Saturday, January 15, 2011

Tust but Hannify

Now that the original Hannity Baldwin Irish feud has had an opportunity to be about as pussy as New Yorkers are in where was the blood, teeth on the sidewalk and urine on the face of the lad knocked to the concrete..........

I digress in how this should be handled as Alec is a big guy and Hannity a stout beer boy, so it would be a good letting of blood if these two old duffers would wail on each other......

No longer digressing, because some points have to be made.

If, and IF, Alec Baldwin would actually be a guy like Hunt for Red October, he would be a good guy for politics in being better than anything New York has in Congress from Pete King to Chuck Schumer.
I don't place any validity on the psycho rant he made at his daughter awhile back that Hannity played, because Kim Bassinger is a scorned bitch who just sits there and needles this big dumb Alec and he bites so damn hard, that these two liberals are still so much in hate with each other they should be married and in love.
Frankly, Kim should be in the covert CIA division running black ops as she would have had bin Laden on a pike in six months.

In noting the obvious in what nasty bastards and bitches liberals are in all their good points, I don't believe in making enemies of Stephen Baldwin standing up for his brother. I would do the same thing as anyone would. Sean Hannity has enough fodder on Baldwin without bringing up that Kim inspired rant she released to the press.
By the same remark, Stephen has done good things and his wife his hot, but I detest his mother in law, that smarmy Mama Phillips who chewed McKenzie Phillip, daughter of John, to shreds for outing that John was a f*cking pervert in raping his own daughter.
Michelle Phillips is more worried about Hollywood reputation than in what this f*cked up girl went through in being destroyed by her dad.

I don't cut the old girl any slack as she is the one who was lecturing her wife of Stephen about not being a "Christian" like those who believe in Jesus second coming as they are all nuts, and daughter had to be like those Obama church goers who believe in nothing but community organization.

To put the Baldwin facet of this to rest, Stephen is the best actor of the Baldwins. Alec had one good performance in Hunt for Red October. The rest are just adequate actors who got there because sodomites wanted to lather up Alec and promoted the other boys to be friendly.

As I have digressed in this, I bring this to the point of what is necessary in what Stephen Baldwin should have taken Hannity on.........and if Alec had any political brains in this, he would have filleted Hannity long ago on the issue.
This is the issue of Trust but Verify that Sean Hannity is judging the GOP Congress by. My point in the Sean Hannity equal justice, is who judges Sean Hannity?

I have praised Sean Hannity's work, but I also have made the points the Baldwin boys should be working as the issue is why does Sean Hannity have these following points as a Conservative:

1. Hannity never once points out what a sham FOX news is. It is nothing but liberals and Obama voters. They just hired John Roberts to cover Obama, which is like hiring Ted Bundy as parole officer to serial murderers.

2. Hannity constantly validates Karl Rove, Ann Coulter and a host of other Obama voting and Conservative trashing patricians.

3. At a critical juncture in the 2010 elections, Hannity was gone for the day and had on Mark Simone as this blog exposed in Simone called Tea Party candidates crazy and spent the entire show smearing the right like Alec Baldwin would with Ann Coulter.

4. Rupert Murdoch betrayed the Conservative movement in backing Obama in 2008 after Newt Gingrich made him.

5. Hannity constantly hints at the things he can not say or he will be fired by FOX.

6. Hannity was hammered for his assistance in Ohio to the Tea Party by FOX management who recalled him.

7. Hannity could do nothing but gush about sodomite Elton John performing at Rush Limbaugh's wedding. The same pervert who said Jesus thee Son of God had a penis shoved up his rectum and was engage in sucking penis of the Disciples.

I will leave that there, as while Sean Hannity is judging the GOP in Congress in being honest brokers, I wonder what is the honesty in Sean Hannity in just what is he up to in reality?

The key to bringing down any person is not to rant at them for not being on your Alec Baldwin side of left field, but the key is exposing your opponent as a fraud to their fan base.

I do not desire Sean Hannity wiped out from media, but I do desire to know what the hell this Juan Williams buddy is up to. Hannity invested huge amounts of work in the Tea Party and when he leaves he left his studio open to someone to destroy all of his work and all the work of the Tea Party.

Was this deliberate? It certainly was and why was it? The only folks who benefitted in the Tea Party failing was Obama and Rush Limbaugh Rovians as Gridlock ruins Americans while protecting their bank accounts.

Sean Hannity talks a great game, but I see far too much Karl Rove character assassin in this guy.

I need to digress at this point in I hate that opening wailing country screeching theme "musick" Hannity has. It is ghastly and would be better served to just have coyotes howling as they are more pleasant to the ear.

Now back to the show...........

Sean Hannity is in a position to launch something which I have spoken of here to revolutionize media. I know he has access to the information and he does not make the advancement, but instead is the token Conservative Lot dirtied up in Sodom and Obama balanced FOX.

Why is that? Why is Sean Hannity as a leader not knocking the hell out of FOX, Rush Limbaugh and Barack Obama?

Oh surely the "I love you Sean" callers would retort that Mr. Hannity has been the leading antagonist of Obama............and yet, listen...........wait for it............I can hear it, there it comes," Barack Obama is an American and the birther issue is a non issue".

Gee the Constitution, protecting it, saving America is a non issue in Obama admitted he was dual citizen, and that means he is disqualified.

Hannity though could care less about such realities in protecting B. Hussein.

So I inquire again as trusting and hannifying just what Sean Hannity really been up to?

I might even whisper Lt. Col. Terry Lakin whose life was ruined by the Obama regime and Sean Hannity couldn't protect one Soldier from becoming Obama's POW in Leavenworth Federal Military Prison.

Protecting Obama, working for Obama benefactors, promoting the Rovians who destroyed American Conservatives and leaving Heroes rot in silence in prison.

We could get that from Alec Baldwin in his bona fides.

As Sharron Angle said, "Man up"...........yes man up Sean Hannity and verify just what type of New York "conservative" voter you are.
