Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Flesh Eating Patricians

Have you ever checked your toothpaste?

You know that stuff you are lectured to use and warned if you do not use it your world will fall apart.

Do it sometime and you will find out that it's main ingredient is corn syrup, which is sugar.

You might think that is odd considering you were warned not to eat sweets, and yet the entire dental industry has you brushing your teeth with sugar.
Sugar turns into an acid which rots your teeth.

Brushing your teeth actually scratches the enamel so that sugars can impregnate your teeth and decay them more readily.

Sounds like a carpenter building houses with firebombs in them doesn't it so he can keep building houses and get rich?
Well the legal way is American car makers turning out cars which break so you have to buy new ones and poor people can walk.

Meanwhile at your teeth, I actually use salt like Sidney Portier said he did. Long ago I was on an antibiotic and drinking milk it stained my teeth. As I started developing allergies to Monsanto corn, I had noticed an email from someone saying they used iodized salt....iodine is a disinfectant and so I started brushing with it.
My teeth are white as Sidney's, my gums are healthy, no plaque and I have been experimenting with a bad cavity in a wisdom tooth now for 6 years which actually cleaned out, so salt has been something which did not bother my fillings and has been a better deal than the dental industry's cavity producing system.

Ever notice how cancer was introduced into Americans as cancer crops people efficiently, costs a fortune so it makes a profit, and it really makes Rockefeller's rich.
Problem was they were murdering so many people, that people stopped being tortured in cancer treatments.........then all of a sudden select numbers of people started living, so the money train picked up speed again.

Sort of the way all those medications you see just keep on feeding other medications. My dad was a glutton, so he developed gout. His gout gave me high blood pressure, which the little grey pill ruined his pancreas and gave me diabetes, which gave him a silent heart attack, but not before netting a fortune to the drug companies.
That is the way it Monsanto frankenfoods which inflame your tissues, and you get sick, so the doctor prescribes something which breaks something else down in your body, and you get a treatment for that............replacement joints are big in the Monsanto crop era, and once they get all your resources used up, they have it planned out that you die.

Amazing thing this organized experimentation and torture of humans. If you fed someone poison, you would be in prison.......Obama's folks do it, and they get invited to the White House in being Obama donors.

Women are such pretty creatures and smell so nice........but for some reason they would not put their deodorants on their oatflakes in the morning, as it would poison them, but they will put that stuff under their arms, absorb through their skin, put it into their lymph systems and get breast cancer.............and loose all their beauty as Obamacrypt nukes their hair out.

I wonder how these elites sleep at night knowing what they do, but they sleep fine. Odd how the only comfort in this is there is a God Who has a place in hell for these horrid cannibals, the flesh eating patricians of the Age of Obama.
