Friday, March 4, 2011

Unilateral Obama

What kind of child of Africa is B. Hussein Obama, when his African poppy, Dad Khadaffi, who called Obama a native African, vouched to Islam that Obama was Muslim, paid BP a fortune in oil to get back the Lockerbie terrorist on Obama's terms..............called Obama a FRIEND as the Obama coup was murdering Libyans in the street and calling for Khadaffi to be executed, and now Obama is going it alone in puting on sanctions on Khadaffi.

It stands to reason that Khadaffi has stockpiles of chemical and biological weapons. It is said he has yellow cake uranium. The alarm though has been sounded by Obamites in the start from this that Khadaffi will use WMD's on his own people like Saddam.............a certain lie generated to demonize Khadaffi as Mubarak was demonized internationally, but the real fact is now Khadaffi who did unleash terrorists upon the west, if he survives will use WMD's on the west and not his own people.

If Khadaffi survives this Rothschild Obama cartel coup, the west has created a father and son team who are going to seek retribution at every turn, in power or not.

And who is at the center of the bullseye, but these United States, due to the fact that Mr. Obama has chosen to go alone, you know UNILATERAL, in conducting an act of war on Libyans in putting sanctions on alone to antagonize these proven terrorist backers.
That is going to spell the utmost of trouble in more ways than a thousand.

From a British Royal rumored to be kidnapped, there actually is a direct mention of Libya in the Nostradamus quatrains which should interest those devoted to Obama, as he has created the scenario.

[II.5] When weapons and documents are enclosed in a fish, out of it will come a man who will then make war. His fleet will have traveled far across the sea to appear near the Italian shore.

A Muslim (probably Libyan) leader will travel to Italy by his Submarine crossing the Mediterranean sea along with his army to fight against them.

[I.9] From the Orient will come the African heart to trouble Hadrie and the heirs of Romulus, accompanied by the Libyan fleet, the temples of Malta trembling and the neighboring isles empty.

The Eastern forces along with the Libyan forces will come by sea to attack Italy, Malta and neighboring islands. Malta is a mere 400 Kms. from Tripoli.

[II.30] One who the infernal gods of Hannibal will cause to be reborn, terror of mankind never more horror nor the papers tell of worse days in the past than will come to the Romans through Babel.

A frightening leader from North Africa will come to Italy and lead the eastern forces in their victory over the western forces. Incidentally one of the sons of Libyan President Muammar Gaddafi is named Hannibal

Sort of amazing how when it was George Bush in charge, that Nostradamus was always quoted, but George Nouri, Obama award recipient, just can't seem to find Nostradamus and the things spoken of matching Obama Club Med policy now unleashing world war on the world.

Will just leave it at unilateral Obama, sower of the seeds of Armageddon.
