That is a pretty good idea I suppose for folks who are revealing how weak their position is in thinking they can steal a private email account connected to this blog and ruin it by their spamming from it.
I guess I will let Arnold tell the story.
This is the email Arnold was complaining about. I have no idea if it was viagra instead of a money making deal if he would have been so upset.
I do not pay much attention to what the Obamites or the sheep are up to in email, but I decided to record this forever, so when the revolution comes to America like Obama has sown around the world, as what comes around goes around, there will be a day when Bill Gates connections to the intelligence services, his treachery to humanity in being a shill for the Buffett globalists and his allowing the use of Microsoft as a surveillance tool...........including creating open ports in Windows systems to be exploited by the information gathering spiders, will all come before some unruly mob, smelling like the French Revolution.
I can see it now, in bearded fat men chewing on turkey legs, drinking grog...........wenches in the cheap seats who look like they have not bathed since Obama got his first foreign student loan with breasts hanging out, the mob grumbling.......some dogs barking as there always have to be dogs in a court room to give flavor to a revolution...............and there will sit Bill Gates crying and pleading that all was a mistake in his being an Obama stooge in beating up Americans online.
Of course, this will not hold any weight with the new FOX Fair and American Balanced, with someone like Mark Levin doing the reporting, as the camera zooms in on some cute little 23 year old vixen, appropriately looking virginal with some Catholic School Girl outfit on for effect as she tells her tale about being politically raped by these Rovian Obamites and how Bill Gates had allowed some phisher to gain her information and post it all over the internet, receiving rude emails from geezers who do not know any better than to vote for Obama.
About this time some skanky old Peggy Noonan will fall out of the balcony, drunk, and lamenting over and over, "My Obama, my Obama, why didn't you take me to exile in Albania with you..."
She lands on an even more Hitler looking David Axelrod to break her fall as the bearded turkey leg eater bangs his gavel on Boehner's head calling for order in the court..............to which Mark Levin announces that a commercial break is coming up, sponsored by Winchester, a real Winchester American company has come out with a welfare production run of 94 lever action rifles in 30 30 and all Americans will be granted them at 99.95 without tax, with those poor people destroyed by Obama and Pelosi, will have their guns paid for by the seized fortunes of these nation rapists like Warren Buffett.
If you switch to the radio, NPR will be offering the same deal, along with a Bible to the faithful.
Odd who when you put real Americans in charge of things, that even NPR and FOX start promoting the same 1950's America which served Americans so well in Boone and Crockett.
So my little email archives stored here as evidence again the brown recluse will be part of the evidence against all what Bill Gates has been reducing human populations about.
Strange how Obamites love revolution in stealing nations, but always shoot revolutionaries like Hutatree groups when it is against the Obamites.
At least Karl Rove kept his Muslim revolutionaries in Hamas around after installing them. Got to love that consistency even if it caused more dead Jews..........but then that is what Obama is up to too.............
Oh look, Val-erie Jarrett in a gunny sack, frothing at the mouth is being led into the hearing.........I wonder if Harry Reid thinks that look is sexy.