As an exclusive to this blog alone.........
I was reading Sol Sanders recently, and commenting, but most of my comments at World Tribune are not deemed publishable so they end up here, but Mr. Sanders was betting on the US economy over B. Hussein Obama.
I noted that while well paid people like Mr. Sanders have not had to do without full gas tanks for the past decade and he could discuss robotic peach tree deblossomers, the majority of Americans have had to decide about rationing gas to themselves and simply existing instead of dreaming of peach orchards with R2D2 Star Wars agricultural million dollar implements.
America is a tale of two peoples in the peasant and the snob class, and things are not better with Rush Limbaugh lusted for GRIDLOCK.
What I will to discuss here is Sol Sanders who I respect a great deal in what he touches upon in ignorance of robotics in the peach orchard.
A peach orchard requires hundreds of trees at bulk price of 25 dollars per sapling. Land due to Rockefeller driven inflation is thousands of dollars per acre in peach country. It requires 5 years to get a peach orchard into first full year production. That is at least fifty thousand dollars sitting idle for 5 years, while you would have to work another full time job just to raise peaches.
That does not entail the tractor to mow, fuel for it which would be thousands of dollars more in cost and use, due to collectors now have driven up prices on old tractors. A new tractor would be in the seven to fifteen thousand dollar range, including implements in a loader to lift peaches by the bushel.
So a robotic peach blossom picker to make bigger peaches, would not be something a farmer would be inclined to buy as he tried to feed and house himself.........and a bank just doesn't like gadgets that cost a fortune they will be stuck with the bankruptcy for.
Add fertilizers, watering, sprays, natural destruction of trees by rabbits and disease, and you have quite a wasted income just to raise peaches. It is in fact slave labor.
This is what I have been exposing in American farmers for cheap food policy in the 20th century to keep all those Rush Limbaugh II in being rich lawyers as farmers were beggars being told how much they could plant on Obama Chicago commodity set prices, have really been raped economically all their generations.
This is generational as the Rockefellers wiped out the majority of American farmers in the 30's set bust, and did it again in the 1970's bust. This was all designed to drive farmers off the land to concentrate ownership.
What I'm exposing here is the reality that America is facing a food crisis, and no Mark Levin, it is not from ethanol being produced as even George Nouri lies aobut in his sponsor ads.
What no one has noted, as all of these city kids and Sol Sanders peach blossom sniffers are blind to in not having sh*t under their fingernails, is American farmers are becoming extinct and it is by Obama design.
The average age of American farmers is now 50 years old. Land values have been inflated from 1000 to 10,000 dollars per acre.
Cash rent is anywhere from 100 to the moon in prices as farmers have to farm immense amounts of land to gain an operating wage.
It costs a farmer 1000 dollars to fill a diesel fuel tank on a combine or tractor. Those implements cost 150,000 dollars to purchase. Add to that Monsanto herbicides, pesticides and crops designed to use expensive petro fertilizers and you soon realize that just to start into farming it would require almost a million dollars.
That makes the point in, if you have a million or half a million dollars, why on earth gamble on farming when you can make safer investments elsewhere?
The point is, most people do not have that kind of funding and with smaller families even on the farm, no one is replacing these rapidly disappearing farmers who are going to be gone in 20 years time.
As an example, the large scale farmers in my area who occupy the greatest share of 90% of the land farmed, they are age 45, 48, 49, 53, 55, 57, 68 and 72 years. This trend is nationwide, whether it is ranchers, dairymen, chicken contractors or peach orchards.
When land becomes so expensive that only Ted Turner conglomerates can purchase those tracts or investors flipping land, then the problem of Ducks Unlimited driving up prices on garbage land for "waterfowl conservation" is a national agenda from the elite to wipe out American agriculture just as Al Gore promised young Future Farmers of America convention attendees to get out of farming already in the 1980's as America would import all of her food.
Yes food hostage Americans are what these cartels are implementing.
As I have stated, this blog is thee only source which has written of this as Sean Hannity plays with his Ann Coulter and Karl Rove dolls. It saddens me greatly when someone like Mark Levin falls into this trap complaining of bio fuels as bio fuels are the one salvation which is going to bring funding to the rural areas of America to provide the finance to keep farmers on the land and American's not energy independent alone, but FOOD INDEPENDENT.
