Wednesday, April 27, 2011

10 Embarassing Females

Tina Fey. Who knew being Sarah Palin's dummie would be a hero to liberals.

Rachel Maddow. No talent, but being abnormal is now a job qualification.

Michelle Obama. Even in an ugly girl contest she would still not be the pretty one there.

Joy Behar. Apparently being the voice of a castrated cat has liberal humor in it.

Diane Sawyer. Does she do the news or does she squirm in her chair painfully with a seat of doo doo?

Whoopie Goldberg. Joe Namath and OJ got fired from ABC for mumbling around. Must be a girl thing at ABC for Goldberg's employment.

Cheryl Crowe. One twanky song a lifetime ago is a career.

Jill Biden. She throws doctor around as a title like Joe plagiarizes other folks ideas.

Katie Couric. Tina Fey made a career out of trashing Sarah Palin, but Couric couldn't even make that work.

Hillary Clinton. Her two greatest failures in life in Barry and Bill. She gives lesbians a wimp name.

Embarassing and yes they are all liberals organized in the Obama community.

Also mentioned, Ann Coulter, Peggy Noonan, Lindsey Graham and Karl Rove.
