Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Obama: Operation Pyramid for America

This is another galactic exclusive to only this blog.

Here am I about to tell you something you will be stunned by again. The operational terrorists who flew the jets into buildings and the dirt of Pennsylvania were the poor relations to be sacrificed as there were elite crews on ground in America, who were waved off.

The Wikileaks dispatches have revealed the FBI is hunting another set of terrorists associated with 9 11, but like all intelligence in this, the interpretation is wrong, as the shadow operations which were called off were not in America to assist on 9 11, but were another operational group who were so connected, they were deemed too valuable to waste, and have been hidden away ever since.
The story behind this involves three Qatari Muslim males who flew into America, with pilot uniforms, were in computer phone contact with their offshore handlers, had ample funding, were casing locations, and actually targeted for hijacking the same jet which was flown into the Pentagon.

The three terrorists, Meshal Alhajri, Fahad Abdulla and Ali Alfehaid, flew into America aboard British Airways, were under control of Mohamed Al Mansoor, for one week when suddenly on September 1oth, they left America.

I will back engineer this for you, so this makes more sense in connecting the dots in an intelligence operation.
As there was this known terror group speaking with their benefactors offshore who sent them, there were other groups of trained Muslim pilots who were to murder pilot crews, hijack jets and then fly them to their terror mission.

We know this is a separate operational unit from Sheik bin Laden and Dr. Zawahiri as they would not have been redundant in sending back ups who were better equipped and trained than the 9 11 group who carried out the operation.

The California group also was not of same motive of operation, as they were trained offshore, while the 9 11 terrorists were trained in America, while living in America.

This California group was sent on a mission. The 9 11 terrorists were sleepers sent here as expendables.

Now with that basis of understanding, we know that this California group abruptly stopped their operation. We have two terror operations at work, one superior in training and ability, and one expendable, unaware of the presence of either.

This means their offshore controls were separate, but the intelligence service which was overlord of both of these groups, got wind of the California operation and called it off, allowing for the bin Laden group to take the blame.

We know that Saddam Hussein was allowing operations for 9 11 practice inside Iraq. Russian FSB was all through Iraq as well as Iran. Logic concludes the California group was state sponsored and known by the Russian FSB.
Russian FSB was known by remarks from the Russian media to have "known of the bin Laden" operation in the days before the attacks. Logic concludes Iraq or Iran were about to have their own 9 11 operation in mass destruction as Oklahoma City and TWA Flight 800 as were like operations on American soil covered up by the Clinton group.

The only way these California groups could disappear from the dragnet this completely after 9 11, was from Muslim mafia infiltration into American security, Russian and Chicom moles inside American government, and the same lovely counterfeit documentation as Mr. Obama experienced in his 300 million from counterfeit currency for his 2008 presidential campaign.

This is more than just 9 11 though as we have entered into the Age of Obama. Dave Gaubatz who wrote the Muslim Mafia, has made public how before Iraq II, he was in Saudi Arabia carrying out operations in Iraq, which spoke of the vast WMD supply Saddam Hussein had, and how the Russians were busy cleaning up the mess until the last day of the liberation.
Mr. Gaubatz also stated that there were quantities of weapon's grade radioactive material being traded, and that nuclear terrorism in America along with Mumbai and Beslin operations are ready to be triggered by sleeper agents as on 9 11.

The reason for piecing the fine work of Mr. Gaubatz into this as a Federal Agent is a "new story" out of Canada that al Qaeda is on the brink of utilizing a nuclear bomb. The term dirty bomb is bandied about, but the reality is the information shows that the terrorists have full knowledge on how to create Hiroshima. (Anyone can build a "gun type" nuclear bomb as they are simple design.)

Mr. Gaubatz pointed out Canada is one of the terrorist sleeper centers with key states in America. The reason for noting the confirmation is where this is leading to as this blog exclusively warned of months ago in these bizarre Obama regime manipulations of events, from calling of Mexican amnesty in the lame duck, for no reason, unless of course Mr. Obama does not desire to be fingered with Democrats for some planned terrorist event to assist Mr. Obama's agenda.

For those who think this is an Alex Jones stretch rant at George W. Bush, I would note that Mr. Obama with his benefactors unleashed a massive series of terror operations in his "Jasmine Revolutions", as he has been part of these overthrows of pro American regimes just as Mr. Brzezinski with the Rothschild MI6 operation which installed Islamocommunist Khomeini into Iran which started this worldwide communist caliph as a war source against America.

This is Operation Pyramid in the scheme Mr. Obama and his cartel benefactors with the Chicoms and Putincrats have been engaged in for this worldwide Marxism which is being carried out.

None of this was about Obamacare or Obama czars, sweet Michelle Malkin, that was the Obama head fake Rush Limbaugh and not the COLB as the COLB is a real Achilles heel for Mr. Obama, but that distraction was to undo Ronald Reagan around the world in removing all of America's allies in order to fragment the American alliance for a sweeping military attack.

What is taking place in Egypt will have an American counterpart if it is deemed essential to assist Mr. Obama in keeping his progressive constrictor hold upon American power. This is what this blog noted in Waco, Ruby Ridge were false flag operations, and by the news stories now being planted, there are sleeper agents of Islamic cause who will be engaged to assist Mr. Obama in his Muslim Brotherhood for America.
Mr. Obama is installing Islamocommunists around the world and enslaving free peoples to communist regimes as Putin's.

I realize this is the nightmare which the fringe have been cursing the Bush family with for years which never happened, but if one has dead Egyptians to install your power elite in Cairo, then there is no difference in the same el Baradei sources operating in America for a return favor for their secular Islamist Mr. Obama.

This is what Janet Napolitano has been conditioning America to in TSA fondling which now seems forgotten, until "the events" come into play.

It is the thread which weaves this all into pattern that Egypt is connected to America and what is staged in Egypt will have an American counterpart on the vanishing point white print.

Currently Mr. Obama has deemed handing over his criminal records to Congress in Darrell Issa as something he is above the law in obeying. These actions can only be delayed so long, before Mr. Obama will have to save hisself and initiate the Cairo option in America.

I have bluntly stated that America has not been attacked by terror operations of the 9 11 type, because such attacks are bad for business in the drug and weapons trade Mr. Obama is allowing for al Qaeda as a quid pro quo, and because they would make Mr. Obama look bad.
This will change though when the Islamists deem a coordinated effort is essential to distract American attention from Kenyan criminal Obama and onto piles of dead American bodies.

You know the operation now. Perhaps by exposing this it will warn it off from taking place as the Obama benefactors hate being given credit as it makes the Prophets of the keyboard look too good and them too bad.

nuff said.

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