Tuesday, February 15, 2011

10 Reasons Obama Does Not Have A Birth Certificate

This blog once again comes to the support, aide and not soap dropping comfort of B. Hussein Obama, the undocumented White House Squatter, concerning his lack of legal birth documents like all Americans and even Mexicans have for 799 dollars plus use of your significant female by drug runners.

I digress.

There are reasons for Mr. Obama not having a birth certificate, and we know this from talking points discussed between the V, yes that alien automatron, Valdasherie Jarrett, Rahm Emanuel Deep Tutu files linked to Ulsterman, and yes, from B. Hussein Obama hisself in pillow talk with Reggie Love.

Reason number one Obama does not have a COLB:
Nicholia Tesla generated him in a lab experiment and the birth certificate got burned up in the fiery explosion.

Number 2: Elvis took it when he left the building.

Number 3: Obama is a green environmentalist and did not according to his religion believe in sacrificing a tree to record the splendifidy of his birth.

Number 4: Sputnik flew to close to the earth and the wind from the cosmos blew it out of the sealed Hawaiian vault.

Number 5: Jimmy Hoffa needed reading material and took it with him.

Number 6: Scottie beamed it up.

Number 7: Ajax cleans like a white tornado and tan Obama's history was all scrubbed invisible.

Number 8: Soviet agents did not file paper work in those years as they fathered too many bastards around the world.

Number 9: It was placed in a historic time capsule at the bottom of the volcano Kilauea.

And Number 10: Obama is not an American.

So you see, there are quite valid reasons, many reasons, why Barack Obama never did his homework in school and Stan Ann had to get him up at 4 am to finish it and why B. Hussein Obama does not have a birth certificate.

It really is no big deal in having a foreigner in the White House, as what difference does imploding the economy, turning America over to Chicom economic zones, rationing death, replacing black voters with Mexicans, making Indian reservations al Qaeda terror enclaves and the destruction of America is just a natural process NeoProgs have been chanting about as no Republic ever lasted over 200 years.

So let's just leave our dear leader eat his cherry pie in peace, smoking his cigs, as he plans how to destroy the next Egypt or Giffords brain in his ordo ab chao.

Birth certificates do not matter and that is why the Founders didn't include it in the Constitution, didn't mandate that only natural born Citizens could be President, and it is why Obama not having a birth certificate does not matter........because I don't have a Rothschild birth certificate, but I still am going to start writing checks on their accounts to pay all my bills, as documents don't matter, and as Sean Hannity says, "We're all great Americans".

Lame Cherry is a Rothschild...........see you read it here, it is legal and posted online like Obama's birth certificate, and now I have trillions of dollars to spend.

I sort of like this creative birth thing.........maybe tomorrow I will be a Hilton and Paris and I can both be celebrities.
