For the quintessential effect of the armed maiden in the wind, her training of wild horses reached legendary status.
Legend marks her in taking Kyoto and in the last battle she fled the field of battle clutching an enemy's severed head...........she was never seen again.
Americans have had from their soul a mysterious relationship with Japan from the first opening of trade her, while the rest of the world sat in terror of her pirate merchants which filleted those they preyed upon.
Japan has always been a nemesis to the world, but an immense reflective light of all that is good about American Yankee Traders. The Pearl Harbor business in 1941 was an immensely wasteful situation which Franklin Roosevelt pushed on Tojo, for supremacy, when a new colonial Asian order should have been joined with as was undertaken after the war.
I have no idea why the Bush and Rockefellers screwed the Japanese over and instigated an implosion of their economy for the central European cartel. They deserved better and America would be better off is Japan was ruling China than Peking.
The Obama regime degraded all of this immensely by making Japan lose face to China and Russia in returning terrorists and Medvedev appearing in Japanese territory as his own.
East Asia Intelligence has reported that as of December 17th, the Obama humiliation of Japan has ended as such and Japan has engaged in an emergency build up of it's defenses.
I applaud this, but this should be in the Lame Cherry Doctrines of America should have invested in England and Japan as our trading hubs and in uncapping our oil wells fed these vital land aircraft carriers to superpower front line status for the coming Eurasian World War.
Obama never intended to do anything but cripple England and Japan for the Russian/Chinese/Roman Empire axis of domination. That is of grave threat for western Europe, America and the Pacific rim led by Japan.
I do not want to see Japan sacrificed for nuclear front slaughter. I care too much for her people in a prejudiced way which is surprising as Japan used to that Jap joke of Made in Japan who deserved to be making fall apart products for what they did in World War II. The resonance of this though is to obliterate this island people in the globalist manifesto exactly as the Greenspan Bush Rothschild axis raped her of her wealth in that bubble economics which got America under Soros and Obama.
Japan has been filleted and is an aging nation of foreigners like England now. Such is the globalist revenge on the two world powers of the Atlantic and Pacific, with America in between in Mexican invasion bewilderment.
This is why Japan has languished decades in the same way America is engineered to waste away under Obama.
That is why the news that Japan has awakened herself after being abandoned to what they have been manipulated into again just like FDR is both pleasing and nauseating to me. I long for any people to rise up and seize their own destiny armed to the teeth as that is their right. I though have sad contemplation in Japan having to face North Korea, China and a lurking Russia on her own.
It is though the most American of things in this which thrills the Yankee heart in what Japan has now been thrust into by the globalists. It is Valley Forge, the Alamo, Custer's Last Stand, the hard sell in the throw of God's dice deciding destiny.
That is the American in Japan which has always uniquely been there in they have always been western before there was a west even steeped in the east.
That warrior poet, George S. Patton would will to God he were there, to join that warrior class in how this would play out. It is the rocket's red glare, the bombs bursting in air, that came through the night, showing our flag was still there..........
While that Obamite Robert Gates disarms America, the Japanese have returned to their rising sun in embarking on spending for defense. The exact measure which Ronald Reagan undertook to start the economic recovery for America. The exact thing B. Hussein Obama did not do in looting the US Treasure of trillions for his cohorts in international finance.
If the Japanese rope this wild horse as Tomeo accomplished and set off their economy by building their military, it is a ride which they might just beat the winds which are blowing against them.
I would that America had an American leader at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue who would be their to join our brothers in Japan and to find an English race still beating in Londonstan to join us in this epic battle.
To be accomplished in the bow and the sword, to bend the untamed spirit of a horse to your will, that is the destiny of Ladies and Gentleman, it is the poetic warrior, it is Washington, Drake and Gozen..........
Oh to be there for the return of the Nissan.
I have no parents; I make the heavens and the earth my parents
I have no home; I make awareness my home
I have no life or death; I make the tides of breathing my life and death
I have no divine power; I make honesty my divine power
I have no means; I make understanding my means
I have no magic secrets; I make character my magic secrets
I have no body; I make my endurance my body
I have no eyes; I make the flash of lightning my eyes
I have no ears; I make sensibility my ears
I have no limbs; I make promptness my limbs
I have no strategy; I make “unshadowed by thought” my strategy
I have no designs; I make ‘seizing opportunity by the forelock' my design
I have no miracles; I make ‘right action' my miracles
I have no principles; I make 'adaptability to all circumstances' my principles
I have no tactics; I make emptiness and fullness my tactics
I have no talent; I make ready wit my talent
I have no friends; I make my mind my friend
I have no enemy; I make carelessness my enemy
I have no armor; I make benevolence and righteousness my armor
I have no castle; I make immovable-mind my castle
I have no sword; I make absence of self my sword.
The Samurai Poem
14th Century Japan