Thursday, March 3, 2011

The American Peace is Dead

Geostrategy Direct actually posted the reason the Egyptian Government was taken down by the conspirators of Barack Hussein Obama.

Quote Egypt conducted intel operations against Iran in several Arab nations

LONDON — Egypt's former intelligence chief has disclosed operations against Iran in such countries as Iraq, Lebanon and Syria. Maj. Gen. Omar Suleiman, now vice president, said Egyptian intelligence has been recruiting agents in several Arab countries in an effort to block Iranian operations in Egypt. "We have started a confrontation with Hizbullah and Iran," Suleiman was quoted as saying in a U.S. diplomatic cable. "We will not allow Iran to operate in Egypt."

It has been proven here that B. Hussein Obama is in league with the Iranian communists from his Twitter round up of Iranian Patriots to the warning off Ahmadinejad that the French were going to expose his nuclear arms plant.

We now know that President Mubarak, was coordinating with other Muslim nations led by Saudi Arabia to thwart Hezbollah and Iranian expansion to overthrow their national governments.
This dovetails into why Hosni Mubarak was taken down and the Egyptian Government thrown into turmoil.......with the first net result in Iranian warships crusing through the Suez Canal to rendevous in Syria with other communist forces.
All of this is geared for the Marxist Muslim sword of Islam stretching from Rabat to Jakartta. Make Islam an empire force controlling the oil armed with nuclear weapons and set it against oil hungry China and nuclear power Russia. The net result is a Mideast nuclear cancer spreading to neutralize Russia and China communists.

The Obama Club Med now means Iran and Hezbollah have carte blanche to operate to overthrow all regimes, and Saudi Arabia standing alone will be picked off ASAP.

Barack Hussein Obama has assassinated the 1945 victory of World War II in Pax Americanus, the American Peace. It was his full intention to do so. It is Brzezinski radical Islam, Bolshevik hatred and China dismantlement policy.
I told you George W. Bush tried loving this to death in kinder and gentler Islam. It is now full bore Eurasian World War III of biological, chemcial, nuclear and hybrids of this genre you never thought possible of melding from above and below this earth.

What is the title for such a communist Chicago organized revolution?

La paix américaine est morte. Longue vie d'Obama.

The American Peace is dead. Long live Obama.

Is this what the Obama voters desired to be written on their graves.

