I wonder with the career ending termination of Keith Olbermann as to why no one has speculated that it was not the reported salaries or Keeter being NBC naughty in donating to Democrats, but that it was this blog outing Olbermann as a fraud as he doesn't believe the half of what he says...........and his bosses knew it.
Examine this in that Lezbo Maddow to Tingler Matthews were not tanked and they have been worse that Olbermann. Yet Keeter gets the axe when Comcast gets involved.
If this was ridding the cable station of liberals, the liberals stayed, but yet their biggest blow hard O'Reilly liberal gets the axe?
Yes Keith Olbermann as this blog exclusively reported, was long ago a sportscaster until he got the idea to be Bill O'Reilly of the left like Al Franken in attacking Limbaugh.
The problem mounted in Pat Sajack outed Olbermann to in saying Keeter was a nice conservative guy when Pat knew him...............oooppppssss nothing like saying Peggy Noonan is an Obama voter in a Tea Party rally.
What is the use for Olbermann now though in O'Reilly is Obama all the time and Letterman has worked out a new routine with Bill of pretend hate, when they are Reggie lovin' it in the Obama bed together.
So you see Olbermann was expendable. This blog noted that Keeter was like Limbaugh in just spewing the lines for market ratings. In some ways, now that Olbermann is out from under his contract, Keeter can probably sound more right wing than Limbaugh.........and I have a clue for you that Olbermann is more conservative than that fraud Glenn Beck.
I'm not really bothered that the facts cost Olbermann his job at wacko NBC, because he might have gone Loughner on those dupnik's there, as you heard the reports years ago that conservative Keeter was at odds with Matthew's clique.
If the birds are all the same vultures, then why would Olbermann not like the stench, unless deep down Olbermann was someone to the right of Lindsey Graham.
Now is Keeter normal? Well not that you would trust him as Sarah Palin's press secretary, but he is a blessed sight more normal than that Ed Loughner Schultz who attacks people in public.
Olbermann is in reality a Mormon Romney type, you know an east coast Bushite, to the right of Alec Baldwin but sitting in Jeb's lap.
You only have to look at the whores at FOX in Shep Smith and Chris Wallace to see that these shills Uncle Roger hired for Obama voter Murdoch, in what Keith Olbermann is at heart. Olbermann whored for the left, and then the left figured out he was actually to the right of Rush Limbaugh in not wanting gridlock to strangle America.
The left is extremely cruel in eating their own. Murdoch is a feudal lord, but he at least tolerates Sean Hannity to promote political rapist Karl Rove, as Hannity pretends he is a Conservative and not a New York registered conservative.
I guess it doesn't make any difference in the speculation that this blog set the avalanche rolling in the little flake of snow awhile back in outing Olbermann in who he really is...............
Doesn't make a difference unless you are................
Rush Limbaugh are you listening.
agtG 306Y
She's the kind of girl you dream of
Dream of keeping hold of
Better forget it
You'll never get it
She will play around and leave you
Leave you and deceive you
Better forget it
Oh, you'll regret it
No you'll never change her
So leave her, leave her
Get out quick
Cause seeing is believing
It's the only way
You'll ever know
She's an easy lover...........