Isn't Newsmax supposed to be "right wing"?
Why is it in this email spam though they sent to me a strange familiarity with Hillary Clinton by addressing her by her first name and yet Sarah Palin is degraded to a "Palin" in how they view her?
You have noticed that there has been a ligne dans le sable concerning Sarah Palin these last weeks have you not?
What the "right" has been engaging in is akin to Obama inter Islam tribal warfare, as the Snob Class led by George Will and Charles Krauthammer have been busy degrading Gov. Palin, as that is the correct respectful title to write about her by, while Mark Levin has been leading a defend Sarah Palin that even Elton Blonde had golfed in on.............along with the "I hope more Conservatives get involved in the primaries" which is a subtle smear on Sarah Palin.
In this, we can track this all back to Karl Rove, Steve Schmidt, Nicole Wallace and their boy Max Sandlin, and as no one has bothered to explain this now for weeks, it will be written of here.
It fits into the following reasons why some liberal Carolina poll was asking Independent if they preferred Charlie Sheen or Sarah Palin, and of course in this wacko poll it was Sheen who won.
Granted the suspected group were porn freaks who suck on coke like it is mother's milk, but you get the idea that someone is running polls behind the scenes and they are terrified in what they are finding if you are a patrician.
What has been found is Sarah Palin will have a tussle of it in the GOP primaries in the pack, but by Super Tuesday will wrap it up in a landslide. This is what is about Judd Gregg, the Obama in waiting cabinet flunky who retired doing Jeb Bush's work for him, in commenting that Palin would win the nomination, but lose to Obama.
Everyone is lying about Sarah Palin, because all of these folks have run the Karl Rove polls and no matter which way they twist them or smear Gov. Palin now for years, she keeps widening her lead in the pack.
Make no mistake in this in when you have Eric Cantor and John Boehner submarining the Tea Party aka Sarah Palin Conservatives for not going along with Obama runs like a duck 2011 massive debt spending, you know this malevolence directed at Gov. Palin is coming from the Bush folks, including Gram Bush.
I will tell you something no one else will. The Bush tribe would gladly sacrafice Mitt Romney or anyone else as they did John McCain and keep Obama in office, because in their scenario they then elect Jeb Bush in 2016 after installing him into the Senate.
Never mind these self centered asses do not comprehend there will not be an America left, and Americans will by an Obama age then be fighting Chicoms in Alaska and Canada who have invaded for Putin, after the Islamocommunist nuke several American cities to soften these United States up...........none of that matters, as now we even have Dan Quayle weighing in for Obama in defending Barry over his perpetual golf swings.
What the hell is it with these Going Obama Perpetually Republican Humps? Obama commits political suicide in jumping off a bridge, taking and overdose, ties a Toyota to his leg, sucks on a Gabrielle Giffords love handle and has a rope tied to his neck with a DO NOT RESUSITATE message tattooed on his head..........and here comes Boehner, Graham and now Dan Quayle not only doing CPR, hooking up the O2 and injecting adrenalin into his heart, but are getting a court order to change the Constitution that the coma bound can still be in the Oval Office dictating?
Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi couldn't piss on the pillow an ocean of water deep enough to suffocate Bush53, but leave it to the patrician GOP'ers to make Zombie Obama their ward of the court.
The insiders of the GOP work for the cartels and that is obvious as much as George Soros sucks Rothschild phallics to get his pound of flesh. This is all the same walking 5th column of the globalists and it is why Sarah Palin was warned off after Gabrielle Giffords or she was informed it was coming to her.
Newsmax has engaged in the subtle form of political rape in they just call Gov. Palin by her last name, unlike Obama who lipsticks on a pig or Karl Rove who pours a gallon of date rape drug into Gov. Palin's FOX appearances.
Why is it?
You now know why it is, and watch very closely the subtle things as this ilk is revealing time and again who can be trusted. That is why this blog keeps exposing who the real traitors are of Peggy Noonan stooge attributes, because just like with Ronald Reagan, we Americans are going to have the media smearing Gov. Palin and our worst problem is going to be these Rovians making the "comments" to make sure she loses by Obama stealing 30 million votes.
The polls for Gov. Palin are landslide potential. It is why Mike Huckabee fell on his sword by acting Birther insane in deliberately sounding nuts and now is about to announce he is not primary bound........someone has promised Mike Huckabee something, and that something is a cabinet post in 2016 if he just helps discredit the Birthers and sabotages Sarah Palin for the patricians.
Huckabee will get the Tom Daschle treatment before these Rovians ever let him near a cabinet post.
This is the big game now, and Sarah Palin has them scared. I will repeat that these Rovians and Obamites had better leave her safe and not Tucson incidents as they have threatened.
It is all being recorded here in exposing what you are up to which leads this all back to Uncle David who was warned about all of this Obama business exposing all he was.
There is a line in the sand concerning Sarah Palin. Do not cross it.
Think about it.
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