Friday, March 4, 2011

Obama Afro Asian Policy

If you recall, Black American Christian Leaders were the first to sound the clarion call in 2009 that B. Hussein Obama was implementing a black genocide in Africa in his aborting what would pile up to millions of African babies.

Few listened, but if you happen to negotiate your way through condoned B. Hussein Afro Asian Policy his first few years, you start noticing that piles of dark skinned children are the result of his blood on his hands policies.

It doesn't matter if it is his Predator assassinations or his Egyptian coups. It is all the same result of dead babies piling up from Obama policy. Strangely Barack Hussein Obama is actually instituting a self implosion of Muslim lands, by this I mean secular Islamist Obama is Tehranforming Africa and Asia.
Terraforming is transforming a planet from a waste to a productive place for people to live, but Tehranforming is Obama Brzezinski Mitchell and Kerry taking stable nations and turning them into Iranian self eating Muslim cancer regimes who do not feed their people, instead use oil money to build nuclear terror and make their populations expendable nuclear targets.

If you do not see this, Obama has initiated a new form of aborticide for the world's children and that is death by radioactive poison injected into the womb of their nations.
We know this as fact, as Mr. Obama told Jews to prepare for their nuclear holocaust and then Obama might bomb Muslim nations with nukes to retaliate.

Nuclear Islamic Aborticide, Obama Policy 2008.

There is no need to inquire where Muslims or the NAACP or Southern Poverty Law Center are in exposing this racist genocide on dark skinned peoples, as they are Obama voters who have given him carte blanche to carry out his National Socialist policies of cropping mases of populations while his central European cartels gobble up the resources.
Is it not rich that Obama has BP get Khadaffi's oil, releases the Lockerbie bomber, and then Obama is ridding the world of Khadaffi.

Colonial Obamanism on the march and his targets are all the dark skinned children of the world.

Once again only an exclusive here protecting the dark ethnics of the world from Obama and his cronies............but alas no Pulitzer or Nobel Prize cash awards as Obama has them all in his genocidal mania, the Tehranforming Manifesto.
