Friday, March 11, 2011

A Prediction

This is just a little realization, a little reality check, a little blood on your hands, for the Obamites who were so intoxicated in their award winning Barry Soetoro usurping the US White House and his Club Meddling coups in the Mediterranean, that they just couldn't see the donkeys they were being led around by this Obama colonialism.

What do you think is going to come of this?

Think hard you Obamites as your brains are not working and you have no God provided Inspiration.

Ever heard of Albania? Perhaps not, but Obama has and one of his first insurrections was in Albania by his leftists.

Albania for the George Nouri Obama award winners is in Europe.........not to leave Rush Limbaugh or Chris Matthews out of this in not getting the game of this toxic Obama fumes in where this is tracking.........let's just cut to the quick.

What do you think is in Kosovo and Albania? Why lots of Islamists who are in dope, human traffick, guns and gems deals with those leftist Muslims Obama has raising hell all through the Middle East.

What do you think might happen in Europe as these comrades start wanting the same kind of rewards program, as Bill Clinton gave them a nation from Christian Serbia and George W. Bush signed it on the dotted line for that little Clinton war for oil pipelines which Bush43 completed as Iraq raged.

Ever heard of London and Paris and what is there in more Muslims than most Muslim nations?

Now they might just be a problem you think? The seers all point to Paris being incinerated by Muslim mobs in the coming upheavals which lead to the Great Eurasian War which has been a focus of here.

One more pieces in the puzzle.

Do you know what is next to Albania?

Sure it is those Balkans and those Slavic states with Muslim seasoning.

Know what else is there?

You would if you were paying attention, because in that nice little mix from Poland south to the Greek border are Russians now nose to nose with Germans, Italians, Americans, and lots of things which would start a world war as friction erupts.

Don't know your history do you? The Slavic states being divided up started World War II and the Balkans in upheaval started World War I.

Isn't all of this Obamaness just admirable? You are seeing before you and no one sees it, thee very foundations of the scorched earth in a line of fire from the Orient to the gut of Europe, all well peopled and all going to be incinerated by these expanding Obama Muslim tribal wars.

Sure it is intended by the cartels backing Obama, but now that I think about it baby sister, this isn't a prediction at all, but a pointing out of the obvious.

So just call it that in you light a fire in Islam, it's firestorm sparks start new fire across the surrounding peopled forests and the next thing you know is you have America boot to jackboot and thermonuclear weapons are going off.

Enjoy your existence now, as numbers of you have seen your best days behind you, and the time is coming when people will envy the dead.

Tis the Age of Obama. Light fires and you get burned.

Liking the view from Hades
It's the only one you got
So glad Obama saved you a place
As nuclear fires they burn so hot
