Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Obama 2012 Trap

The reality is black folks really don't need freedom. They just are satisfied with a picture of Obama on the wall.

That is not a overstep in the least as you name one thing Obama has done, but give away free turkeys to Chicago blacks his first Obamatide, that weren't even his turkeys, and if you try to name anything all you get is a big zero.

Some might say, Obama gave all them reparations to black farmers, but sister, you know very well that Obama is going to have Geithner at Treasury sending in the IRS to put a 34% income tax on them funds.........and you know very well Obama's General Motors is going to be shoving Cadillacs at them blacks for a smooth ride, and the next thing you know all them black farmers are going to be tits up in a peanut patch, because they will be eating fat pork clogging their black arteries to the Promised Land.

That is the deal blacks have got from Obama and it has only been this blog, sometimes joined by Tavis Smiley yelling at Hillary Clinton as to why there ain't no black reporters covering her in the press pool, who has been a champion in the least of any minorities in America.
The majority of blacks, and that includes the Limbaugh Walt Williams who can't seem to wonder just why it is that Obama can't do something for the any color man, unless they got cartel gold in their teeth, all just are content to look at Obama as the one guy who got over the river Jordan, while the rest of them get to stay on the plantation getting whipped by the massah.

It is no different for Mexicans. Mexicans are worth nothing for amnesty, worth only to be prostitutes and drug haulers to the mafia, and when done they get their heads chopped off in the Sonora.
Muslims? Hell they do nothing but die under Obama's regime around the world. Rich ones get run out of the Mosque and the poor ones get to fondly Lara Logan's tits.

Do you think Muslims printed up 300 million dollars in counterfeit Obama 2008 campaign funds to only get to slap a British babes boobies? They could do a goat for free and get the milk besides.
Obama has given them the rawest of deals.

You might as well forget about anything from Obama if you are Asian. The Indians got a state dinner, but Obama let the Chicoms dig a tunnel into India for invasion.
The Chinese? Hell you might as well be making your chopsticks last in San Fran, as Obama dumped the cash into Peking and you as an American oriental don't even get to sniff the kobe beef.

Thee only folks Obama has helped are those Ashkenaz money cartel boys in New York and Berlin. Do not make the mistake of thinking this is Jews, as Obama has done nothing but paint a target on Jews which reads "FIRE WHEN READY".

So when brother Louis Farrakhan is dusted off to roust reporters to scare them for Obama in 2010 and in 2011 brother Louis has to go out and talk about Cairo revolutions........that is once again the black man doing the bidding for an Uncle Tan.
You need further proof brothers and sisters? Did you catch Brother Jesse Jackson carpetbagged into Wisconsin, reciting back 1960's protest poetry, and how far that man has fallen from being the head stooge for the man at the FBI and now all he is, is in charge of *FIB's for Obama.
*F*cking Imbeciles for Barack.

Spike Lee is no help as he never visits the hood. Chris Rock dusts off racism for Obama to hide behind calling white folks children, and Oprah had the Obama rub off on her, as her career is making a huge sucking sound.

2012 is a trap for blacks and not the Rush Limbaugh trap Karl Rove has him jabbering on about in Obama's missing birth certificate. The trap is blacks are going to be marginalized worse by Obama as he replaces them, as Obama has no affinity with the American black experience.
Hell, you saw him in Indonesia crashing Asian kid's birthday parties as a novelty black. He was the Cuban of the African Baseball League. In Hawaii he was nailing white chics in high school and nobody ran him off. Black to Obama was his stepping stone and that stone was a path of gravestones for black Americans.

Martin King had the "We shall overcome", but baby, when Obama and Colin Powell stomped on Dr. King's day to get at Obama in 2009, blackness has never recovered. White folks had their designer negro to placate their racism in putting him into the White House and black folks got to with the rest of the minorities look in the window as Stevie Wonder and other white folks entertained Obama and he wife.

If blacks want to overcome in 2012, they need to vote for anything besides what they did with Obama, as they need to ask the question, "Can we really survive as a people with 4 more years of Barack Hussein Obama?"


Where do we go from here?
Now that all of the children have grown up
And how do we spend our time
Knowing nobody gives us a damn?

I don't want to live here no more
I don't want to stay here
Ain't going to spend the rest of my life
Quietly fading away

Games people play you take it or you leave it
Things that they say just don't make it right
If I'm telling you the truth right now do you believe it
Games people play in the middle of the night