliking him, if he would just comprehend this is not a game when he screws Conservatives over, but it is a Godly work in America that when he sodomizes it and aborts it, it destroys America.
You can not take Martin King's dream for moral Americans and make it into Obama's nightmare for immoral sinners. That is why one has laws to protect society from debauchery as debauchery kills societies as Rome and Greece both learned.
So Deep Tutu is the part of this in Chicago in Operation Deep Pineapple. The Hawaiian phase of this is our favorite madcap Democrat in Neil Abercrombie, Governor of illegal alien state Hawaii.
By the signals in this, I believe at this point that Abercrombie and Emanuel are working together in this for the Clinton's in stealth. In this, this blog has an admiration for the Clintons as they just got their scrotums cut off by Obama's Rothschild benefactors over the Wikileaks, made believe to Val-erie Jarrett that they took her don mafia doo gooder complex ruling elite job OUTSIDE OF GOVERNMENT, and instead have taken the deal and are going to put the old tadpole up Obama's ass. (A quote from Arizona's Tombstome and seems appropriate to bring this up in what the regime did to Gabrielle Giffords.)
Emanuel has been having loads of trouble from Obama operatives showing up in Chicago submarining his campaign for mayor. Bill Daley is on this in being sent into DC to protect the feudal interests of the Daley machine from Obama crime investigations.
That is the reason Emanuel is in Chicago in he is trying to keep his ass out of jail by directing this investigation on the ground there.
The problem is Obama doesn't trust Emanuel and wants him out. The sign that Emanuel is playing hard in this is Bill Clinton showed up to campaign for Emanuel.
That means the Clintons and Emanuel are in this in Joe Sestak bribery operations together again and forever joined at the hip.
Emanuel did something the other day which seemed odd in he told Jesse Jackson to go get stuffed in he didn't stay for a question and answer session. Jackson was fuming in this, but Emanuel instead opted for a later forum where kids would ask questions, which was bright on Deep Tutu's part, but Emanuel not staying at that event signals as set up by Obama was being staged.
Whether it was physical as in Giffords or whether it was some media event, Emanuel got the hell out of that gathering fast. There is a big reason for that.
In following Emanuel's posting in the dwindling Clinton fellow travelers, we see the Clintons control the major blackmail operation in this on the Obama crimes as Ulsterman reports exactly what this blog was focusing on in Emanuel as Deep Tutu was focusing now on ILLEGAL CAMPAIGN ACTIVITY BY OBAMA.
That means money and it drives right into that 300 million dollars in terrorist counterfeit funds Obama illegally got offshore and has been bailed out in the credit card industry from TARP funds.
Knowing that, we now come to Neil Abercrombie who is acting absolutely insane if he was working for Obama, but is crazy like a fox if working for the Clintons.
Ulsterman quotes Deep Tutu in bringing up the Birther issue that it is really firing around liberal talking points now, and Jarrett is having meetings on it in the White House. There is going to be a one two punch coming in this..........and that smug ass grin Obama had in Tuscon when he was hand slapping Muchelle offstage after she was yucking it up with people walking off stage, is about to be wiped off his face.
Only this blog exclusively reported the Jarrett bribes had changed this game. I have a gut feeling now that the Clintons have basically stated, "Damn the torpedoes full speed ahead".
What I mean by that is the cartels have been blackmailing Hillary over campaign finance for years to make her throw the 2008 election. They did this in the European cartel because Bill sold that stan uranium to China for a 10 million dollar cut.
Bill played that race card on Obama in that "bright boy" line in 2008, and he was stunned when the press did not cover his ass but called him KKK. The Clintons were then bewildered when Obama came back in Nevada and Texas and literally stole that part of the primaries from Hillary and there was not a thing they could do about it, but take a dive under orders from the cartel to humiliate them.
Clinton has been fuming about this for years. He has gotten in some good licks on Obama in Sestak, but it just stunned them again when the cartel played them line to hang themselves in their coup to get Obama and after giving them the rope, the Wikileaks hung them.