This is a crisis and America is in it. You know very well that this crisis is going to be sprung on Americans in the next years, and you know what kind of Obama intervention will be implemented by a future Pelosi jr. Congress in seeing this problem, they will seize the land and offer it to Soviet style community organized farms which will run like the Post Office and Americans will them import more overseas poisons, and the result will be the American food hostage.
All of this is by design and manifesto. It is why this blog gets righteous fury when I hear Gridlock Limbaugh stooging in the same way Obama does against American free agriculture as both their money sources are the same at root, and want this liberated freedom of healthful food wiped out, so complete Pharaoh Control over what you drink, eat, think, wipe with and set your thermostats to is controlled by a government agency.
There are far too many intelligent people like Sol Sanders who are so far removed from reality, that they have no inkling of the danger being implemented in America and the world. If any of these people had agrarian backgrounds or had friends who smelled of cow barn, they would have at least a first source to warn them of what the peril America is in.
They though do not and they lead Americans into the Obama abyss as Obama pushes everyone into that bottomless pit.
This is all being deliberately destroyed in inflation and age depletion. It is perfectly scripted and as heinous in crimes against humanity as the Nazi starvation camps, and this is Obama National Socialism in the same starvation and poisoning of America.
The only difference is, it is legal now in GM foods the body will not digest so fat Americans are literally starving to death and the poison is that same GM foods which is causing vast new categories of auto immune diseases.
You will never hear that though from all of these richly paid talkers who only focus on the sexy New York stories and follow the snake's tail round and round.
There is no original thought nor Inspiration, and the people are destroyed for lack of knowledge as they only want a blog like this one to tell them that their Obama is wonderful and Rush Limbaugh is always right.
Well they are not children, and that includes the big children at World Tribune who do not want to hear the Truth as it conflicts with their flat world view of a nice Obama is bad and Limbaugh is good tidy view. The same is True in CNN does not want to hear that Limbaugh and Obama are the same problem of a two sided coin as the same results breed the same rationed death.
While some dolts play golf to waste time, I actually am busy like very few others in doing unrewarded work in attempting to save every single person from themselves and it starts with depleting my resources in time I do not have in gaining access to non GM crops from antiquity and reconditioning them to harsh environments by saving seed, and not trusting that George would do it.
......because as Garold Weiland said in his Long Liner book of trapping......
Don't wait for George to do it, as George got kicked in the head by a mule and died yesterday.
You are dying America and you have no idea of the mule which gave you a kill shot to your head, as all of you listen to the braying jackasses paid the salaries who do not have an iota of comprehension of what the depths of this game are.
PS: How many of you Limbaugh Leaners and Obama maniacs know what breed of cow that is?
What is that apparatus hanging in the left of the photo?
What metal is that milk can made of?
What is the age of that cow?
What is wrong with this cow which would make her a bad investment to keep on dairy?
Alright then Robert Morton of World Net and Mr. Sanders, Mr. Limbaugh and Mr. Obama here are the correct answers as you got caught looking at the girl.
If you were an expert, you would have judged this a Holstein cow, the breed chosen for amount of milk provided and not butter fat content.
The device on the left is a milking machine.
The milk can is made of stainless steel as it would rust otherwise, and cleanliness is next to health in dairy operations.
This cow is under 3 years of age.
What disqualifies this heifer is her udder conformity attaches too sharply to the stomach area, while she has good blood vein flow to produce milk, her udder is small, and the front teats are higher than the back teats which indicates an uneven milk production.
Furthermore, she does not have length in stomach and intestinal area content to change feed efficiently into milk production.
This is a quite poor cow, which you would go quite poor and then broke milking, as even with artificial insemination (as dairy bulls try to kill you after age two), it would require two generations of breeding to gain a production offspring you could make money on in Obama set prices.
Gee who should be by God's Inspiration be paid the million dollar salaries in they actually know something about the subjects they speak beyond level one "read it in a newspaper and heard it in an email" knowledge.
nuff said.
You damn betcha I'm in a pissy mood in dealing with all of this and not being listened to by people who do not belong in the business in deciding who is listened to.