Monday, March 28, 2011

Chics for Free

This might sound odd coming from me, but President Theodore Roosevelt was a despot. On the surface, this is a bad thing, but when America has a pro American despot in charge, it is a good thing for Americans.
This will be a teaching moment in comparing therefore Teddy Roosevelt despotism and B. Hussein Obama tyranny as dictator, for while a despot is dictatorial in nature unconstrained by laws, a tyrant is dictatorial by dominating through threats.

It is best to compare by actual examples.

Theodore Roosevelt desired America to never again be a weak nation dominated by world empires. It is why he wrote his historical books as he was explaining the founding of America and the War of 1812 in how America's light was almost blown out.

His entire focus was Naval power and is why he sent the US Navy around the world on a voyage and it is why he undertook a little coup in Columbia to steal away Panama, so he could build his canal.
As Roosevelt noted, "If I had waited for Congress to build my canal, Congress would have debated and I would not have gotten my canal. So I built the canal, and Congress debated, so therefore I got my canal and Congress got to debate".

All of Teddy Roosevelt's actions from Jekyll Island Federal Reserve was International Federalism in he protected Americans in FDA health while promoting American security by increasing money supply and an expanded Naval presence while hammering Spain to increase American prominence.

This type of pro American despotry is what has always benefited Americans. It is though when an International Socialist like B. Hussein Obama comes onto the scene that American efforts do not even get a canal to sail her commerce through.

Take for example, Mr. Obama's Club Meddling Policy in the Mediterranean region. Mr. Obama has John Kerry reward a Muslim butcher of Sudan with no prosecution in exchange for oil in southern independence. The net result is no drop in oil prices nor Mr. Obama securing that oil for America.
In Egypt, he overthrows Hosni Mubarack, and Egypt in return endangers the Suez Canal and will not even meet with Sec. of State Clinton.
In Libya, Mr. Obama unleashes the tyrant Khadaffi, civil war ensues, Khadaffi offers bribes, the Brits and French are stuck doing flyovers, and the Libyan oil which is what Mr. Obama was after, does not flow to even his European benefactors.

In none of this Obama policy does America or Americans benefit.

This is key in this in Mr. Roosevelt's policy always benefited the national Government and the individual Citizen. Mr. Obama's policy only benefits international financiers while endanger the Citizen with terror attacks as he impoverishes them.

As I have stated, there is nothing wrong with American Corporations bribing foreign leaders to gain contracts to prosper Americans. There is nothing wrong with coups to set people to their own self determination like Panama when America gets an advantage. There is nothing wrong with America exploiting peoples or situations as along as the majorities are winners.
This is what Teddy Roosevelt despotism was based in.

What Mr. Obama tyranny is grounded in is the rape of America financially, the empowering of outside commerce forces and the endangering of Americans for an offshore order which uses Americans as fodder.

There is nothing wrong with wars for oil, as long as America gets cheap oil and every American benefits from it, as some 3rd world tyranny is transformed into a modern state like the Shah of Iran was evolving to.

There is everything wrong with Americans dying so Mr. Obama can pay off those who installed him into the Oval Office, while America is impoverished and the few Obama benefactors become a more numerous trillionaires.

America needs as Dire Straits sang long ago............

Money for nothing and chics for free.

America is not going to get that from Barack Hussein Obama. I believe America would get that from a President Sarah Palin.

nuff said.