Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Commie one commie all: In Obama's Image

I really believe things just happen like Obama stealing the United States' Presidency in 2008 without absolutely no help at all.

After all, that Obama Twitter Revolution on Iran sure deposed old Ahmandinejad didn't it? How'd that Tianamen Square protest turn out for the Peking whores there Chinaman?

Amazing isn't it cousin Odinga burns down a few occupied Churches in Kenya and all of a sudden he is Marxist leader there without the government arresting his terror ass.

You do know that the Bush's worked out a bribe deal to get Saddam Hussein out of Iraq, but Saddam turned it down don't you?

What I'm laying out here is a very interesting scenario which is moving through the north African and Mediterranean region which is most interesting as in Tunisia their elected dictator had to flee the nation, but his security forces are still firing at the revolutionaries.
This has now spread to Obama's exile in waiting home state of Albania where the elected tyrant there is fighting for his life in denouncing a Tunisian style coup.

In checking who loves the coup, we find the Green communists of Europe love it, while the normal fascists of the EU are calling for calm. We find Khadaffi, Obama's British Petroleum oil drilling buddy is denouncing the ouster of the elected despot..........while the Obama regime seems quite quiet.
Now that wouldn't be the same John Kerry all over Africa like a tick on a buffalo's balls now would it, in keeping Muslim butchers in power if they hold elections in the Sudan to hand over the oil to Obama?

From the beginning of this, I noted that Obama with that sexy Susan Rice at the UN were a bit too colonial in intentions in Africa and while Obama was destined to form his own little empire there in overthrowing states, Obama has instead embarked upon a most interesting central European cartel agenda of South American narco communist coke flying into Africa, being handled by al Qaeda Islamocommunists on their own fleet of Boeing planes, to embark upon transfer into Spain and the Balkans..........

Oh yes, the Balkans, home of Albania, a spook spy base for the cartel and now by mystery a revolution if forming there.

Things just happen doncha know.

I was looking at the new leader of Tunisia in one Fouad Mebassa, a French educated revolutionary, while not going into details of parties like Neo Destour, the only thing that matters is France created the Baathist communist movement, and when one finds out that Neo Destour is a National Socialist movement and Sali Berisha of Albania is now being pressured by Albanian Socialists to topple his government.............well isn't that just a coincidence that Obama is a socialist communist, Tunisia just got a dose of socialism, the back door to the Obama coke trade into Europe is having socialist uprisings.......and it all just keeps ticking with communist Hamas, communist Hezbollah just overthrowing the Lebanese government, communist Iran.....and gee whiz we even find that someone was blowing up things in Syria for old dictator Assad who Obama has been having relations with.

Now this all starts looking like, appearing like, seeming like someone is spreading the means, opportunity, backing and cash to overthrow key places in North Africa, Greece has been mail bombing it's way into more fun, Lebanon and Syria are having interesting new years, and there is John Kerry in Sudan involved in that war there.

Don't really see any Bolsheviks or Maoists in this mix, just hints of Obamites trolling about the edges in a new world order that is now focused on a new dynamic control of Club Med.

North Africa for the most part was inhabited by stable Islamic pro American regimes. Seems like another Obama miracle that all of a sudden there is all this chaos taking place.........just like in Albania which was one of the more stable thugocracies in the international mafia.

Sort of is a changing of the order isn't it.

What fun is in store in Brzezinski installing the son of Khomeini so the west will have a half dozen nuclear armed turban head regimes of communism?

Leaders just do not flee unless a whole lot of leverage from important cartel folks backed by a whole lot of Obama folks doing the pushing. The Shah did not leave without Carter, Brzezinski and those communist stooges at MI6 doing the revolution to install a communist Ayatollah.

Someone is playing with the Mediterranean chessboard in stoking Greece, going after Berlisconni in Italy, and now it is regime upheaval all across the connecting dots........and it all stated out aimed at Benjamin Netanyahu, a conservative Jew, at odds with Ehud Barak, Barack Hussein Obama's favorite secular socialist Jew.

Commie one commie all, you'll be living in Obama Mom Jeans, Obama no fault all purpose genes. No more nasty lines or crinkles no more elections from the people, you'll be living in better fitting genes.

All coincidence and no miracles here.

Oh yes, Nic Sarkozy wouldn't still be backing Obama for something President Sarkozy is interested in now would he?

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