Friday, March 11, 2011

BAT: Bad Ass Tan with the Black Man

By the silence of Spike Lee and Bill Maher after their public rants about how much they desired for Barack Hussein Obama to be a bad ass n*gger in going hood, I wonder if that silence is from shame, ignorance in not noticing Obama had gone gangsta or appreciation in enjoying their serial murderer at work on a worldwide stage.

Blood on his hands Obama has been busy blowing up Muslims around the world in Predator strikes from day one, but that was not good enough for Spike Maher or others who just wanted a bad ass n*gger performance out of Obama. The problem is when you have a tan pansy from Chicago who likes flossing in the sheets with gay males, you just are never going to get Shaft out of noodle like that.

B. Hussein is a genetic tan man, a diluted black man mingled with Arab seasoning and a chaser of Dunham, all mixed in an Indonesian cocktail.........put it this way, in no one ever loses sleep over Kenyans or Indonesians taking over the world. That is Obama, a tan man third worlder who can't even Saddam his way to a good cigar while boiling someone up in oil lamenting their end.
Obama hides under the covers and asks Reggie Love to turn out the light and make the booger man go away.

No in Obama you see the bad butt tan, using American Treasury money to bribe Muslim Marxists to revolt and for the security forces there to allow that coup, against real men like Mubarak and Khadaffi who have no problem in dealing with blood on their hands. Instead, Obama hires his done and then has to stand over the corpse like that Persian Ayatollah pissing on the body to humiliate them.
The Saudi's warned Obama not to humiliate Mubarak, but Obama had to.........Obama even has to try to get Turkey to nuke Libya for him, and then Barry teleprompters around that he doesn't want Libyan oil, when his bribed up revolutionaries took over the east of Libya for that damn oil as their first target for Obama to control that oil for the cartels.

As you can see Obama is no black man throwing down. Maybe that is why Spike Maher are silent about all of this, as there is one thing worse than being a pansy like Obama, and that is being an Obama hiring the job done and then pissing on the conquered just to lay claim to the kill.

Obama's got his pile of bodies, barrels of oil and his Marxist buddies installed around the planet in his blood purge, but all this Obama violence just isn't bringing peace, or the satisfying leadership Spike Maher lust for.
They watch Richard Roundtree and they just felt bad ass baby, even comparing it to black coffee and a white cup, but watching Obama all they see are sediments in pale coffee and a cup that is stained tan from too much sipping.

Liberals though got their designer negro, then tailored a new n*gger skin for him in Spike Lee fashion on a Bill Maher effeminate mannequin, but all they got is blood camouflage and blood splatter.
Murder in Afghanistan, Yemen, Lebanon, Egypt, Tunisia, Libya,'s all that hopey changey thing turning out for you boys in your new bad ass tan Obama?

–You ain’t so black.
–And you ain’t so white either, baby.

I know guys that’d take out an entire zip code for that kind of money.

Wonder what kind of cash Obama laid out to take out the North African zip codes?

"I don't want someone thinking I was after his oil."
B. Hussein Obama, March 2, 2011

"F*ck the badge. I’ll get that silver spoon motherf*cker, and I’m gonna get him my own way."
John Shaft, 2000
