Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Barack Obama thinks obeying the law is a Joke

I think there's nothing -- there's no weakness in us trying to reach out and seeing if we can find common ground. Now, there are going to be times where we can't. I was born in Hawaii, what can I say? I mean, I just... I can't change those facts.

The comment provoked laughter from the Democratic audience.

I'm not going to invest a great deal of time in this, because how long does it take to state that Lt. Col. Terry Lakin, an American Hero, had his life destroyed by Barack Hussein Obama over Obama hiding his records.

Obama thinks obeying American Law is a joke, and just like Special Olympics Children, the thought of another human's life being smeared by Mr. Obama does not even cross his mind.

Terry Lakin has concrete and steel bars every day after being obliterated by Barack Hussein Obama to make an example of him, to keep all other military personnel from questioning dear leader Obama.

The thought of what Terry Lakin, the Veterans of Afghanistan, the Wounded Warriors, the families of the KIA, never enter into the mind of Barack Hussein Obama, no more than the murdered at Fort Hood.

Obama has Nuremberg psychosis. The Jews did not matter as the German National Socialists joked and Terry Lakin does not matter as Obama jokes.

For Obama supporters, you need to be informed that this is inhumane and disgusting.

What does that say about you Obama supporters in needing to be told this, and what does this say about Obama in not having any human compassion on other humans he destroyed.

Mr. Obama is a sociopath.

Hope disappears as this designer negro manifests into a new chameleon daily.

Lawrence Sinclair one day, Sarah Palin the next, Rush Limbaugh the third, Democrats in Congress in November, Jews for the summer, and currently dead Muslims in exchange for Libyan oil control by Obama's benefactors in Europe.

Sounds a great deal like David Letterman in child rape jokes has the same comic personality as dear leader Obama.

It is all so funny to these grandchildren of Adolf Hitler's national socialism.

Is this why David Axelrod in his Hitler look had Obama going to Berlin to kick off his International Socialist Manifesto in his 2008 campaign?

Sure it is.
