The target is Yulia Tymoshenko, the Ukrainian Patriot, who after saving her nation from Putin in the Orange Revolution, has now been targeted on some "charges" there involving money or some such nonsense by the Obama regime there.
Children will recall the exclusives here in how Obama has been busy undoing all the Reagan era successes in shattering the evil empire by turning over all the Slavic peoples back to iron curtain, iron fist gulags.
The murder of the entire Polish Patriot Government and Obama assisting in the cover up is about as low as this goes at this point in the abyss. Yet then for some reason in chivalry, this blog takes great affront or is it umbrage..no it is not umbrage as that involves anger and that is an emotion out of control, so it is affront as in an insult in you don't hit the girl.
Putin like Obama got the leather chair, divided up the Slavic lands, eats on the taxpayer fund, kills or murders whoever they want, smears whoever they want, got the whole damned world, and yet, what the hell is it, that they got to go by and reslap the bitch a few more times just for sport?
It is all too much John Edwards in Obama hammering him and raking the dead wife over the cancer coals. This wife beating by Obama is just too much Chris Matthews leg tingler sport. You got the dope routes into Africa from South America, running into Spain and Kosovo, you got your own assassination squad whacking competitive Muslims, you got that counterfiet racket in Lebanon with Hezbollah overthrowing the government, you got the US Treasury tapped out, and you got more damned slaves being hauled around than Peking has whores........and you just got to go into Ukraine and slap the blonde around by giving her a few more rape strokes from that monkey in your pants.
That is just so totally uncool dude.
This really needs to have the girl posse like Sarah Palin and Michelle Malkin to do more than put on raspberry blush nail polish to be Rick Springfield's girl. It is just bad form to take all a woman has and then come back for her eggs.
Yulia, hell I'll call her Julie as I have had enough of this Bearick Barack Barry 3rd world eubonics (yeah dude I meant eubonics.........figure it out in ebonics and eugencis) stuff, needs to be a woman with her own country, as Obama stole Ukraine and handed it over to Putin by putting in that Putincrat in charge who is now inappropriately fondling her.
Granted sexing up the girl in commerce isn't as sexy as sexing up the Arizona girl for a campaign rally when her brains are scrambled, but it is just not something this blog is not going to condone by keep quiet.
I guess that is why the story is featured here, as while Rush Limbaugh or Elton Blonde thinks some folks are just plain mean for making males with dicks stop playing with them and act like gentlemen when they are not Gentlemen, will never be Gentlemen, this blog is not going to act like Noel Sheppard and say that girls like being bashed about and raped, like lezbo Camille Paglia came up with and Sheppard drooled over.
Bummer man in Tammy Bruce says Sarah Palin is a friend to the community.........some community when the friends are saying you like being raped by being there.
I digress.........
But you know it is with a point and a mean one at that as the Truth hurts and this keyboard comes with a twist when it plunges in.
So just to let the liberal boys and girls know, I'm not pleased about Julie getting the rough treatment after you made off with the loot. Probably as I'm aware of this that God has this more on his radar as we talk allot and we will just see how things turn out in this, as I just am a nobody typist that no one pays attention to and this blog is just us chickens talking to ourselves.
Leave the girls alone, as I won't repeat it.