Friday, January 21, 2011

Reservations at 8 for the Peking Duck

Did I or did I not in exclusive here expose that B. Hussein Obama was going to replace the American mob with a new international mafia starting with the Chicoms to manage the affairs in America?

Who comes to town but pretty Peking girl Hu and Obama breaks bread, and right after Eric Holder goes out and hauls in thee biggest names in the American mafia crime families running the operations from New York.

Genovese, Gambino, DeCavalcante, Colombo, Bonanno and Lucchese
families were who Obama took down, and if noticed Obama didn't house them in civil facilities, but like terrorists...........or like the bad terrorists Obama has been hitting with Predator strikes while rewarding the good terrorists like Hu, Obama threw these Americans in military confinement.
Ah folks, that is prisoners of Obama war.

Can you ever recall in your entire lives or the entire life of the American Republic in one instance when Americans were thrown into military custody instead of afforded full civilian rights?

What kind of precedent is Obama sending? It is quite obvious is it not.

Let us recall another exclusive only of this blog in 2009 when the only time Obama and Holder cracked down in real mafia types, was after al Qaeda contracted with the Mexican mafia to start those California wildfires.
Otherwise Holder and Obama could care less about "what is good for business" as the Mexican rule the narco border now, and FARC with other communist fronts are busy shipping Obama dope to Africa, where Obama's Islamocommunist al Qaeda terrorists are running a fleet of 727 Boeings now into the Balkans and directly into Spain supplying the entire Continent with South American coke.

That all proves in there is good mafia and bad mafia by Obama standards. If you are Italian mafia, then you are evil, but if you are Mexican mafia not setting terror fires, but firing on Texans then you are good mafia.

This all stems back to the way Obama was hammering Nevada in the mafia money in gaming there. New Jersey has been taking hits, but it IS THE INDIAN CASINOS which are making the money.
That bears repeating for Black Buzzard Obama in he deliberately tanked the Vegas casinos for his Gaza strip Indian casinos in this new criminal enterprise Obama is forming before America, but once again where is Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh covering this story of national security.

I fully believe that this little Holder Obama show of force was their bona fides after Hu sat down with Obama in the White House promising something quid for Obama's pro quo in leveling the American mafia.
Understand this blog is not pro mafia, but when it comes to choices does one want an American mafia which leaves the citizens to hell alone and only murders other mafia competition, or do you want Mexicans, Chinese and Muslim mafia thugs who rape, rob and murder Americans?
The choice is obvious in better the Italian American you know than the Obama mafia which chops off people's heads for sport.

This is a really stinky deal for Americans in Obama and Holder arrested people IN A MASS ROUND UP, and them put Americans in CONCENTRATION CAMPS, after the Chicoms came to the White House.

What happens when it is Christians like those bush whackers at Hutaree, but this time are like Terry Lakin dumped in mass to Leavenworth, because they are competition for the Obama regime.

This is outlaw Obama at work, and you have been warned before anyone else.

Once again...........what is it like to live in the future children.

Call this Obama Holder Operation Peking Duck.


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