Friday, February 4, 2011

Obama has grown

In continuing exclusives to this blog, in this Age of Obama, new definitions must be created to address the evolution of the body politic of Islamocommunist, secular Muslim and now considering the entrenchment of a new Iron Curtain encircling the Slavic peoples by the Bolsheviks, a new invasion tunnel into Tibet by the Chicoms and the Mediterranean Club of Mr. Obama's benefactors in removing sound leaders friendly to the west for absolute communist fascist Muslim hybrids in North Africa and the old Marxist order of Europe.

In that, we are witnessing not just a promise Caliph to Muslim hordes of communist and fascist leftism, but a return to the feudal empire of Europe melding with colonialism in it's worst form.

The Cuomo left in America enjoyed bandying about the slur of Nazism against Republicans and Conservatives, which is an impossibility as the Conservative and Republican political spectrum is right, and nazism is couched in the political left for Nazi is German acronym for National Socialism.

This hybrid revolutionary radicalism of Barack Hussein Obama is Marxism, communism, fascism, black liberationism and secular Islam. All of these leftist fronts have now evolved on the old scheme of what Henry Ford warned of in the international communist, often cleverly skewed by the Rothschilds as the International Jew when the correct term were Askhenaz heretics converted to a form of Jewry, whose occultism is the basis for the illuminati or the cult of the illuminated one in satan.
To this day, this group of elitists have hid in Jewry, creating intrigue and allowing the Sephardic and poor Ashkenaz to receive the retribution for their crimes against humanity.

The murder and mayhem from Tunisia, Albania, Afghanistan, Gaza, Lebanon, Sudan, Kenya and now Egypt in Club Med theater is all for the expressed greater purpose of ordo ab chao, the order from chaos.

The straw man Austrian Adolf Hitler in usurpation of the German nation was noted to be of the Ashkenaz elite bloodline. His resurrection of the old world order of Empirical lords over serfs evoked the feudal society espoused by the master race and lesser peoples. This was aimed at not just Jews, but the Slavic peoples who were to be slaves for the order and their land resources were forfeit.

This is nothing new under the sun as the Assyrians, Egyptians, Babylonians, Persians, Greeks and Romans all were occupational empirical colonialists who enslaved select masses to fuel the needs of the aristocracy.

Führer Hitler evoked the same Stalinist order of selective control and use of the working class. This has always been selective in even the British had only eclipsed the sun never sets upon the Empire, and all others only ruled by adjacent authority.

This National Socialism was the order of Hitler and Stalin in the state control of all with deciding what was best for the serving masses. While Henry Ford exposed the Internationalists, that group was only a world nightmare until now.

Barack Hussein Obama is a National Socialist or in his Berlin speech bowed to Nazism by definition. What though the Club Med adventurism of Mr. Obama and his benefactors of the financial cartels who created Marxism is not Nazi but the new Obama definition of IAZI, the Internationaler Sozialismus.

Barack Hussein Obama was installed into American leadership in the theft of the 2008 election for President, as an undocumented. He has overseen the degradation of American alliance supporters from Japan to England. This has now been replaced from Peking to Moscow to Berlin to Tehran to Cairo to Caracas to Washington, in Mr. Obama has had assembled for him from the central European cartel a league of International Socialists.

Mr. Obama has invested the period from 2008 to 2010 in undoing all that President Ronald Reagan accomplished for liberty across the globe, and now from 2011 on, his exclusive purpose is to establish Caliph, colonialism and empire, in International Socialism, IAZI.

This is truly an accomplishment which B. Hussein Obama deserves full credit for with his benefactors. He has become not Führer, but Gemeinschaftsorganisator.

That would be community organizer.

The little undocumented Hawaiian organizing Chicago has now become feudal organizer of the world.

Mummy must be so proud.
