I made a mistake on the water once and I will never make the mistake again. Water is the seen wind and she forgives less than a wife cheated upon.
I made the mistake of launching a 12 foot Lund with a five horsepower Johnson, in a windstorm. I presumed that the breaks I was behind would shield the water from the wind, therefore no waves.
My lesson was learning that wind comes of bluffs, swirls around in eddies and literally churns water as violently as a straight wind. So there I was "fishing" in waves as deep as my boat and people from shore looking at me in terror or stunned knowledge that I had more gall in me than intelligence.
I made it out to deep water and then I concluded something in how I would get back. I thought about turning into the wind, but then thought, "I will flip in the wind when it catches my bow".
The idea of turning the stern to the wind had me believing I would be swamped.
Waves are odd that way in you have to hit them at an angle, because if you take them on straight, your boat will dive to the swell and keep on going to the bottom.
Dying seemed a likely conclusion that day as I rolled along, looking at the distant shore a half mile away, and pondering my dilemma.
Weighing my options and not wanting to be any further from landing than I was, I decided to go for it "just to see what would happen".
Instinct said, "Turn away from the wind," and I believe that is what I did. I got to the bottom of the swell, the Johnson growled as all outboards do, and out I popped on the crest and started for home.
I do not take chances on water. As my beloved Uncle said to me once, "I can not look at a map and see Clearwater and a shiver does not run down my back".
Beyond The Pas is Clearwater and she too is big for 5 horsepower outboards in 3 hour trips to distant shores.
My Uncle bailed water on shore for a half hour after they landed.
I have about as low opinion of whitewater seekers as I do Obama. Sure it is thrilling, but the Colorado in a zodiac is like taking a bath with a dog dragging you through a mud puddle.
Real water is like none other on the Columbia of old. No I do not mean that thing in the lower 48 that is wed to the Snake, but up in the Rockies with admirers like the Selkirks, where the old girl is born from mountain glaciers, that is the Columbia as she broods like no other river.
She is a tornado really in liquid form. In May when she is poured the valleys of the Rockies she throws her continuous fit in a way which like the wilderness you swear she is alive.
Real wilderness is that way. It gets at a human in being so without boundaries that you hear things like no other way. Wilderness makes moaning sounds and the Indians on the boundaries have stories of monsters and monster humans there lurking to kill them.
It is not just that hiss of the big jungle wood in the wind. It is those sounds of the earth growing that makes it alive not hidden by the din of humanity and wandering herds.
The Columbia is that way. Her water has cross currents, back currents and water which changes not to be repeated. It is not like the Mississippi in Mark Twain days in the mud bars changing for the paddle wheels daily, because the Columbia boils in a mica rock pot of house sized rocks that just has waters that gets it into it's head to be in a mood and then boil in fury.
She is like a woman, a crazy insane woman, because you can be on her shores listening and she will go quiet in the rough waters and then simply wild with emotion again. The Columbia is not water as the human knows it. Her waters are a sound like ice grinding upon each other. Her waters in current can feel leaden and then in paddle feel as air.
She is different from the salmon fishery down below from her white castle mansion up above. Even dammed that river eats people in civilization while in the wilderness she grinds their bones upon her rocks so the human vanishes into her foam.
With all of this romance, there comes a time in this Age of Obama, that British Columbia finally become what God intended for her. The Frasier, Canoe, Columbia and their many torrents were meant for green power for North America. Not the singular dams like Big Bend in America, but new dams of multi level steps of hydro generation, where one dam becomes seven, therefore generating seven times the power.
Those rapids need to be buried in thousand foot graves where they can groan and be unheard, behind hydro electric dams making BC the Minnesota of Canada in the land of 10,000 man made lakes.
This must stretch to Alaska and the entire region where dams can be constructed, even as the Missouri River in the Dakotas are break dams generating clean power.
What I solve in this by God's Inspiration is simple. The same Transcontinental Railroads which America and Canada constructed must in this 21st Century be the conduit of a new rapid connection in next generation power lines.
The problem with electricity which reaches your home is Barack Hussein Obama is raising prices in this globalist lie of global warming, over population, lack of food and energy shortages. All of this is meant to centralize power and impoverish Citizens to control them.
Obama is now rigging your electric prices in the exact way he is rigging your gasoline prices.
Electricity when generated has a problem of resistance in power lines require twice the amount of energy be put in the lines as the lines "bleed" power constantly, meaning half of American electricity is being wasted.
What must be done is super conductor lines built on the rail systems of America to carry this power without any loss of power. In this Alaska and British Columbia would generate the bulk of the American power grid, the dams would fill the electric corridors of the super conductor highways, which in turn would fill substations all through North America instantly without loss of power.
Sarah Palin are you listening? Combine this with Drill Baby Drill, Uncap and pump, enlisting Sean Hannity and Mark Levin to explain this, and building this grid is the economic boom America is in need of to get out of the Obama abyss.
This creates the economic transfusion America desperately requires, updates the power grid, and it ends the nuclear option, as the water flows 24 hours a day, and the already functioning grid has twice the power in super conductors in the electricity is not being lost in the lines.
Now if Obama was interested in America, clean energy and Americans, this is the venue he would have promoted. Obamites you have got to get this through you head, that B. Hussein is about destroying you and not giving you and all humanity a more secure, healthy and prosperous life.
That is how one turns a she devil into an angel of light by next generation damming her, and letting her electric light shine.
Oh yes two more things..........
First, I do not work for free in this as this will be worth trillions in money generated, and my small living expense is only justified.
Second, the new lakes must have Patriotic Names of real Canadian and American identities. There will be no Lac Obama, ever.
Oh and third, yes I know I said two, but this is number two, and I had to ban Obama from putting his undocumented name on things American, so number 3 is, these lakes will be filled with walleyed pike and crappie, for the enjoyment and fishing of humans and fish killing wildlife.
I have a 12 foot Lund with loose rivets from my one mistake on the water and she looks for adventure....maybe on a Canuck lac named for me.
Today this blog is being written on a laptop from a lake named for me in bringing power to Canucks and Yanks in saving the world............
Now would that not be cool for about as long as I typed that.
Red and white daredevil, 12 pound test mono, cherrywood rod and a Garcia reel. Good walleye medicine and medicine for what ails ya eh?
You betcha.