House Majority Leader Eric Cantor says he believes Obama is a citizen and that most Americans are beyond that question.
We have a few more quotes from Eric Cantor:
Cantor believes Elvis was sighted outside his local Dairy Queen singing "Love me Tender" as most Americans have moved on beyond the issue Elvis is dead.
Cantor believes that Santa Claus was sighted on his roof top as he had it on good authority that most 3 year olds believed it.
Cantor believes that a tooth fairy visits his pillow every night to check for teeth to leave him money as all children believe this too.
Cantor believes if he puts on Ruby Slippers and taps his heels together three times, he too will meet the Wizard of Oz as Toto believes it too.
My cousin recently shared an email with me from a German industrialist saying, "We simply ignored that kook Hitler because we were enjoying our German pride and no one thought these nuts would ever take over."
The German equated this with the Muslims now being ruled by the fanatic Islamocommunists in their silent attribution for terrorism.
Thee problem in this is as this blog noted by John Kennedy that when peaceful resolution is destroyed, then violent revolution replaces it.
Eric Cantor is a liar as much as Rush Limbaugh in these Obama enablers who keep basing their judgments on damned lies. None of this does America any good in the least in these Obama protectors disregarding the Constitution and undoing the rule of law of these United States.
It is cowardly to the core and in this is the facism which produced the National Socialists of German and the Banna Socialists of Egypt, who gave rise to the modern Isalmocommunist hybrid which secular Islamist Obama is in league with.
Cantor who is a Jew should at least have some semblance of history in his genes in saying NEVE AGAIN, and yet here America has the "Jew" who was sipping champagne with the Nazi's as they signed contracts for slave labor for the ghetto Jews.
Cantor is not even a protector of the Jewish state in what Obama was humiliating Jews by showing them the sole of his shoe.
For the anti semite who does not care, the state of Israel was America's front line, so America did not have to be fighting all these wild people in the Middle East.
Cantor has now in the same cocktail crowd appeased the national socialists and history proves a disastrous result for the time which follows.
Eric Cantor and this appeasement GOP has let America down. The fact is this Obama issue no matter what the coward appeasment state is enabling Obama with is fragmenting America to it's core. This Sean Hannity blovenous contempt for the rule of law in putting Ann Coulter on who comes up with thee same assinine Cantor remarks of...........I have investigated this and pronounce Obama American............
Hey do you get the joke as Barack Obama in his first act investigated hisself over Rod Blagojevich and pronounced hisself innocent too.
There is no difference in this in Obama, Cantor, Coulter, Limbaugh, Hannity or any of these other traitors. Thee worst of this is, is when Chris Matthews is the leading voice of reason in this in a world of cranks for Obama.
We now know what the GOP leadership thinks of the Tea Party which is rooted in the Birthers. They think like Rush Limbaugh that the Tea Party is crazy just like Mark Simone stated on Sean Hannity.
The American Courts have let Americans down. The Congress has let Americans down, and, Bill and Hillary Clinton have let America down as they are responsible for this Obamanation in they had the proof and chose the "order" over America.
Eric Cantor like Darrell Issa have with Sean Hannity, Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh doomed America to an abyss she will not come out of.
They do not deserve to be called Americans. I know this, as my people were Americans. My people founded this American Nation in signers of the Declaration, served in the Continental Congress and served in thee first United States Congress.
My people turned a wilderness into America.
Eric Cantor needs to answer his Disney calling in wearing the Goofy costume and change his name to Dupnik.
Here am I the stock of America. I know what that title means from the Flag to sea to shining sea. I know who is an American, and this ilk is not American. They are the bastards of democracy mob rule.
nuff said.
We have a few more quotes from Eric Cantor:
Cantor believes Elvis was sighted outside his local Dairy Queen singing "Love me Tender" as most Americans have moved on beyond the issue Elvis is dead.
Cantor believes that Santa Claus was sighted on his roof top as he had it on good authority that most 3 year olds believed it.
Cantor believes that a tooth fairy visits his pillow every night to check for teeth to leave him money as all children believe this too.
Cantor believes if he puts on Ruby Slippers and taps his heels together three times, he too will meet the Wizard of Oz as Toto believes it too.
My cousin recently shared an email with me from a German industrialist saying, "We simply ignored that kook Hitler because we were enjoying our German pride and no one thought these nuts would ever take over."
The German equated this with the Muslims now being ruled by the fanatic Islamocommunists in their silent attribution for terrorism.
Thee problem in this is as this blog noted by John Kennedy that when peaceful resolution is destroyed, then violent revolution replaces it.
Eric Cantor is a liar as much as Rush Limbaugh in these Obama enablers who keep basing their judgments on damned lies. None of this does America any good in the least in these Obama protectors disregarding the Constitution and undoing the rule of law of these United States.
It is cowardly to the core and in this is the facism which produced the National Socialists of German and the Banna Socialists of Egypt, who gave rise to the modern Isalmocommunist hybrid which secular Islamist Obama is in league with.
Cantor who is a Jew should at least have some semblance of history in his genes in saying NEVE AGAIN, and yet here America has the "Jew" who was sipping champagne with the Nazi's as they signed contracts for slave labor for the ghetto Jews.
Cantor is not even a protector of the Jewish state in what Obama was humiliating Jews by showing them the sole of his shoe.
For the anti semite who does not care, the state of Israel was America's front line, so America did not have to be fighting all these wild people in the Middle East.
Cantor has now in the same cocktail crowd appeased the national socialists and history proves a disastrous result for the time which follows.
Eric Cantor and this appeasement GOP has let America down. The fact is this Obama issue no matter what the coward appeasment state is enabling Obama with is fragmenting America to it's core. This Sean Hannity blovenous contempt for the rule of law in putting Ann Coulter on who comes up with thee same assinine Cantor remarks of...........I have investigated this and pronounce Obama American............
Hey do you get the joke as Barack Obama in his first act investigated hisself over Rod Blagojevich and pronounced hisself innocent too.
There is no difference in this in Obama, Cantor, Coulter, Limbaugh, Hannity or any of these other traitors. Thee worst of this is, is when Chris Matthews is the leading voice of reason in this in a world of cranks for Obama.
We now know what the GOP leadership thinks of the Tea Party which is rooted in the Birthers. They think like Rush Limbaugh that the Tea Party is crazy just like Mark Simone stated on Sean Hannity.
The American Courts have let Americans down. The Congress has let Americans down, and, Bill and Hillary Clinton have let America down as they are responsible for this Obamanation in they had the proof and chose the "order" over America.
Eric Cantor like Darrell Issa have with Sean Hannity, Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh doomed America to an abyss she will not come out of.
They do not deserve to be called Americans. I know this, as my people were Americans. My people founded this American Nation in signers of the Declaration, served in the Continental Congress and served in thee first United States Congress.
My people turned a wilderness into America.
Eric Cantor needs to answer his Disney calling in wearing the Goofy costume and change his name to Dupnik.
Here am I the stock of America. I know what that title means from the Flag to sea to shining sea. I know who is an American, and this ilk is not American. They are the bastards of democracy mob rule.
nuff said.