Now that the situation has cooled in Wisconsin appearance of Gov. Sarah Palin, I post here the one necessary observation..............Sarah Palin went into the heart of the enemy in screaming, drum pounding, sneering union thugs and she never missed a beat.
I have not witnessed any politician undertaking this, since Ronald Reagan in 1980. This is an amazing feat for Sarah Palin as she had everything to lose in going to Wisconsin. You know if the Obama thugs had booed her off the stage, she would have been featured for weeks on the MSM, and it would have been nonstop internet with Tina Fey smearing her on NBC.
That is what makes this so amazing in she went where no one else dared to go, in the literal den of thieves where her life was Gabrielle Giffords danger, and she shone like that beacon on the shining city on the hill.
Mike Huckabee doesn't have the pulpit faith to attempt something like that. Donald Trump doesn't have the towering stump. Mitt Romney only goes where Karl Rove has gone before.
I will not pick on other Conservatives in Herman Cain, Michele Bachmann etc..., but none of them have done anything like this.
This was a real whoop it up rally of Tea Partiers and Obama thugs screaming, and it could have turned ugly, but it reminded me of the old Galveston Texas Ranger who walked into a union riot and the locals said, "Where in the hell are the rest of the Rangers as there 300 angry thugs in there!".
The Ranger simply said, "One riot on Ranger," and stepped in and handled the mob.
That is what Sarah Palin by God's Grace accomplished, and I hope to God this is a sign she is back on track after her learning process. It is inspiring to see someone go in where people are screaming at you, and never being rattled, getting off message or being distracted.........and just like Reagan telling the message to jeering mobs, Sarah Palin showed she has True Grit.
It is one thing to deliver a speech of subjects while reading a teleprompter. Anyone can do that, and talking head Obama proved that point to deluded bots.
If you notice, Obama couldn't even handle his own when a Texas reporter asked him why Houston got shunned for the Shuttles..........Obama became unglued and ranted at the reporter afterwords to "Let me finish my answers".
That is the difference in Sarah Palin as the Barracuda, played basketball in a physical way with crowds of the other teams screaming at her to miss free throws. Obama is a golfer who gets a busted lip while playing horse. He can't just like golfers make a shot with any distractions.........Sarah Palin is as I have profiled her, is a counter puncher. This Lady likes getting hit, she likes full contact, and it isn't fun to her, unless she is mixing it up one on one.
The only times she ever got into trouble was when her Western fairness was betrayed by Nichole Wallace in setting her up with Katie Couric. Mrs. Palin stated she felt sorry for Ms. Couric and then was bushwacked by Couric.
Bushwhacks is a good word as Karl Rove was behind it all.
This is who Sarah Palin is and for the first time since Gabrielle Giffords was made a horse head in the Palin bed, I have hope that this girl is back. You have not seen what this gal is capable of with God's Grace. The last time a woman mixed it up like this was Maggie Thatcher in Parliament in her seasoned days.
I thank God for this, and this was one more surprise in Sarah Palin, as this defied logic, and yet this leader went in where no one dared to go, and she bearded the lion.
Imagine what a puddle of stuttering and tears Barack Hussein Obama would be if he attempted a Tea Party brawl. That is the magnitue of this in Sarah Palin took on the same union thugs who were making death threats to Wisconsin Congressional Republicans and she won.
I sure like this Lady. Like her allot as she is the kind you like around your campfire with her powder dry as she has the right stuff. She is a hard sell and likes the fight............when things go crisis, Sarah Palin is the eye of the storm and is the calm.
That is what Wisconsin revealed. You Obama folks think about that. You have thrown your worst at her for 3 years and she is whetted to it and likes it.
For America's sake, I hope to God literally, Sarah Palin is His choice for Americans future as satan's sure has been the ultimate ruin of America in B. Hussein Obama.