Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Butter My Obama

The common knowledge is the FBI has an email vacuuming program and some might know that Cisco hubs run a complete NSA email surveillance protocol, which even deciphers script within photos and encrypted emails.

No Big Obama surprise there in this Naps Napolitano spying on everyone but terrorists Age of Obama.

What interests me though are the contractors Mr. Obama has employed or has had under his direction by the benefactors out of Europe, starting with his Jewish fellow travelers. This group has been all through Microsoft, Google, Yahoo and tapping blogs from the Obama beginning.
I noted that one of my emails to Jeff Rense was scrubbed, except for the part the Obama contractors wanted highlighted in yellow to make a point. All criminal attacks, and no on seemed to care in media or law enforcement.

The point in this, is this has degraded in the brown recluse in the White House basement, in this girl gang is not only spying on Americans in piggyback operations out of NSA satellite systems, but they have gone into their own form of terrorism stalking.
What I mean by this is, several years ago there was a spoofing mailer developed which was operating inside Bill Gates industrial complex. I first became aware of it when a friend started emailing me all these viagra emails from Canada. It was not her of course, but a highly illegal spamming operation that was literally inside the Microsoft system logging into select people's email accounts in hotmail.

Did you notice how none of that made the news or criminal courts?

The reality is now coming due as when this blog started taking off in exposing B. Hussein Obama, the folks at Microsoft in one very black imported African employee started to phish all of my accounts there as a terrorist stalker.
This degraded to the mail spoofing program using emails in my accounts, to a most interesting development in the brown recluse of the White House has done something most extraordinary.

See I do not keep email addresses any more due to the criminal harassment of the regime using illegal spamming to assault people. Not having the lists, the White House has now a protocol operating which if you happen to be someone they are watching in being pro American and not an undocumented Obama fan, you will get a porn email on the back of a regular email sent.

As stated, my systems here are clean. This is an organized effort coming directly from the major email hubs of Google, Microsoft and Yahoo. You must realize in this, that all of these internet managers all take marching orders from intelligence agencies as they work hand in hand. This means that NSA knows damn well the White House in that brown recluse of the girl gang is committing felonies, and they are aiding in the crimes.

This is now all in house, institutionalized at the major servers of corporate internet facilities. It has nothing to do with national security, but has to do with being an enemy of the regime. The crime is now being an American like George Washington, John Kennedy or Ronald Reagan.

The very institutions in this world which are supposed to be there to protect the people of the west and those nations, have been corrupted by this Obama regime, in their own people are running in the shadows of this system like some Sarah Palin stalker.

Put it this way, when Obama is monitoring and terrorizing my emails, he is doing it to Darrell Issa too. Obama is doing it to everyone, friend and foe, as he is checking to see what people really think, and the ones he feels he can get away with terrorizing, are having these secondary assault measures being initiated against them.

Send an email and Obama sends porn on your account.

This is happening to numerous people and no one is speaking out about this. These are felony crimes by the regime. Yet one more enabling of Obama.

You're a great American Sean Hannity.

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