They are very pretty in being brown with pencil black markings and ear muffs.
They roam about my livestock pens and survived a horrid winter which regrettably killed three English game roosters I had with them. Oddly the roosters roosted and for the first time in my experience they froze their feet, and even though I brought them into my home, got mite bites, they still died a few months later......the hens though sat in the hay with my goats and look wonderful. They also started laying eggs.
The reason I'm recording this is something which happened this week which really fascinated me. I feed my chickens cracked corn which is that Monsanto poison, as currently I do not have the acreage in production for heirloom corns to feed them.
So I put out the normal quart can of corn for these hens in an empty pen, as the goats will devour the feed with a passion..........and it was days ago and that corn is still sitting there.
These hens though are daily busy in digging through a wheat straw bale, a grass bale and the goat pens for screenings and hay seeds. This is important to note in there is a pile of corn sitting there, and it looks very pretty, but these chickens are instead choosing to eat non Monsanto algae based Round Up herbicide grains.
Glenn Drowns of Sand Hill Preservation Center had a like story about he is surrounded by thousands of acres of soybeans on his 40 acres, and yet the rabbits, deer etc... will not eat the Monsanto fields, but instead come in and devour his soybean seedlings, so he has none to sell.
He wonders what the animals know that we humans do not. He knows the answer as do I.
I have noted here that I just loved Doritos, the Nacho Cheese type. I probably kept them in business for all the chips I used to eat. The problem is my body rejects this modern corn GM and hybrids to the deadly extent.
So I left my last supply of chips for months (this was years ago) and finally decided to try them again, and I literally when I bit into them, could not believe how horrid they tasted.
If a human would quite eating that poison in mass produced foods, and would just start a program of eating natural things in you baked with ingredients which are real, you would be shocked at how bad things taste and in a few months it would be you curling your lip as you took a bite into some cookie as you can taste how odd margarine and the chemicals in them flavor things.
This is what my chickens are tasting. They can taste that damn algae and everything in nature knows algae is a poison not to be eaten as it will kill you. This is the stuff in your cooking oils of canola, your dextrose additives of corn, or your soy meal feeding your meats.
As I have stated, before the vegans get all superior, you can not buy a cabbage which is not in part this same poison, as in Mexico they use human feces for fertilizer and humans eat piles of Monsanto poison, which is concentrated into your cabbages, just as fertilizers are either petrochemical or livestock for vegans which is either crude oil poison which animals shun or it is more Monsanto concentrates.
If you have not noticed, soda companies are moving a bit to real sugar, which means you are hurting their markets as GM corn syrup is making people sick. As I have stated though Obama and Monsanto have fast tracked Round Up sugar beets, so your sugar is going to be a concentrated poison starting in 2012.
Unless you stop this in public outcry and not buying these poisons, none of this is going to change.
For the record, my chickens are smarter than people, because the hens stopped eating the poison before they inflamed and died.
That is a sad state of affairs in what Americans have devolved to in this Age of Obama.