Thursday, March 10, 2011

Khadaffi's Gambit

Ask yourself my children, why is it Hillary Clinton and Obama call for airstrikes in Libya, then David Cameron does from England...........then Cameron backtracks.........they Obama dithers for weeks as Muslims die, and then Hillary Clinton calls for real dithering diplomacy in requesting the major question, "What does the world want to do?"

Hey Hillary how's that 3 AM phone call working out for you, as your speed dial like Obama must be set on a 911 international socialist finger to the wind what shall I do.....

OK I will by Inspiration explain this.

See Obama went in using US bailout money to bribe these communists all across the Middle East to revolt. Some like Hosni Mubarak got the blackmail message and said, "I'm not paying!", and to this Mubarak had his country stolen from him.

Now we see Momammar Khadaffi sitting around after the Brits announce they are going to invade, Obama tries to get Turkey to invade, then to get Saudi Arabia to ship weapons to the rebels against US law illegally.......and Khadaffi is being supplied by east European sources and Syria military assistance to kill his communists off.

How could Khadaffi one minute get the shaft and the next be getting dithering, while now President Sarkozy is calling to blow up Libya with air strikes?

The words of the wisdom in this are the screaming communist insurrectionists in Libya in wondering in bewilderment, "WHY ARE THOSE KHADAFFI JETS STILL FLYING!!!!!!!!!"

See my children, I told you these communists were bribed. These communists were along with the military promised that if they took east Libya, that the Air Force of Libya was bribed to stand down to give them free reign to route Khadaffi, who I believe as the rumor was floated, was to be assassinated weeks ago from someone very close to him.
This event did not happen, and that assassin has been marginalized in the government there, and now a new witches brew is being churned out........and the simple play in this, is just like Bill Clinton worked a massive bribe deal for Saddam Hussein to pay billions to western socialist leaders, it now appears that Moammar Khadaffi has agreed to blackmail terms in which he will hand over everything to which he will crush the Obama instigated rebellion.

It is interesting that David Cameron is out of this loop. It is interesting that Nic Sarkozy is the one being left on point to make France the target of Muslim fury from Khadaffi if he survives this Obama Club Meddling. It is interesting once again that as Muslims and Christians die in numbers from Obama coups, that Obama stars the mayhem, and then sits back having others take the public spotlight of lookin stupid and being enhance terror targets.

Khadaffi isn't stupid. He knows who is to blame for this in Obama and the central European cartel led by the secular Ashkenaz Rothschilds and their Rockefeller BP links. This will come to bite the America which created the monster Obama, but for now, you now know a fluid situation has become more viscous as deals have been made...............

Of course with this bunch, they will murder you after taking all your gold...........

So this is not over yet in quadruple crosses.

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