That kind of crap is not supposed to happen to Bill and Hillary, and here it came again.
The entire Clinton machine is down now to nuts and bolts. Obama knows this and it is why he is acting smug as hell again with that smirk on his face. The adults are wiping his ass and he knows he is safe.............
Well, let us look at Neil Abercrombie stirring that pot in Hawaii.
When you have Chris Matthews and Clarence Page screwing with Obama in demanding Obama release a COLB which they know does not exist, there are the nuts in the Clinton Machine at work.
Abercrombie playing he is for Obama is doing thee worst for Obama in digging into these archives. The chatter he is citing is "this will come back in 2012" so it must be dealt with, for his reasoning in dealing with it.
As a side note, that is why it is vital that as many states as possible make it mandatory that Presidential candidates have a legal COLB proving they are Natural Born and not naturalized. It puts more pressure on this, on the cartel media, so they will have to chatter this story to where the Clintons desire it.
That is what it appears Abercrombie is running stealth for Hillary Clinton in there are state laws there set up by that traitor RHINO ex governor to keep all this secret, and here comes Abercrombie making these statements confirming Obama has no birth certificate, but is ONLY RECORDED with all the other illegal aliens.
This is the Bush and Clinton cyclone they are trying to initiate, where the cycle will flow from illegal foreign contributions to illegal foreign Obama contributing to the destruction of America.
Bill and Hillary have a hell of a job in this, as they are going for broke it seems, and daring the European cartel to take them out. It is the gutsiest thing this couple has ever done, but apparently having everything taken from them and treated like the Dali Lama in being thrown out with the trash has them saying, "I don't want to be some damn Don of Doo Gooder Complex dictating to people's lives".
This is personal it feels like for the Clintons and they are making their last stand.
As this blog stated in the set up of Gabrielle Giffords in a missing second shooter reported who appears to be a minder for Loughner, that Neil Abercrombie is doing things I hope he stays safe at, as he is the second leg in this. Rahm Emanuel fleeing a Chicago event looks like he was being set up for something he got wind of.
All that adds up beyond what Ulsterman noted as 'war in the Democratic party' to this is the agents of assassination operating full measure in the NeoProg party.
This is going to take internet chatter to assist the situation Emanuel and Abercrombie are engaged in. If you have not noticed Alex Jones and his entire Coast to Coast following is absolutely silent on this stuff. So you know what the gatekeepers are about in this in shutting everything down from Hannity and Limbaugh. The chatter is being suppressed from the very sources who are supposed to be driving they sure drove things against Bush or they certainly had no problem with those idiot czar stories which this blog predicted did not matter.
Now we come back to Operation Deep Pineapple, a Tutu in Chicago and a Fruit in Hawaii. I have no idea if they can pull this off. I know at this moment that the few Clinton nuts and bolts can not be bribed off by Jarrett. I know the people behind this realize the danger they are in as Vince Foster was an insider and the world witnessed what happened to him when he made too much noise about being stolen from.
It hinges now on this as Darrell Issa and the GOP have signed off on Jarrett bribes, and unless each of these key positions are pressured, Barack Obama is going to be reseated in 2012.
Emanuel is already pushing Huckabee as if Hillary pulls this off in coup par dux, he wants the person least connected to be the next John McCain, as no one wants Sarah Palin among the patricians and Mormon Romney with Jeb Bush are the Bush patrician orbit of power.
I will note that the exposure of Elton Blonde is having an effect as Limbaugh got off his ass and has actually been sounding like an American. Pressure must now come to bear on all points and like a diamond, it will then cut exactly along the fracture lines set up.
It is Obama's game from mama Jarrett now, but Operation Pineapple can take both the regime's legs out from it, as people understand their being stuck bailing out terrorist money to Obama and Obama being a secular Muslim foreigner. That is the sexy stories the public will growl over as Obama just made America second to Chinese communists.
Now you are living in the future and know things you are not supposed to know again.
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