Friday, February 4, 2011

WTF is up with Obama voter Shep Smith

Dude what is up with FOX sodom and Obama balanced FOX New channel's Shep Smith, because after he went all Obama nuts in 2008, he is looking all freakoid!

His picture on FOX has him looking like that creepy alien on V, and worse yet, the actor who portrays the Obama lizard race coming with all the answers for humanity, actually gets made up this way by professionals, and Shep Smith honest to Obama looks this way natural.

Something is bizarre in this, as in overlaying the graphics and photos for the exclusive satire photo to prove the point, I in a minute literally did more professional work than whoever did Smith's promo.
That stuff has to be signed off on by brass and Smith hisself, and it really was poorly done. So either Shep Smith has no Obama taste, which he doesn't or FOX brass is making him look bad.

I know Greta got her face shot full of ass fat a few years ago to portray "this is what an Obama ass face looks like betraying American pretending to love Conservatives", but Shep Smith is beyond having ass fat shot into his head.

Smith has that AIDS drug glow about him. You know what I mean in all those sodomites with HIV looked like they were Lenin preserved behind glass, with that greasy, waxy sheen, like you get from taking steroids in high doses.
Then Smith's eyes even have an almond shape to them like those damn greys George Nouri is always talking about as aliens, but are demons conjured up tormenting people.

Shep Smith just looks creepy, and FOX signed off on this, and worse yet, Smith not only signed off on this, but he thinks looking like a creepy Palin stalker is the image he looks good in.

Smith must have had the last supply of botox which al Qaeda pulled from the vice like grip of Nancy Pelosi in which she was injecting to her unmovable face. It has to be something that macabre as to look this bizarre you would have had to have injected a lethal supply of chem into your face.
You know how Joan Rivers looks like a corpse as she rants about Sarah Palin should now leave planet earth? Shep Smith looks just that same room temperature, but Smith has bloated his face so much that his butt lips for Obama have pulled so tight they almost disappeared.

Those horrid butt lips, you know like Stephanie Sandlin and Gabrielle Giffords have, that are nurtured by Harry Reid and B. Hussein Obama as the lips of the Democratic party........because, well........
How do I put this, in mixed company...........You know how Lawrence Sinclair auditioned in a limo for Obama? Well, these patricians like women with big mouths and big lips, as it is inviting to them for their Monica moment.

You get the idea, and if you don't, be thankful you are so moral in this Age of Obama.

Meanwhile back at the butt face..........

So while most people go to the plastic surgeon to have luscious butt lips in this sodomite age, some folks like Shep Smith negate the effects by stretching their face like Charlie Sheen to look like a lounge lizard, but in Smith's case he looks like a real lizard invading the planet.

Maybe this is the next Obama effect which will sweep the world, in undocumented Obama's followers will all start looking like alien lizard invaders, as some get mixed up on what kind of alien chameleon Obama they are trying to be like.

You see David Letterman, Joan Rivers, Shep Smith got this V thing going on...........and it is starting on Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter and Pegs Noonan. This Obama alien stuff is rubbing off like a plague.

Well Shep Smith either looks like an alien or a penis..................something in that in Kent Conrad leads a bunch of Obama penis lookers.

Maybe Spielberg has some movie in the works, Invasion of the Penis Snatchers to tie this weird following of Obamites into one horror sci fi drama. Hollywood better move fast as when reality in Shep Smith eclipses hours of make up from ABC............something is at work here in another Obama miracle.

Why people want ass fat and poison shot into their faces to be famous is beyond me. I would just rub some steak on Ann Coulter as she would look better wearing some beef before auditioning for motherhood.

We now return you to FOX and the Obama aliens, fair and balanced.
