Monday, March 28, 2011

Oedipus Negroid Complex

The entire dithering of the world imploding into the Obama abyss all relates to one effeminate male from Kansas who in his condition had a wife overcompensating for his weakness in Madelyn Dunham.
And so the story of the world goes to hell starts...........

Stanley Dunham was an odd shemale in he was so uncomfortable in his maleness that he first attempted to turn the job of husband over to his wife Madelyn, and in that discomfort in being a cuckold, he next attempted to recreate himself by making his daughter into a male by replacing himself with Stanley Ann jr.

The entire Dunham family has only been exposed in this blog diagnosing their psychosis and their psychopathy. What follows in an entire expose' on what sent the world to her grave, because of one weak male.

Stanley sr. was reported as an odd male who as a furniture store employee, a female job after the war, he liked to wrestle young boys on beds.
His desperation to find hisself a role is why Barack jr. is so engulfed in basketball and sports, as he is desperately searching for a role for his maleness which is so lacking.
Michelle Robinson, Stanley Dunham, Madelyn Dunham are all women who have had to become men due to the liberal males in their lives were such psychological girls.
As only this blog noted, Madelyn somehow without any skills or training obtained a high profile job in Kansas avionics, which was a male job, and points to the reality that this attractive woman was using her wares to sleep her way to the top as man of the house, in her husband was off in the military and not fulfilling the role she was forced into.

This being linked to Frank Marshall Davis' book exposing his sexual role in the Dunham marriage in Hawaii as master with Madelyn as Dom and Stanley as a cuckold, and not even advocating a role of sub to be in control, relates how Madelyn Dunham having no husband to tame her, was forced to become the man of the family to progress this family forward.

At this point, I will to explain why I correctly define B. Hussein Obama as a Designer Negro. He is not as blacks define him as a Magic Negro.
The term Designer Negro is from Designing Women, the liberal CBS television program where the black character Anthony was fashioned by the Delta Burke character the way she did her dog and her child to fit her whims.
Barack Obama was conceived long before he was ever born in the Stan and Maddy household, because the reversal and abandonment of roles copulated a fiction and a hatred against the American system.

This hatred was implanted in Stanley Ann jr. In seeing the abandonment of her father to a male role of father and husband, she grew to disdain for the American system for the contrary Soviet system, and prevailed to the extreme of rejecting a white father for a black African Marxist impregnator, already married to a woman he bought for a cow.

That is what was behind the jungle fever of Stanley Ann which was implanted in her home, and was ignited by a black lust movie, and in seeing it played out in a tryst in Hawaii with Mr. Davis, her proclivity was designed to being raped by black men willingly in what appears her title role as a young 13 year old girl seduced by the Davis couple and later being initiated she designed a black stud to create her own Marxist state of Barry, so she would never be in need of a male again, as she would create him as husband and father in her own image.

Nothing of Barack Hussein Obama had to do with love. It was all a condition of weakness in he was designed to make up for the lack in these disjointed people's lives.

History reveals this fictional fantasy a disaster as the child bride Stan Ann, would reject her own son in abandoning him, doing a New York intervention for him to reprogram him, and then abandoning him a second time, as it was recorded before her death she was attempting to replace Barry with a bastard Korean black fathered by a serviceman there in adopting this child.

Stanley Ann Dunham's revenge was a lifelong plight of Oedipus Negroid Complex in frantically trying to find some security in her little girl insecure world. All she lusted for was a white American father to be her protector, and all she ended up with were black males who failed her expectations, and no matter the design, her existence became more flawed with each ejaculation.

It was her life ending battle in role reversal in Barry abandoning his cancer stricken mother in which she had by insinuated reports obtained a lesbian maid for her needs in Indonesia when she abandoned Barry to Hawaii, and would divorce Lolo Soetoro.
Stanley Ann had come to full perversion in she had concluded that she did not require a marriage, a womb or a husband, as a lesbian would service her vagina, Ford Foundation would be her financial security and her husband would be some useful American black wearing a uniform in Korea f*cking the local girls for sport to impregnate them.

This is the insane world which the insane Barack Hussein Obama has led the world into a grave, as a world he knew was filled with racial guilt would willingly fall for his tan skin scam, and give him carte blanche excuses to create an abyss all would be aborted in as that is what Barry Obama has been too cowardly his entire life to admit in he wanted most of all to be aborted at birth.

The puppy press of the left to lukers in Noel Sheppard and David Brooks and wet panties Noonan and Coulter will never admit to any of the above in how much they were deceived by this psychotic drama of the Dunham clan to creating a full fledged sociopath in B. Hussein Obama in his destructive manifesto for the entire world.
It is though the reality of Barack Hussein Obama in how he was designed before his birth by a group of fellow traveling psychotics who spawned in him the death of this world.

Barack Obama is designed in the flawed image of all those who voted for him to be the messiah to save them from themselves. Obama is suicidal though in self destruction and he is not going to save any of his voters or the world, because as is evident by his actions, he is implementing an end so he does not have to take the final exit alone like his mother.

All of these flawed people choosing to transform their failings into a salvation by placing their faith, hopes and dreams on a flawed Obama, instead of Jesus the Christ.

How is that hopey changey thing turning out for ya'll? Feelin' any better when you look in the mirror in Obama not changing one thing in your failed existences?

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